state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





17 year old car insurance prices ?

im comparing cars on moneysupermarket because im 16 an need a heads up on insurances costs etc... but i compared a classis mini 1.0- annual: 6000 and Monthly: 650 also, 2007 vauxhall corsa 1.0- annual: 8000 Monthly: 852 and a 1993 Ford Fiesta 1.1- annual: 12000 Monthly: 1152 now i can sort of understand the price for the mini, due to its a small car with a small engine, but the corsa's like brand new? how can the insurance be sort of lowish. but why are they charging huge amounts for a fiesta that is older than me and is probably falling to piece's slowly ? im so confused :S can some one help me and please explain this i really want to be able to have a first car at 17 but at this rate i might be stuck on a motorcycle for a few years then maybe have enough money to afford a car :/



Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?

Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?



On average, how much would car insurance be for a 17 year old driver with a clean record?

I have AAA right now, and I was wondering if there was anything out there that is just as good but cheaper.



I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?

In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP



Car insurance question?

how much will it cost for a 21 year old single female per month? i just recently got my drivers liscense and i have never had a car or insurance..i have no credit and have never had a more



My medical insurance company ask for homeowner insurance policy?

I fell on my deck, and went through surgery, the total medical expense is about 25K. Now my medical insurance company is asking for homeowner insurance policy. I am not sure how to handle it to avoid any potential cost to me such as deductible or premium increase. Is the medical insurance policy the primary or the homeowner insurance policy for this case? Thanks



Am i covered on their insurance?

I am a 17 yo male with a probationary class 5 license from Alberta, Canada. I am wondering if i am covered on the insurance on my grand-parents' car (from Ontario) in Nova Scotia. Thanks for the help



Car Insurance Question!?

I currently am paying 231.10 dollars for car insurance. This policy has only one vehicle, which is a 1997 Dodge Caravan. I am planning to add another vehicle to the policy which is a 2003 Honda Civic Sedan. I am wondering how much more I would have to pay if I were to add on this vehicle. Can someone give me an estimated amount?? ( Using GEICO as my Auto Insurance ) And also, I went on the Geico site and I saw that you can add a vehicle to your policy just online. After I'm done with all the registration, will they just send the insurance card straight to my home with just a simple online registration??



Auto Insurance!?

i Have MetLife auto insurance at the present time, and i have a payment every other month. They have been sending me monthly bills the same price as my Bi-monthy bill. I have been given the run-around in other ways from them as well. Any suggestions for Auto insurance providers, for I am thinking of switching!



Car insurance!!!!?

i need to know what the average car insurance for an 18 year old girl working in a hospital's peugeot 106 1.1 litre would be.



First car accident - forgot to get insurance info?

I just got into my first car accident ever today. I have his license #, plate #, address, cell number, but I totally forgot to get his insurance info. The CHP officer did come and file a report though. Do I still need to get it or amI ok? Am I supposed to report to my insurance company now or wait until 5-10 days after the report is finished? Sorry, this is my first time so I don't know anything. My car is is a 95 Honda and he drives a Lexus. There were only some scratches on his car (very minor damages) and mine is pretty bad. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy Vday to me. =[



New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?

My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.



Do you think it far we can't get tags with out car insurance?

car insurance is a good thing to have, but do you think the Govener is going to far....?????



Cheap insurance for 22 year old male?

Hello, my insurance is really expensive because of some DMV points and accidents. I am currently with farmers insurance but I need to look for a cheaper insurance. I am a 22 year old male driving a sports car. Which insurance company will I be most likely be able to get as close to $350 per month?



Insurance question for my car?

when i turn 16, if my mom calls and just puts my car under her as driving it, and dont mention that i will be driving, if something happens would i be covered under her policy or would i not be covered since i wasnt one of the names insured. it is alot cheaper to just go under her, but if i got pulled over, or anything happened would i be covered under insurance.



How/where can I get affordable braces?

Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They're heinously expensive. Also, the idea of more



Where/how can i get kitten care insurance?

please tell me i need to take my 8 week old kitten to the vet (bloomington,IN)



How does health insurance work?

Forgive me for being financially illiterate, but I've never had anyone to teach me these things even in school. I don't really understand how health insurance works, like, at all. I am sick, and I rely on family health insurance to pay for my treatment, which my dad pays for. But eventually I will have to pay for my own health insurance. What I've gathered from what I've read about it is that you are usually not eligible for many types of health-insurance if you have a pre-existing condition. What does this mean, though? Does that mean that because of my illness, I will not be eligible to get insurance? How do other sick people get insurance? Forgive my stupidity, no one has ever tried to teach me these things.



What is the cheapest car insurance agency???

What is the cheapest car insurance agency???



How would car insurance companies benefit if the driving age was raised to 18?

And would insurance cost less? please show sources if you can



How much will my auto insurance cost?

I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!



Has any one been quoted 23,000 for car insurance?

i have just been quote 23,000 for a car insurance am i the only one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)?



Will my drivers insurance rate go up after this accident?

Im 17, live in California and am insured under Geico. I was driving in a parking lot going the speed limit and this girl back out super fast (presumably without looking) and slams into me. Her car was fine but she left a small dent and paint chip near the door and rear tire opposite the drivers side. Will my rates go up even if I wasn't at fault? Should i even go to insurance on this? Please help!



Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?

I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?



Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?

Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?


state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup


Car insurance help in northern ireland!!!?

i am a 17 year old living in northern ireland and i am practicing for my driving license but i hav had quotes on cars and they are in the region of 2000 pounds which i cannot afford. my dad has 30 years no claims on his insurance but he will not let me on his insurance in case som1 claims against me and he loses his no claims bonus. can someone please help me because i really want to drive a car of my own that i can afford the insurance on???



I was at-fault in a car accident. How much will it cost to repair? Should I report to insurance?

Here are the details of what happened: - I hit an illegally parked car, popping the side mirror out of it's place and scratching it slightly on the side. - My car's tire blew and the axle is completely f**ked up. It looks like my car is doing a turn-out in ballet. I also have to fix the bumper which popped out of place and the mirror popped out of place. How much will it cost if I take it to the Volvo dealership? - My car is a black 2006 Volvo V50 stationwagon. - Should I report this to insurance? How much will my insurance increase if I have AAA and this is my first accident on record?



Where can i get the best and affordable health insurance?

company does not provide it anymore. where can i get the best and affordable health insurance that i pay for myself. thanks



Car Insurance Premium?

I buy a new car on 02nd January 2012 for Rs 7,00,000.00. I paid Rs. 15,000.00 as insurance premium to HDFC for one year. My car met an accident & I claim Rs. 50000.00 to insurance company & claim settled. My question is here, will my insurance premium will be more than Rs 15,000.00 next year or the insurance premium will be calculated as per the car market value in next year ?



What does comprehensive automobile insurance entail?

What does comprehensive automobile insurance entail?



What happens if you get in an accident and your insurance relapsed?!?

We got into a small fender bender and our insurance was expired. What will happen to us?! We renewed that same day RIGHT after the accident.



Has anyone heard of car insurance? They gave me a quote that was 500 dollars less than Geico!?

I gave the agent everything on my Geico policy and they quoted me with a 500 dollar six month premium which is less than what I pay for with Geico (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to good to be true. Is it? Has anyone had a bad experience with them? Good experience? Please share.



Pregenant without insurance!!!?

Pregenant without insurance. What are the options? Would hospitals allow payment installements? Definitely want a safe and equiped place to give birth at. Any idea what it will cost about? We are in the NY metro area. Feedback please.



Auto insurance in California?

I bought a car in Aug 09. It's under my dads name for cheaper insurance purpose. But I never really got to the insurance part and have been driving w/out it. I just got a letter in the mail from the DMV saying my registration is suspended because I haven't provided financial proof... So I went earlier... and if my dad were to add the car and list me as a 2nd driver on my car, I would pay too much :| So the question here is... if my dad were to add the car and not list me as a 2nd driver, will I be covered? I really don't give a crap if it's fraud or not, just need to know if I will be covered since he will be lending me the car. Only place I really drive it to is work, and I work overnight so there's no cars around! ..and weekends. Plus with gas prices this high I stay below the 1.5k rpm's.



I need to buy a car cheap on gas/insurance. i have 2 boys and they need car seats..?

The car seats can be the smaller skinnier type. I am debating with a nissan sentra and maybe a mitsubishi lancer. I need something basic with a great warranty and still a little room. What do you think? Anyone own a lancer or sentra with pointers on if its a good car for a couple carseats?



Do you need insurance to take the Texas Driving Test?

I'm gearing up to take my drivers test, but I'm not sure whether I need insurance for it along with my VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, & SSN



How much to insure a car?

im a 16 year old girl that is trying to save up for a car. im hoping to get a car at 2500 max. is there an amount that the registration and insurance would cost. I need to know how much i have to save. thank you :D ps. in utah



Complaint about a car insurance company?

i am so dissatisfied with my previous car insurance company. they just tried everything they can to rip me off. i wonder: 1. where i can go to file a complaint: i will describe how i was mistreated by that insurance company. 2. also, what agency that give a rating to insurance companies? can i contact them to tell them about my story. i think we need to support good insurance companies. for those bad apples, we need to let the public know. thanks



Auto insurance: Found Wawanesa cheaper than Mercury?

Anyone in California find that Wawanesa is much cheaper than Mercury. For our two infiniti family the rates for 1 year was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) What gives here?? Why the big disparity?



No license due to car insurance?

My license was suspended because i couldnt pay my car insurance. Now I don't have a car and I wanted to know how I could get my license back since I have no car?



Car accident with no insurance in FL?

I was in a car accident where the other driver admitted it was her fault, and i had a witness - as well as the officer saying it was my right away. However, I did not have insurance.. I assumed I was still under my parents name but my dad took me off their insurance a couple months ago. My car is totaled, and im in some pain ( nothing minor, just very sore )Where can I go from here? is my only option to call a lawyer or can i directly go to her insurance? all i want is a rental for the time being and to get money to buy a new car ( so w.e money my totaled car was worth) i want to make this as easy and fast as possible which is why i dont want a laywer involved. is that basically my only choice though? Thanks



Which auto insurance company offers the cheapest price??

were from CA & my sister is a first time driver & she needs a new insurance for her 05 toyota camry. her old car insurance is too expensive. what will u recommend personally? thanks



Health care bill will make health services more affordable and of higer quality?

why would it? can anyone give me a paragraph on why and why these things happen?



Will Rental Car Accident increase insurance rates?

Hi, I rented enterprise car but unfortunately bumped into a tree.I had full insurance coverage on the vehicle. So I would like to know if that accident will effect my insurance which I have on my personal car?



How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?

How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?



What would insurance on a 2001 Mustang GT be in Michigan?

I'm deciding between a Mustang GT and any V8 Ford pickup. The mpg on the Mustang will be probably at least 5 miles per gallon better than the pickup, but I'm sure insurance will be more. I want to know which one would be cheaper to own in the long run. I plan on driving about 40 miles per day for work and this would be my first car. I am in highschool so the insurance will be even higher than if it were for an adult.



Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?

My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.



Car insurance in California?

If you insurance cancels your policy don't they have to notify you, your lien holders and the DVM? And if yes then how long do they have to do that? Days? Weeks? Months? I had an accident friday and called them and they said I had been canceled on May 29th. That they sent a letter, but I never got a letter. I never received anything from my finance company or DVM either. Any Suggestions?



How much would insurance for a 19 year old be?

Currently she's looking for a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, How much would it cost?



Car insurance, is it cheaper to get an old car?

Im looking into a 1978 cadillac coupe deville as a first car, and im wondering if it goes cheap in car insurance. Cuz it could be cheaper up to a point till its like too old and its just becomes more expensive. And im wondering about all older cars in general. N yes i know what i might get into it is a older car might break down on me more often than usual, ill just deal with it.


state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup


How much on average does it cost for business insurance yearly in Ohio?

I want to find out how much a small business insurance would cost yearly on average in the state of Ohio



Honda cg125 or cb125 and running cost and insurance please?

Honda cg125 or cb125 and running cost and insurance please?



What is the definition of basic legal cover for car insurance?

Like if my car insurance company tells me that when driving other peoples cars, I have basic legal cover Is this any different than third party cover? Like say I'm driving someone elses car how much am I covered With my insurance it doesnt need to be an emergency for me to be covered driving someone elses car, just wondering how much I'm covered Because I was told that that level of cover is less than third party cover Thanks



Does filing a police report increase car insurance?

I filed a police report for a hit and run minor fender bender that I can fix myself. Did I make a mistake filing a police report?



How much is car insurance?

on average how much is car insurance for a female aged 17?



Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?

I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.



What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?

hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please



I need cheap car insurance, which company would be best?

I'm a freshman in college getting a car and I have a tight budget. Please help.



What's the best deals on auto insurance?

What's the best deals on auto insurance?



I hit accidentally a car on the back,no damages.Did my insurance will go up?

I hit the car in the back,but was no damages in the cars.She will contact my insurance ,didi they will increase my payment?



Looking to get a car insurance but.....?

Looking to get a car insurance but i am not sure what it covers and what should i ask my insurer to include in my policy?



What cars has cheap insurance?

i no the tato nano is gonna be cheap but that is not in Europe yet so any suggestions



How long will car insurance...?

I'm a learner driver and have my driving test today.If i pass my test, how long will it take for my learner driver insurance to finish after i cancel it for me to start another insurance policy?



Insurance Company?

Does anyone know personally about the celtic health insurance. is it a good insurance company? I am needing insurance and I recently found the celtic health insurance company, and Humana. what do yall know about these?



How much is the insurance for having an average motorcycle?

I'm 19 years old and living in Santa Monica, CA. I have driver's license and sometimes I drive my parents' car but i don't have an insurance and car yet. I just want to know how much it will be payed for a year for like Harley Davidson or something.



Is AAA a car insurance?

is AAA a car insurance? and how much a year?



What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?

What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?



Hi,argos 3 year insurance cover?

I'm asking about the insurance cover on some earphones,say if they are damaged within one year then they would be replaced under the manufacturers one year guarantee,what would happen to my insurance cover? would I be refunded the insurance as my earphones would be replaced anyway/ Thanks in advance :)



Anyone one use best for life dental insurance,are they any good?

Anyone one use best for life dental insurance,are they any good?



How much will my insurance payment increase because of my speeding ticket?

To begin with, I was going 111mph in a 60mph zone. It was dumb and stupid, I know. Normally I would pay just $125 every 6 months for car insurance but now I'm wondering how much it will increase. And by paying I mean I would give the money to my dad because the car is under his name. I use the car everyday to go to work but it's under my father's name. I am not registered in any insurance of any car my dad owns. I am only 17 by the way and i ll turn 18 in a month. The ticket is considered an infraction and will cost $603. I will send them a check so I won't have to go to court. Any idea of to what may happen next, like my insurance rate?



Massachusetts proof of car insurance while out of state?

OK. In Massachusetts, some car insurance companies don't give you/ offer a separate little card that serves as your proof of insurance; the licence plate/ your registration serves as your proof in MA. Now I was wondering. most other states have a requirement that you carry proof of insurance at all times while driving. In theory, if I was driving in another state, some distance from MA and therefore where the police are not familiar with how MA does things, and get pulled over, would the officer know that I was insured, even if I was unable to produce the little card, or would he always assume that without it, the driver is uninsured? the insurance is listed on the registration, but...



Car insurance please help !?

I am currently taking my driving lessons. When I pass I would like to get a car but carnt afford the insurance but I need a car for August as I work alot in the summer can I get car insurance and cancel it after a couple of months or is it like a 12 month contract am new to this please help.



Does your car insurance premium rise after a heart attack(UK)?

my parents are wondering what happens after you have been discharged from hospital, and the 4 weeks or so passes, will the premium for domestic car insurance rise or stay same or what? anyone know ?thanks



What insurance plan would be best for a young family that has a 5 month old?

In my Advanced Functions class, we're doing a project about insurance plans mostly which plan, basic or premium, would be better for a certain situation like a single parent or something like that. My partner and I decided to use a young family (around the ages of 24 or 25) who has a 5 month baby girl. I was wondering would a basic plan or a premium plan be better suited for them?



What would be cheaper, insurance wise (car title)?

Have the car title in my own name and have my own insurance, or have the car title in one of my parents name and be under their policy as a driver to the car?


state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup


How much would car insurance cost for two 16 year old boys?

My son and my stepson just got their license. My son wants my car; 2006 Porsche Cayenne which means I have to get a new car & My stepson wants a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me and my husband are on Nationwide currently. How much would insurance cost a month for 2 sports cars with teen drivers?



How much will my insurance rise for having a speeding citation?

I've done a bit of hunting around the Internet, but I haven't been able to find an objective answer to this. For some background, I'm 19 years of age. Unfortunately, I more



What is the best health insurance company in Canada?

from your experience. just a student on a budget. i have two little ones as well.



What is the product of an insurance company?

every company has a product, what is the product of an insurance company



Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?

I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?



How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?

How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?



I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?

I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.



How much will my car insurance be?

I can't drive, YET! I really want to learn, buy myself a Renault Clio. But.. I'm worried about car insurance! I heard you can buy insurance with a provisional licence to make it cheaper; how does this work? I'm 20. Female. Assistant teacher. Living in London. Id love a little Renault Clio, just scared of costs. THANKS!



What effect does a minor ticket out of state have on insurance rates.?

A few months ago I got a ticket in Maryland, where I go to school, for going the wrong way down a one way street. The ticket was only a small fine and I don't think any point were given. Recently I just got another ticket for making a wrong left turn in New Jersey, where my permanent address is. Normally, my insurance company, geico , would let one ticket slide but I'm not sure if they would even know about the Maryland ticket. I would appreciate any information.



Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?

Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.



Exceptional First Car With Low Insurance?

I am straight 'A' student, and I have completed the Driver's Education course at my highschool. My family does not really make that much money, but my parents would like to buy me a car at an exceptional rate. I am probably only going to live in Florida for another year, and then I am moving out to California. Depending on what type of car I decide to get, I don't know if I will be taking it with me or not. My mom wants to buy me a brand new car, meaning a current 2008-09 model, but I keep explaining to her that it's very hard to find a cheap new model (unless someone knows something I don't?). I would just like some third party input on this decision. What is the best car company, and what car model would have the lowest insurance rate? I have tried researching Mazda, Acura, Nissan, and Honda, because I prefer these companies; however, I haven't had any luck because I'm so new to shopping for a vehicle. I like hybrids, and it would help if I am able to get a car with great mileage as well. Of course, I'm sure many of you know this is because of our depleting economy, lol. Ok, I don't mean to make this a book, I'm just trying to give as much information as I can so I can maybe get a clear answer. Thanks in advance =).



The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?

The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?



Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?

In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?



Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?

In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.



Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?

Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?



What's the BEST health insurance plan (specific plan) for covering SURGERIES & hospitalization?

What's the BEST health insurance plan in Southern California (please be specific if you can and why/your experience) for covering 2 things especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization as well as preexisting conditions? We're uninsured but need critical surgeries. Thanks VERY much if you can help.



What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?

What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?



Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?



What is a good car insurance for a DUI offender ?

My 1st time offense and hopefully the last, anyone no of a good car insurance that is reasonable in prices. I've been driving for 10 yrs and no tickets did have a clean record until this happened now I feel like a felon california DUI laws are too harsh bastards thats how they make money!!



As an owner-operator, working for the big taxi company, what kind of insurance do I need on the cab?

I'm in California. I'm working as a cabbie for that big taxi company with the brightly colored cabs. You know, the one everybody thinks of first. I just bought my own taxi car and it's being converted into a taxi which I will drive for the company. The boss has given me an insurance card, and he says this is the only insurance I need. But I'm worried about it, because the taxi car will also be used a little as my private vehicle, you know, like to drop off my kid at school, or pick up groceries, etc. If anyone knowledgeable can shed some light on this for me, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.



For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper?

We were thinking State Farm or Country



I heard of Homeowners insurance being called...?

fire insurance and hazard insurance. are they the same?? or how are they different?



How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?

How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?



Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?

Hi, i was just wondering if it is illegal to drive without car insurance in Ontario, Canada.



How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?

I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks


state of delaware insurance license lookup

state of delaware insurance license lookup

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?

Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?



Using student insurance?

Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?



How much would the nissan altima coupe's insurance cost per year?

Prescott Valley, AZ



Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost?

I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106



Why is car insurance so high?

it it fair if you do not have good credit you have to pay more for car insurance i dont think it is right i have clean driving record



How much do you pay for individual/family health insurance?

At my work I only pay 67.34 a month for health insurance. It is just me, single. Awesome insurance, no deductible, low co-pays etc. VERY lucky. However, if I had 1 spouse it sky rockets to 447.71 a month, and a family, any size would be 877.11 a month. (Great deal if you have 5 kids, not so great with 1 child) Is everyone's insurance like this???



Alternatives to Auto Insurance?

I remember reading something a few years ago about rather then having regular auto insurance, you could have money in a bank account dedicated to be your insurance. Have any of you heard of this and if possible can you provide some sources?




I went to the doctor. The cost was $164. My insurance was expected to pay $115. I paid $49. Later i found out that my insurance actually paid $131. I had no prior balance, what is the balance after my insurance payment was received?



Vehicle Insurance coverage?

Whats the difference between a 'First Party' and 'Third Party' insurance?



Do i have to get insured for my cleaning business?

ok so its just me and my friend (business partner, we are in the process of getting our business together in the mean time we are just cleaning places with out insurance. i know i will need it incase something should happen. but do i really need the bond insurance as well? its only me and her and she would be co business partner or whatever you call it lol we are going to get a license soon but we dont rent out a building for this business because we dont really need one if its going to be just us.



Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?

My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?



When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?

When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?



Non owners insurance?

what is the best non-owners insurance business (or agency) in Houston?



How much money should the insurance company be giving me?

I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?



Why does having access to more than 1 car put your insurance premium up?

I'm trying to get insured on my mums car, the quotes on insurance comparison websites are higher when I mention that she is insured on somebody else car though...



How long do i have to have my drivers permit?

I am 18 and live in Arizona. i have never had my drivers permit and i am getting it in a couple days.. How long would i have to hold my permit in order to get my licence



How do you get car insurance?

I am on my mom's car insurance with Geico but it is no cost because I had my permit. I just got my license like 2 days ago. Will I have to notify them? I'm going to get a car next week probably, so you have to have car insurance to actually buy a car don't you? Could someone explain the process to me? Thx =]



Whats car insurance??????

im 17 and dont know much about it but they said i needed car insurance before i can buy a used car. how do i get car insurance and what happens once i have much does it cost?



If I start paying my car insurance, and then change my name, would my dad find out?

I'm almost 20 years old, I recently moved back in with my mother and my father gave me a car. As of now my father pays for the insurance, and the car is in his name. He also has a GPS installed in it. I'm going to be moving across the state this year, but will put the car in my name and pay for it's insurance beforehand. I will also finally be changing my name (first and last). I don't want him to know about my name change. Though they are public records, I know, would he be informed in any way by looking at any document to do with my car? Would insurance or anything contact him in any way if I pay for it?



How long do I have to get insurance on a car I just bought in Pa?

My boyfriend bought a car in private sale over the weekend. Because his parents don't have his name on the insurance cards I had to put the title and registration in my name. Now how does he insure the car with it in my name? And how long do we have to get the car insured?



Auto insurance company that wants me to pay upfront?

I need general information concerning auto insurance complanies that pay claims directly to the driver. They want me to absorb all costs (repairs, rental, etc.) and then they will issue me a reimbursement check. I don't want reimbursed for something that their insured driver did to me! I just want them to cover all costs associated with the claim! What, if any, legal action can I take to have the matter proceed in my favor?



Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?

My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.



What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?

I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!



Health Insurance coverage?

I'm now covered by the employer's health insurance (with dental) plan. After I quit/leave current job, how does this health insurance coverage work? Before I'm hired by other company, what options do I have on the health insurance?



Insurance companies that insure homes?

Do not have change&a was wondering insurance companies that will insure my home in Alabama


make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance


Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?

I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?



Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old male?

I'm 16 and live in Texas. I will be getting a gsxr 750. Can I get on my moms car insurance plan with the motorcycle? How much will my insurance be?



Car provisional insurance?

Well i was wondering i bought a renault clio im on my provisional licence and quoted 900 pounds for a provisional insurance and 2000 for full licence if i payed 900 for a provisional would i then have to pay 1100 to get it to full insurance or the whole 2000 to get it to full insurance?



I am moving to California on a J1 visa do I need to get a californian driving licence?

Hey, Im moving to Los Angeles for a year this month on a J1 visa. I need a car for the internship I am doing. I was wondering would I need to get a californian driving licence. I checked the dmv website and it says that If I am becoming a residnent I would need to get one. A resident is considered someone voting in an election or paying homeowners tax which I won't be. I just need it set clear whether or not If I need a california licence to drive or will my British one be ok? Also will insurance companies insure me on a foreign licence.



Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?

I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad's car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister's cars? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)



How much on average do you pay for your pro-rated car insurance premium?

I'm buying a new car in a few days and i was quoted about $1100 every 6 months...I'm a female driver btw....Do I have to pay the whole $1100 when I buy the car or a portion of it?



How much is a down payment on a insurance rate of $161?

Im looking to buy progressive and they're rating my car at 161 a month. if anyone has this rate, do you remember what you paid?



Motorcycle Insurance costs amd monthly payments on a motorcycle for a 17 year old male?

Ok, I know you're just going to tell me that I need to have a car first or that I'm too young to have a motorcycle and I need experience and all that ****. But I'm 17 and I want a Honda Shadow Spirit 750 (which I've been told is a great starter bike) I am a safe and cautious driver, if I get one I'll have a helmet, gloves, pants, jacket, boots, etc. I'll take a class for it (which is required in the state of Fl), I've also already had driver's ed last year and I may take another one. I'm th exact opposite of the douche bag teenager on a crotch rocket with no gear weaving in and out through taffic going 90mph in a 45mph zone. In the state of Fl legally you don't need insurance for a motorcycle but I'll have it anyways. I was thinking of maybe putting down $2-3000 and getting a loan for the rest. My mom said that with a load I have to have full comprehensive coverage because I don't own the bike yet. Can you give me an estimate of how much the insurance would cost for a 17 year old male with driving classes and gear and a 3.8GPA, and I'm only going to school to home or to school to work then home (I don't get out much because I don't have many friends) and I have State-Farm. Also how much do you think the monthly payments will be? I'm working on getting 2 jobs. Please and thank you. And please don't be a douche or try and shoot me down or whatever to make yourself feel better about yourself, just please answer my question to the fullest :)



Will my parents insurance go up if i get a permit?

I just turn 16, and i wanna take the class. I live in Houston, TX. Will my parents insurance raise if i get a permit? I need answer Quick! Please Help!



Can you borrow or withdraw from your life insurance policy?

This is an absolute last resort & all other options have been weighed. This person is on the brink of homelessness and it is against everything she believed in to borrow this money. Unemployment ran out, health is bad and disability will takes months after she applies. In the meantime bills, rent, car insurance etc still must be paid. Utilities have been shut off. It's a living nightmare. Like I said this was the very last resort. If she can borrow this money how long before she receives a check?



If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?

If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?



Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario help?

Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.



Is marriage really that important?

Is marriage really that important?



Why is it called the Affordable Health Care Act, but it does very little to make health care affordable?

there were many ways to make health care reform work, but all that this bill does is make the insurance companies richer.



New driver car insurance?

How exactly do you get/where can you find cheaper car insurance for new drivers?



How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?

Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?



Best insurance company for a jewelry store?

I need and insurance company to insure my jewelry store. So far I found jewelers mutual but they're expensive.



Health insurance just for the baby?

What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?



Is car insurance absolutely needed for a car?

I will be purchasing my first car sometime this year. I don't know anything about insurance and I'm really not knowledgeable when it comes to things like this. So my question is, is car insurance a requirement when owning a car? Do you need it? Is it expensive and how does the process work? Cause I'll be getting my first car soon and I don't really know insurance plays a role in all of this.



Insurance will go up for me?

My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium).



I hit another car and I have no insurance?

My boyfriend just gave me his old car as a gift, I planned on getting insurance to it the moment I put it under my name, but I was driving today and I rear ended another car. I was placed in police car as they did some investigation. The other police officer found out that the other car was a rental and that they had Avis insurance. I kept asking the police officer when do I find out about making payments to the other car. He gave me a ticket and said there will be no payments for the other car. Me and and the other car never exchanged any information. This is my first accident, I am a little confused. Am I suppose to get sued. And what is the likelihood that that the other car's insurance would charge me 10k or more for the accident? I want an idea so I can start saving money and trying to make payments now. Is there a way I can start making payments without having to go to court to get sued.



Cheap Cars for cheap insurace??????????

I am 18 a new driver and i am looking for a used car with a budget from 400 to 600 iam trying to find a car with a cheap insurance and are Diesel cars cheaper to insure????



Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?

The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?



What happens when the insurance company totals your car?

What happens when the insurance company totals your car?



Insurance company help?

Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?


make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance


How does my car insurance work ?

Am i insured to drive my car if after traveling to work i then leave early but am still being paid for the hours contracted , this being that my car insurance allows me to commute to and from a single place of work ?



Question about car insurance and ticket?

Today my girlfriend asked me to drive her home from college as she was sick. I used her moms car. When coming home on the arterial we were at a red light and I was getting ready to get in the right lane when the light turned green the SUV in front of me began to go then stopped suddenly, (still don't know why) As I was still crossing into the other lane the corner of my front bumper bumped her fender corner. I noticed she stopped and was on her phone so I backed up and parked behind her assuming she just wanted to make sure it was ok. Her tail lights were fine, she drove Subaru SUV so she had a pretty solid buffer there really wasn't even a scuff but a small red reflector on the bottom of the bumper that received a small crack (got a pic close up but can't see it more than a couple inches away. My headlight just has small scuff we werent worried, in NYS you don't generally call unless the damage is over 1000 but she insisted on calling the police. I kept asking if she'd like to just exchange insurance info but she said no (stubborn middle aged probably for insurance) The cops kept telling her we could just exchange info but she wanted report. Anyways, we sat there for about an hour and eventually just got the accident report and I got a following too closely ticket. Do you know how much something like this would cost in NYS roughly and if it would add points on my license. (Cant have pts for work ) Also how will insurance be affected?



How much will car insurance cost? 10pts?

Hello there! Assuming that a seventeen year old girl passes her driving tests, has a land rover, does not use it everyday (attends college via bus), and only uses it for picking up the animal food, how much can she expect insurance to cost? Ps. The car can be parked in a garage, which is in a field (not on the side-of-the-road) on private land in the middle of the countryside. If you need any more information just let me know. Thanks. :)



How Much Will My Insurance Go Up?

I am a new driver. 16 years old and have had my license for a little over 2 months. My insurance now is around 75$. Last week, I backed into my friends car denting her car door. I am wondering if I should not deal with the insurance and just pay her the money for the repair or should I have my insurance cover it and have my insurance go up. How much do you think my insurance will go up being my age with this. It obviously wasn't a big accident but would it be cheaper for me to repay my friend or get the insurance to deal with it? Thanks!



Where can I get second driver insurance for a 2.0 litre car?

I have just passed my UK driving test (male, 23) and want to get put as a second driver on my dad's insurance, since he's retired and so the car is always free! His insurance company won't insure me saying they won't let new drivers use engines over 2.0l without a years experience. This isn't some racy Ferrari though, it's a 15 year old diesel Peugeot estate. I'm hardly going to go joyriding in it. What insurers will let me drive 2l cars as the second driver?



Where can I find good deals on auto insurance?

instant, online quotes for auto insurance



How much of a difference will a Mercedes cost to insure and register than a BMW?

I have a 2001 BMMW 330i and I was planning to hand it down to my little sister (who just turned 17 and got her license) Although, she wants a 2000 or 2001 Mercedes C230 or C240. My parents can afford this for her... but I was wondering how much more her parts will cost and how much her insurance and registration will cost her. Please no one who tells us that we should get a cheaper car.. it's not going to happen. Thanks though.



What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?

What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?



How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?

This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.



Self employment health insurance?

I am self employed, my husband is not. His new employer does not offer health insurance. Can I obtain health insurance for my family and deduct it as a business expense? Is there a specific kind of insurance I would have to get? Links to any websites would be appreciated.



What would my allstate car insurance be?

im a 16 year old female. i went through driver's ed (so you're suppose to get a discount) and my mom had been a member of allstate for at least 10 years with no accidents or anything. so im wondering, about how much would MY car insurance be? if it matters about the car i would be driving, we're getting a red 87 toyota celica coupe thanks!



How much per month would insurance be at 18y.o.?

I'll be in the military soon, so I'll need a car and transportation (in the instance that I'm not shipped to the sandbox). I've tried looking up quotes on progessive and a few other instant quote people online. But the confusing part is they all seem incredibly high. I put in the car as a 2010 mazda 3(which I hope to have), and age at 18, and all the other info. It had me at 800/mo with no collateral or collision coverage. What the f? I tried all different car combinations but they all were high or in the general extreme area. Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong?



Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?

I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?



Health insurance for someone under 25 in Georgia?

I was told today that there is a new law in GA that states that if you are under 25 (whether a full- time student or not), that you can stay under your parents insurance. Is this true? If so, when does it take effect?



How much does your car insurance increase with a new car?

how much of an increase would you sprend on insurance if you went from a used car thats worth about 5k, to driving a brand new car worth 15-20k?



I dont get what to do about car insurance?

Im 16, and ive had my permit since last august, and im gonna go for my license. I lived with my dad, but i have been living with my mom for a while. Im probably going to go on my dads insurance. But, can i drive my moms cars. So my questions are 1. Can I drive my moms cars when if i am on my dads insurance, is there a policy where I can drive other peoples cars? 2. Can I go on my dads insurance if I dont live with him? 3. Im not on any insurance now, I drive with my parents. They are on the insurance and their cars are covered, so do I already have to be covered with just a permit. 4. Im going to use my moms car for the driving test, do I have to be on insurance by then? I know they check for proof of insurance but i dont know if im supposed to be on it. My parents are divorced and I live in illinois and they have different insurance companies.



About how much will auto insurance cost me?

For an 18 year old male, about how much will car insurance be for a pre owned certified toyota corolla?



Sports car insurance v.s normal car insurance cost?

how much more would a teenager have to pay for insurance for a sports car than a normal car?



What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?

My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks



Do I need car insurance here in Florida?

If i have my own car...paid's I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?



Car insurance question..please help.?

Can someone be able to have car insurance in the state of new york and have the registration in someone else's name? Ex: Car insurance by the name of Jane Doe, and Registration by the name of John Doe. Please let me know..thank you.



Cheap car insurance in PA?

I'm 17 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be?



How is the auto insurance for a Mazda 3i?

My first car, I have 1 speeding ticket on my record and two accidents, both not my fault. I have USAA insurance through my dad. How much do you think I'll pay a month?



Car insurance for diabetics?

So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?



How much would a street bike cost to insure?

like a gsxr 1000. Just the price range.


make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance


Is Progressive Insurance cheaper than Geico?

Is Progressive Insurance cheaper than Geico?



Did you hear about Obama's new auto insurance plan?

Right now people are paying hundreds of dollars a month for auto insurance. THe more accidents you have the higher your premiums are. Then there are those with no auto insurance, we all pay for them when they wreck our cars. Now there's going to be government exchange car insurance pools. If you don't have auto insurance you will have to pay a small tax, like a hundred dollars a year. THe great thing is you can buy the government insurance AFTER you have a wreck- you can't be excluded for your car's pre-existing condition. Now we can all drop our private insurance that was costing many thousands a year and pay the tiny penalty tax. Just one question? Where does the money come from to repair all the cars?



Does fully comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical repair?

I am considering buying a car but have heard some worrying stories about engines needing to re-built and other expensive parts, if my engine went would my insurance cover the cost or would I have to pay out of my own pocket?



When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?

When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?



Car Insurance claim or private repair?

Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks



Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?

Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.



How much should I expect to get from my insurance company?

My car was totaled off. It was a 96 Suzuki Esteem. It was rebuilt after a previous total loss. Its in decent condition externally and it ran fine until the most recent accident. There is however a small hole in the front bumper from where I hit a hitch of a truck. They have deducted 600$ from what they are willing to pay me for my car. I understand that this question is probably pretty vague, but I'm not looking for a very specific answer. Just an idea of what I should be expecting back.



Cheapest Car Insurance?

Whats the cheapest I can do for Auto Insurance? I lapsed a few times with my first Insurance, and had to switch cuz it was too much to renew. Then I qot a speedin ticket, 18 over limit (the speedin was unintintional), but its all paid for, and Im usinq Cuise Control reliqiously from now on. And I very cautious as far as wrecks qo.. Anyone have any suqqestions where my best bets would be? I need somewhere under or at $200 at most, per month. And yes Im aware of other details about the car itself is required, but as far as what I just presented, whats my best chances? (KY Farm Bureau, State Farm, qeico, and Allstate are out, Ive tried them)



SOS Car Insurance for Foreigner? Please HELP?

Hi, I just Move to Canada I have a license for 12 years now, I undestand I can drive with this license here for 6 months but the problem is the Car Insurance, I just book the Writing test but they only have avalability is in a month time. but for the the road test I need a insureded car. Not Sure where to start :( I want to buy a Car but can't do it because I need an insurance, I called a few insurance companies but they don't insurance foreigner license. Please Help I really apreciate if someone point me in the right direction. Thanks



How does my insurance calculate the value of my classic car?

i have two classic cars, a 66 mustang and a 70 pontiac tempest. both are daily drivers and both have full coverage on my auto insurance policy. my question is: how will my insurance company (mercury) calculate the value of my cars if they are wrecked or stolen? bluebook doesn't list cars older then 1992. is there a website i can check? how will my insurance determine the value at the time of loss?



Car insurance question? Under parents name?

Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.



How much auto insurance coverage do I really need?

I am 21 years old and and married. I drive a 1 year old volkswagen rabbit, have had one speeding ticket and 1 major accident where I totaled my car(I was deemed at fault although it was BS, she hit me). I am renewing my policy and thought I had way to much coverage but I was reading this and apparently I need even more. I do not own a house, the largest asset is our cars which are not that much. Currently I have: 100,000/300,000 bodily injury 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist 500 deductible for comprehensive/collision 30 rental reimbursement- that is the cheapest they have and since I am under 25 I want to keep that on



How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?

Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)



How much is homeowners insurance a month?

My wife and I are pricing out home purchasing possibilities, and are looking at homes ranging from 290,000 up to about 360,000. We need to have a feel for the payments, and wonder if there is a quick formula to help us figure out the approximate insurance costs each month? Thanks!



Tesco car insurance??

does tesco car insurance (uk) cover for vandalism?



California low income health care aid?

just 18, college student, family currently on medi-cal am i still covered? is it until age 21? what are the ones that allow parental coverage until age 26? what changes will occur to the california healthy families and medi-cal programs with Obamacare? recently received letter putting me in emergency coverage only what does this mean to me and what i am covered for?



How does the affordable care act apply to me?

Right now, I live with my Mom and she earns about $120000 per year. I work and earn about $22000 per year.



Can car insurance companies discover speed camera tickets?

Long story short: Do I need to tell the car insurance companies about speed camera tickets I received? I read that lying to car insurance companies is a good way to get your insurance canceled, or claim denied. I know that they check what you say on the application. If these were regular speeding tickets, I would have no question that they need to be reported, because it's on my record. But these are from a speed camera. The citation says it cannot be used to increase my car insurance rates, and that it will not add points to my record. All my friends say they don't report it. Despite that, Travelers said these do count, and denied providing a quote because I have had three speed camera tickets in the past three years. Is this information even present on my driver's record? Is this something they can verify? More importantly, could they deny a claim I make for failing to tell them about these tickets?



Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?

I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001



Luxury cars with low insurance rates?

I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.



What is a good car insurance company i should get?

I'm 18 turning 19 I live in NJ (i heard the prices vary where i live due to accidents and whatnot)



If you were non-insured for health coverage, what would you prefer?

Would you rather be under a government-run option that decide who you could see, what procedures are allowed and when you were allowed to have those procedures done? Or would you prefer a tax credit that would allow you to choose a private plan that you want, that allows you to see who you prefer, have the coverage that you need and treat you in a timely fashion? Today the Republicans have proposed an option that would give you such a choice, but Democrats have shut them out and don't want Americans to know that they have such a choice in healthcare.



Is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?

is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?



What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance for a HD night rod special or VROD?

What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance for a HD night rod special or VROD?



How much would car insurance cost??????

16 yearold female in north much would car insurance be for a pontiac solstice and a jeep grand cheerokee both paid off. give me amounts not wesites'


make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

make 100000 a year and cant afford health insurance

How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

I have a son from a previous marriage and my wife


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Quote for a day car insurance????????????

how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks



How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?

I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!



What is the cheapest/ most expensive profession to be in when claiming for car insurance?

had two quotes for car insurance, one as me as full time hairdresser with part time student and one the other way round, when being a student full time my quote was 500 less than if i was a hairdresser. i just think it's crazy. any one know why?



Insurance for a 350z on Parents plan?

Hey there so when i turn 18, im buying a 2003 nissan 350z with my own money. Right now im 17 and have been driving an old civic for almost the past 2 years and have never gotten in an accident or ticket (not that that lowers the insurance at all) and have the good student discount. so i followed the rule of thumb to buying a car thats okay to beat up when you first start driving. anyways, ive been looking for a lot of answers to my question, but all of the people asking it seem to be paying for theyre own insurance. Im on my parents plan, and when i buy the car its going to be put under my dads name (he is 52 and is a teacher btw if that matters). Both my parents are extremely responsible drivers, so im assuming their insurance rate wont be as high as if the car was in my name. the one issue with this car is how much insurance is going to be exactly. I looked for a quote on progressive, and im almost positive it cant be right. when i typed in the insurance cost for my 2003 civic with me paying it myself, it was only like $10 cheaper per month than a 350z, which like i said seems somewhat off. anyways, does anyone that went through buying a sports car when they were 18 with kinda the same thing have any answers for me? or even if you just know insurance well i just want to know. My parents would be okay with insurance going up some, but not astronomically high (like people were saying a couple thousand a year). ive asked them if they can talk to our agent (we are insured with PEMCO), but they keep saying theyll do it later. anyways, sorry for the long question. but any answers would help! Thanks!



Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?

Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?



Adding car to insurance policy?

I just bought a car from a local used car dealership, and they tried to have my insurance company (All-state) add the car to my policy. But All-state refused because i'm not the more



What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?

What is the most affordable life insurance and health insurance?



Car insurance help, i need advise?

Im 15, hoping to buy a decent car (when i turn 17) that is reasonably cheap to buy and insure, i have around 10,000 budget for the car and 20,000 budget for the insurance, i work on cars so any mechanical problems wont be an issue and i am a very capable driver and certainly not a 'boy racer' i have experience in driving and i just want a nice car that i can keep for a long time that i can pass in and out if london in to my future job (architecture) any car and insurance company suggestions? And remember decent car, 2nd hand.



Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?

I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!



Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?

preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.



How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?

I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .



If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered??

or do I have to get my own policy?



Which health insurance plans do you like in California?

For individuals which health insurance plans are good for people in good health? Are the Anthem plans a good choice for a family?



Classic car insurance for 17 year olds?

currently looking for cheap car insurance for escort xr3i. Because of my age this is almost impossible but I was wondering if it is posible to be a named driver for classic car insurance on a parents policy. most classic insurers say drivers must be over 25. is there anywhere I could do this ?



How much do you think car insurance would be for me?

I am a 17 yr. old male in southern california driving a 2006 nissan 350z



Can your school actually check out your health insurance?

My school is telling me I need health insurance, but I cant afford it, can i just give them my old insurance information? Can they actually check to see if its real?



Do grades affect insurance on a car?

okay, so, I am learning to drive, and, my parents say that if I don't have at least all B's or a B GPA my insurance will be too expensive. me being a male in a 2 door sports car. do grades really have anything to do with it? I have a C average, right now. what if I pass the drivers ed classroom with flying colors? state of indiana, by the way.



Best value Florida auto insurance?

I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.



Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?

I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However more



Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?

I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.



How much will 3 points effect my insurance?

Hi, i just recently got a speeding ticket ( the price isn't important for this question so dont try to tell me it is) i got 3 points from the ticket and im wondering how much it will raise my insurance. I am 18 and i have no other recorded tickets or anything on my insurance also the car is in my name as with the insurance and i cannot give u the year price off the top of my head but i just want a estimate of how much it will bump up my payments.. my company is statefarm if that helps..thanks



I want to drive into Mexico, but don't know much about car insurance...any help??

I'm driving to Monterrey, about 140 miles south of the border. I've driven in Mexico before and done the visa thing and all, but I've never driven my car there. When I drove before, I was under the rented vehicles' insurance. I know I need to purchase a driving visa from the customs building right across the border in Nuevo Laredo, but what about my insurance? I have AAA, and i've heard that they do something, but i'm not sure what!! Any suggestions or advice about international driving insurance??



Where can I find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?

I have a provisional driving licence and am looking for car insurance!! any reccommendations? (please quote prices) What is the 'normal'/average price range?



Roughly how much per month is Homeowners Insurance?

What is the 12 month insurance premium for a $100,000 house?



How to calculate california disability insurance?

How to calculate california disability insurance?


How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

I have a son from a previous marriage and my wife


If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?

I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school



What is the price of insurance on a 1990 pontiac firebird?

I am 16 years old and just got my license. I am looking to buy a 1990 pontiac firebird. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for a new driver.



Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?

Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?



Does it cost anything to switch the car thats on insurance?

I have a car onmy insurance and i just got a new car does it cost anything to switch the actual car thats on the insurance? like just to take the one off thats on now and put the new one on but keep everything else the same?



How much is car insurance for a bugatti veyron?

How much is car insurance for a bugatti veyron?



Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?

Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /



How long do i have to get insurance?

I am going to buy a motorcycle and am going to need insurance and am wondering if i have a time limmit after i buy one.



Do i need a cars permit to get a motorcycle permit in california?

hi i just wanted to know if i have to get a cars permit for a motorcycle permit in california im already going to turn 17 in a couple of months and i already took drivers education i also read and studied both handbooks for the test sorry if my english is not that good or if i misspelled anything



Best Profession For Cheaper Insurance Quotes?

what is the best professions to hold if you are after cheaper car insurance as i am currently self employed or free lance at least what could i stretch my job description to encompass and save some dough?????????



Car Insurance Liability?

Should I go around and get $2000000 in liability, or should I just go with $1000000?



Multi Car discount on car insurance ?

Can any insurance agents out there please tell me - roughly what % discount on the total policy premium would I get if I qualified for the mulit-car discount on my car insurance policy? I am with State Farm if that matters at all. I am currently at $400 every 6 months for my pickup truck & am wondering if we add another car in our household onto the SF car insurance, how much would I save on the $400 every 6 month truck premium? Thanks very much.



How much insurance costs for Yamaha YZF-R125?

for 21 old male as a learner in uk ..



Will a medical suspension raise car insurance rates?

My wife has a medical suspension and is trying to get her license back. She has 0 points on her record. I know if you are suspended for stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, ect) then your car insurance rates go up, but do they go up for a medical suspension??



How much would insurance oN MY CAR BE?

i am thinking about getting an 02 jeep cherokee, i am 17 and had no violations or anything, how much do u think that insurance would be alone for me and not under my parents name. (insurance per month)



How much does a Cadillac converter cost? And, sound I report it to the insurance company?

I busted a hose on my radator (which I didn't know at the time) so I left the car until I could get it towed away. When I returned someone had stolen my cadillac converter out of my car (which again I found out later). How much does one cost? What should I do? And, should I report it to the insurance company being as though the parts and the macanic work would probably be outragous? Please help me I really don't know much about cars and I don't want to get taken buy an auto part. Thanks



Car Insurance Question?

I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8



How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?

How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?



I just got married, does my parents health insurance still cover me?

I got married on the 5th of december of 2010, neither my husband or I has health insurance through our work, and neither of us are still attending college, I know they have made a lot of changes with Health insurance lately and I have a prescription that usually costs about $200/month, but with the Insurance it is only $15, I stumbled upon a website that says I can still be considered a dependent even if I am married, since my job doesn't offer Health plans, but it doesn't say anything about being married in the middle of the insurance plan year (starts and ends in August). The website is If anyone can dicipher if it does in fact state anything about being married within the insured year, or if you know of any other websites, or anything about how marriage affects health insurance with all the new plans and Amendments to those plans. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!



2007 Cadillac Escalade Insurance Quote?

What would the Auto Insurance Price be on A 2007 Cadillac Escalade in 2013. A 17 Year old would be driving it? Liberty Mutual



How much for insurance?

If I were to insure all my assets, including my house, my car, and all my belongings, against loss, theft, and damage (of all kinds), what percentage of my assets' value would be a good price to pay as a monthly insurance premium?



What is pip in insurance?

What is pip in insurance?



How to make insurance cheeper?

what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold



If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass?

I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it?



Medical insurance help?

I need to find some insurance to pay for my eye doctor b/c the insurance that I had is gone. I used to have Anthem.



Lamborghini insurance price?

please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!


How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

I have a son from a previous marriage and my wife


Settling with the insurance company?

My sister was fatily injured by a drunk driver in georgia.His insurance company has agreed to pay $25000 bodily injury liability and her insurance company will pay $25000 underinsured motorist for a total of $50,000.Should his insurance company medical pymts coverage pay anything like the funeral expenses.Also if her family agrees to this from the insurance company will that clear him of a civil suit



Question about life insurance?

I have life insurance and went to update my insurance today. In 2003 I became disabled and did not know about the disability clause. Where I don't have to pay the premiums anymore. Can I change my term life to whole life? Will I get back pay from 2003? I want to know this before my agent calls me next week with the answers. Please don't try and sell me insurance for as I won't qualify anyways just the answers please.



I have asthma and lost my insurance, help?

I live with my family an was fully covered on their MEDICAL. Recently I was put on share of cost and cant afford the deductable but I have asthma and can hardly walk a few blocks more



Finding the cheapest health insurance to waive school health insurance?

Hello, My college requires that each and every student have health insurance or else they will put you on the school's health insurance - which costs $500 a semester. I've been trying to find an insurance company/plan that meet the requirements to waiver the school's health insurance. Does anyone know a cheap health insurance company/plan in Colorado that meets these requirements? 1. Outside plan must have an annual deductible of $1,500 or less (if it's a family plan, members must have an individual deductible of $1,500 or less). 2. Outside plan must be a Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan that covers medical care for both Injury and Illness, including outpatient AND inpatient medical services. (Non-Comprehensive policies such as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, Hospitalization or Catastrophic only plans DO NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside plan must have Mental Health Care Coverage that includes both inpatient and outpatient benefits that have the following minimum levels: Inpatient -- coverage of at least $10,000 or 45 days, Outpatient -- coverage of at least $1,000 or 20 visits.



What's the BEST health insurance plan (specific plan) for covering SURGERIES & hospitalization?

What's the BEST health insurance plan in Southern California (please be specific if you can and why/your experience) for covering 2 things especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization as well as preexisting conditions? We're uninsured but need critical surgeries. Thanks VERY much if you can help.



What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?

I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks



What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?

What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?



How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?

I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..



400 dollars a month for car insurance that is CRAZY?!?

I went on a website that gives you a free estimated quote for how much insurance would cost, I completed drivers ED and it is still about 400 monthly or 5000 yearly for an old crappy car! My dad called his insurance company to add me on to his truck and that is 80 monthly or 1000 yearly but he is never home so it would be pointless to get added on to him. I need a car to get to a from work since I live 20 minutes out of town. How do they expect young drivers to afford that? What did you pay when you first got your license? I'm female & 17



Insurance for teenagers?

So i'm gonna get my car/license in a month and i was wondering how much insurance was on average for teens?? Also, how much would it be if i got a sports car? Like a mustang



How can i get cheap insurance?

I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please



Cheapest car insurance for speeding violations.?

I'm 20 and a male



How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance in California?

Is it 5, 7 or10 years and will my rate go down 5 years after my DUI anniversary?



What is the best health insurance for those who need to go through substance abuse programs.?

Husband got two DUI's and now the state of CT is making him do treatment before he can get license back. We are in California now, and I am looking for advice from someone who has EXPERIENCE with this. What is your suggestion for a health ins. plan to cover the costs of a substance abuse program, that includes counseling and evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so much!!



Legal question about car insurance?

I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?



Recovery/treatment dates for disability insurance?

If someone was never treated for borderline hypertension, they just controlled it with diet without any input from a doctor, what can be used as recovery and last treatment dates? Could it be when the patient's current physician first had their blood pressure measured and it was normal?



Estimated insurance cost for this car UK?

hi im 17, just about to take my test and it looks like this will be my first car. what do you think the insurance will be on it. i know it will be high but i just wondered how high haha. can you ask for a quote if you don't own the car and haven't passed yet? ie a generalised quote i live in a very good area with off road parking and garage.



Do i need insurance to clean a church?

do i need insurance to clean a church?



Can you have auto insurance without a car?

I recently had my car repossessed and with the amount the finance company was asking I could not afford to get it back. I am wanting to know if you can have insurance without having a vehicle listed on the policy? I occasionally drive my partners vehicle and I need to have insurance and I do not want to terminate my current policy I am with Nationwide Insurance



Car Insurance Premium Refund?

Hi, I paid around 1080 in February for my car insurance for the year, I am looking at possibly selling my car to a friend, I know I can cancel my policy at any time but I am not sure if I do, how much of a refund I will get, it says something about 90% of the cost of the cover being charged since its over 5 months, does anyone know how these things work or how much roughly I would be looking at getting back. There has been no accidents or claims. Cheers



Price range for what I would be paying for car insurance by myself?

I am about to turn 19 and im not on good terms with my father so I am deciding get on my own car insurance plan. I know it will be expensive but im trying to make things easier for myself by trying to get a Pontiac grand am between the years of 2000-2005. I know that since its an older car, it will cost less. Plus, I should start working by the middle of May and work until the end of the summer so I want to just pay the car off instead of having car payments, hopefully that helps lower the cost too. Anyway, if you know any ideas or prices or what would be the best insurance company, let me know.



16 year old boy need insurance in CA?

I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!



Can I get full coverage insurance for a salvage rebuilt title?

I want to know if there is the possibility of getting a full coverage insurance for a salveage rebuilt titled car? Well a friend was telling me that he thinks it's possible and more



Question about wi and sr22 insurance?

i got in a car accident and i reported it to my regular insurance co. should i report it to my sr22? will that do anything?



What are some good insurance companies?

I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?


How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

I have a son from a previous marriage and my wife


What does 6 months mean for car insurance?

I'm 18 and I don't know munch about car insurance. For me it's about $1500 for the year or about $300 a month for six months. Is this every month for six month like January through June? Or every other month for the whole year?



Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?

I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do



How much auto insurance do you really need?

like do you need medical or pip, all that extra stuff?



If I make a claim using my company car insurance, does that affect my personal insurance reputation?

I recently got into a little fender bender using my company car. The other driver wasn't present, so I left a note. He called, and I followed through by filing a claim with the insurance company. I'm worried, though, that my personal insurance reputation/rating is going to be affected because of this claim with my company car. Any information you can provide would b helpful.



Car insurance question?

My step dad bought me a car in june '08.He was going through a divorce with my mom and he told me that he would pay my car insurance for the first 6 months. after i got the car he didnt really talk to me much anymore and i didnt see him at all. after 6 months passed in around december i didnt get anything in the mail to my house (he lived at another hosue not wth me anymore) about ym insurance so i assumed he was still paying for it. i had never gotten pulled over or in an accident since i got the car. in february of this yr someone smashed into my cars front hood and the bumper is smashed as well as the girll and headlights, they hit me and then ran so i got no information. when i got into the accident i called the insurance place witch i had no idea which i had i got the info from the papers in my glove compartment and they told me since i got the car in june no insurance had been ever paid. my car was not registered. no basically for 8 months i was driving around an uninsured car. i still havent done nething about it bc im scared idk what is gonna happen. i havent fixed my crash car or drove it . how much money am i gonna ghave to pay to get insurance again. he basically lied to me and he refuses to talk to me about it.



Whats the cheapest insurance company?

parents wont get me a car cause the insurance is to much. i will be the only driver on the car. any suggestions?



2010 camaro car insurance for 16 year old teen???

So ever since I saw te first transformers movie I have loved the look of the camaro, and after 7 years I'm deciding if I should get one as my first car. Im a major gear head, especially muscle cars. So I've been looking at some 2010 models that are around 14-16 grand. I make on average of 350-400 dollars every two weeks at my job, and I have enough to put around 5000$ down, now more or less ill be paying some where around 180-230$ a month. Now what worries me is the insurance cost.... I know for a first time 16 year old teen it's a bit expensive, so basically on average how much would the insurance be a month? Just an estimated cost would be perfect, and please don't tell me it depends, just a General estimation please and thank you, ps I have a 3.6 gpa and never been arrested, don't know if that helps lol



What's the cheapest car insurance?

& are add-on cars cheaper than the main car?



Car Insurance - Driving cross country?

I am driving my 2012 leased car from CA to MA, because I am relocating to MA from CA. I currently have farmers insurance on the car, will my insurance cover when I am driving across the country ? I will obviosly find a new insurance company in MA and will cancel my CA insurance, but i am just concerned about the Insurance during the drive. Appreciate any response. Thank you. -Kris



Are my car insurance rates normal?

I'm looking to buy a 2004 hyundai tiburon gt and the insurance company said it would be 1100 every 6 months. My second choice was a 2005 mazda3 I. Once again, rate would be 965 every 6 months. Even the tiburon base would be over 1000. I'm a 17 year old boy. Which explains alot, but I've had no accidents and have the safe driver discount.



How much do you pay for car insurance?

I pay $525/month. Reason? I like playing bumper cars with real cars. Everytime it goes down, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser



Car insurance help :(?

would your insurance go up after you graduate high school?



Geico insurance raised my rate after first installment payment?

I was online last nigh getting insurance quotes,and found Geico to be the cheapest. So I purchased a new 6 month policy at a good price and was happy. But now today I got an E-mail more



Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?

Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?



By how much car insurance will go down after 1 year NCB?

I am 29, have been driving for ages, previously had another country license, got UK license last year and bought a car. My car insurance is due to expire next month. I was wondering how much it will go down with one year no claims, just looking for an estimate. or how much did your insurance go down after a year.



I'm thinking about changing car insurance. Does Geico provide good customer service?

Their quote to me was amazingly cheap and that makes me a little nervous. You get what you pay for is what I have always heard. Anyone had their insurance through Geico? Good or bad experiences, please.



I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance?

I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance? I need some cheap Insurance that won't charge alot besides USAA is there anyone else out there that will give me a good price I am currently 20 years old and I need a good insurance company that wil not charge alot besides USAA I have a dodge stratus 2004 it's a V6 it's an SE it's a 4 door and 2.7 liters it's the biggest engine you can get with a stratus anyways if any of you could help me out that would be great thanks.



How much do you pay for car insurance?

I'm a 22 year old male living in GA and mine is $770 every 6 months. I've never had a wreck or nufin. How old are you and how much is your car insurance every 6 months. It's confusing because some people will say they pay, for example, $1000 in car insurance, but they don't say whether it's every 6 months or every year. Please be specific as to if it's 6 months or a year. Thanks very much. I just want to know how much more I'm paying than all of you. lol



Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?

Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, to drive in the city of London?



Ball park how much extra to add my boyfriend to my car insurance policy.?

I'm paying alot because i'm a new driver to the UK, just wanted a ball park of if it will be alot more to add my live in boyfriend as an occasional driver.



Ticket for no license and no insurance?

I'm 17 and I got a ticket for not having a license or permit, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle and no insurance in California. How deep will this ticket dig into my pockets? Over $500? Big thanks if you can help me out.



Help on AT&T insurance?

Okay so when I got my upgrade I got the htc one x with insurance . A month later my friend traded me a galaxy nite for my htc one x . And now my galaxy note doesn't want to work will the insurance cover the note?



Question about motorcycle insurance in the UK?

I just got a quote for the motorcycle I intend buying when I pass my test. Seemed a bit excessive at almost 900. I'm 23 and have ridden a 125 for a year with no claims. The bike is insurance group 13. My question: Does the fact I don't have a full license yet and haven't bought the bike affect insurance quotes?



Insurance Quotes With AAA ?

I requoted myself online with AAA, I've been with them for 9-10 years or so. And by filling out the same information with same coverages, I will save much more. Will AAA give me that new rate or am I stuck with my same rate. I hate calling customer service..



On an application for car insurance does having the use of other vehicles increase or decrease the quote?

I'm filling in an insurance comparison and it asks if I have the use of other vehicles, I can drive my dad's but does it make it more or less expensive?


How should I divide my life insurance beneficiary?

I have a son from a previous marriage and my wife

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affordable home insurance virginia

affordable home insurance virginia


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Who thinks the health insurance waivers means that companies don't have to provide health insurance?

You'd be wrong. Care to understand why? The bad news is that today mini-meds are often the only affordable option for many low-wage workers because retail and chain restaurants rarely offer their workers options beyond these plans. And because mini-meds are built around annual limits, estimates from employers and insurers indicate that beginning the phase out of annual limits this year would cause mini-med premiums to rise by more than 200 percent, forcing employers to drop coverage and sending many low-wage workers to purchase insurance on the more expensive individual insurance market, where they would get an even worse deal than what they have today. The result would be a whole new population of uninsured Americans. To ensure that we protect the coverage that these workers have today until better options are available for them in 2014, the law allows HHS, in extreme cases, to issue temporary waivers from the phase out of annual limits. There are some important facts to remember about these temporary waivers: The waivers only apply to one provision of the law the provisions phasing out annual limits. Insurance companies and employers that receive waivers must comply with all other parts of the Affordable Care Act. The waivers last one year. Insurance companies must reapply for the waivers each year between now and 2014 when annual limits on coverage will be completely prohibited and individuals will have more affordable and better private insurance choices in the competitive Exchange markets. All employers and insurers that offer mini-med plans may apply for a waiver if they demonstrate that there will be large increases in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage without a waiver. You can read a list of employers and insurers that have received waivers here.



What are the topics for research in insurance?

What are the topics for research in insurance?



Health Insurance Questions?

Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!



Car insurance question.?

Basically, I am hoping to pass my test this October. I am 20, and am looking to be insured on my dads car. He has a 7 seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. It is now worth about 9,000. I was wondering if anyone knew ROUGHLY how much insurance may cost? Would it be cheaper to get my own small car and insure it myself rather than being a second driver on a more expensive car? Thank you!!!!



Health Insurance question?

My husband's boss won't offer them Health Insurance. Where can I call or what can I do to ask if he has to offer them insurance or not. Please help!!!!!




I purchased car insurance from RAC last year, they then annulled it as said I could not use my no claims bonus on two cars and sent me a new quote. I rang them up and they then said I haven't sent the no claims bonus documents in so I faxed them through once again, I advised I received this letter but they said just send in the documents which I did. I also never received any documents for my cover so had to request these myself which were sent by email for 25.00 :S. After hearing nothing back I rang rac for an update who said my new insurance quote was double the original quote!! I haven't signed any paperwork or received any paperwork advising they automatically gave me new insurance. I asked them to cancel but they said I have to pay 1000 as well as them keeping my deposit and paying for the first months insurance..1000?? I told them no. Paid what i owed for the first month. Now they are sending me letter telling me to I really have to do this?? I haven't signed anything even for the original insurance as they never sent the paperwork out, and as the insurance was annulled can they really automatically start a new insurance without my permission?? Thanks in advance



What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?

My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?



Lapse in coverage on auto insurance?

I let my coverage for my motorcycle lapse for 4 days. I am insured through progressive. How will this effect me?



Questions about car insurance?

If I get a Mustang 2011 (300 Hp V6) next year, my aunt who is a senior citizen and she has a clean record report, will be the owner of the car. I'm 18 though, how much is the cost for insurance in a year going to be?? Just estimation is fine.




I've just got insured on a car and I paid the deposit over the phone with the card I was then insured driving the car. the insurance company asked me to send a copy of my licence which 6 months down the line I havent got around in doing but I'm still insured I was wondering if they ask me to send my no claims certificate and I never sent it would I still be insured until I have an accident in which case they request a no claims bonus or would they cancel the policy strait away?



Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?

Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?



Health insurance?

I was involved in a boat accident, that caused my ligaments to be torn. Now, on crutches and some pain.. i wonder, I don't have health insurance... can you guys give me any suggestions as to what i can do to pay for this? i live in california... if that matters.... thanks



Having a hard time to find affordable health insurance?

I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.



How long do you have to file a claim with car insurance?

I hit a lady on january 25. I made a little crack on the inside of her car. She sais to just give her money to fix it and she won't claim it. How long does she have to claim this with her insurance?



Fastest and cheapest auto insurance?

I want to know the fastest and cheapest auto insurance online?



1967 mustang insurance?

I am 20 years of age me never been involve in car accident and never gotten pulled over have had my driver license since 2008-2009 around there I was thinking of buying a 1967 mustang does anyone know how much insurance will cost for that I currently have farmers insurance. Also does anyone know how much it will cost me to change its license plate tags from Oklahoma to California tags Its coming from Oklahoma thank you



What is the average life insurance commission?

I know the amount can very significantly but I am just want to know what the average commission is. I've heard anywhere from $600 to $1000. But not if one is Term or whole life.



Car insurance? Cheap?

I'm 16 and i just got my car and license. I have a 2000 Grand am gt Where can i find cheap car insurance?



What cars have the best insurance rates?

What cars have the best insurance rates?



How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?

How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?



Cheapest car insurance 17 yr old?

I'm about to take my driving test soon and am looking into buying a black Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 standard, probably around 2001 (new reg plates). I don't have specific number plates but I've been getting ridiculous quotes of 3,000 to 4,000. Does anyone know of any cheap way for 17 year olds to get their OWN policy (not interested in doing illegal fronting stuff)



Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?

I also have GAP insurance.



Do you get cheaper insurance for older cars or new cars?

Do you get cheaper insurance for older cars or new cars?



I often drive a friend's car. What companies offer Non-car owner auto insurance?

Everywhere i look online just offer get a quote then you have to enter a type of car. I don't own a car but I need insurance to take my driver's test in North Carolina. I couldn't find this type of insurance offered on any websites.



How much would insurance cost for my moped?

So I'm going to be 16 soon and I'm going to get a 50cc moped. Could someone tell me what the average cost of insurance would cost please? Thanks


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affordable home insurance virginia


How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?

I am a male, i got my license around 4 monthes ago. I am 18 years old live in NY. I am planning on buying a car and i would like to know what is average price of insurance. Because my parents telling me i will be paying like 600 a months or something like that. I am planing on getting 2007 infiniti G35. I never owned a car and never was insured. So i dont have any idea about it, except friends and articles online. So if somebody can, please tell me what would e the insurance. Thanks



19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?

i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks



Health Insurance for part timers?

Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!



What is the average car insurance rate for a 16 year old female in Arizona with standard coverage?

what would be the approximate monthly charge?



Can I get affordable life insurance for 200,000 or more?

Can I get affordable life insurance for 200,000 or more?



Ahhhh! car insurance?!?

Hello, I am a 18 year old freshmen in college. My College is approximately 20 minutes away. Since I was very very busy with my studies, I was unable to get a car permit / Driver License. Now that I am at spring break, I am planning to take my permit test, and start driving, so I dont have to ask my father to drop me off at chosen locations. Right now, I am earning $11 an hour. I get about $320 every two weeks. Now I have heard from my friends that Since I am 18 years old and my parents will not pay for my insurance, It will cost me about $300 for insurance every month, $100 for gas, and about $500 for required checking for cars. As you know, for a check of $320 every 2 weeks, I will not be able to pay for my car insurance and gas. Now heres the question. What should I do? I mean, I really need a car and I need to think of a good strategy. so that I will be able to pay for my car insurance. If you know any great, cheap insurance deals for someone my age, that'll be fantastic. Thank you.



Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?

Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.



Cheap car insurance companies for young drivers? With a years no claim?

I'm 18 and my insurance went from 1300 to 1100 after a years no claim which would have just been affordable. However as I don't work for the police anymore and went back to college to get a levels, (being a student) it went up to 1700. What are really cheap insurance companies for young drivers? I have a years no claim discount...



Cheap Car Insurance Help.?

I am an 18 year old boy and have recently passed my driving test, i am looking around for cars but the insurance is a joke, the cheapest i have had is 5000. Anyone know what cars are cheap to insure and what insurance companies are cheap for young new drivers?



Will auto insurance provider raise my premium rates for filing a claim even if the incident is not my fault?

I just noticed some deep scrapes/scratches on left corner of rear bumper on my Prius after returning from late-night shopping. I was thinking about filing a claim on basis of vandalism, but I heard providers tend to raise rates for filing a claim whether it's my fault or not. I'm just wondering if it'll cost me less in the long run to go for it or just find and go to an auto paint shop directly?



When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at?

He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either.



What does each question on a car insurance mean and how does it increase your rate?

For example have you had insurance prior to this and what date it ends. How much you drive the car. Also I am 20 and have had insurance my prior rate was 700 for 6 months. I had two at fault accident before that insurance at 18. But only one was really at fault and I have to get proof and the other drops of my record on the 13th of August. I am trying to figure what a estimate of what my car insurance would be for a liability insurance in TX now



Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?

im trying to insure a ford ka as my first car and the cheapest quotes im getting is around the 4k mark.. pretty sure i can do better but not sure where..



Will a police officer get lower insurance rates?

Im in training to be a cop, and i want to finance a 2010 Chevy Camaro, will being a cop help with car insurance rates?



WA Instruction Permit & Car Insurance?

I have recently been issued a Washington State Instruction Permit and was wondering if I need to be included to my mom's insurance before I can use her car to practice my driving? (I am of legal age already) Just want to know about the insurance thing. Thank you so much!



How much is this car worth to sell this car to the insurance.?

It is a 2005 Toyota Corolla CE with a salvage title. It has 76000 miles just body damages. Thanks in advance



Car insurance?

which car insurance company do you perfer for a teen that just starting a job and just turned 16



How can i get cheaper car insurance?

Ok so i'll be 17 soon and i sooooo want to drive. I found a nice car, a peugeot 307 five door 1.6 car for 2700, insurance group 4. it's a great looking car, but when i filled in details on gocompare, tescocompare etc for insurance it came up as at least 15,000 for fully comp. other cars are similar prices. i put a fake birthday in so i was 17 on the system. How can i MASSIVELY reduce the cost? i dont want tips that might save 100 or 200 pounds, but something more reasonable!!! Also im a very sensible person and will be a good safe driver not a boy racer lol!



My teen had a minor accident, will my insurance go up?

My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim with my insurance because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you



Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?

Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.



How much is teen car insurance?

how much would it be for teen car insurance? im a 17 y/o female in Long Island, NY good grades and will be taking the defensive course first. thanks



Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?

Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?



Could someone please explain health insurance to me?

Difference between PPO HMO DRG Private insurance, and deductibles I read it in my textbook but all these terms I'm not very familiar with so no matter how much I re-read the paragraphs I'm still a bit confused... I might sound stupid but oh well! Clarify for me please! Thanks for all who answer



Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?

I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22? Any help would be great. Thanks.



Insurance Prices?

Boy I did'nt know it was so expensive what company has affordable insurance for used cars. Or new I don't know what im getting yet.


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affordable home insurance virginia


Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost?

I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106



Medicaid pays 100% but does insurance?

People who don't qualify for medicaid has to have regular insurance . A lot of those who don't qualify for medicaid can be determined by just a few dollars as they have a cut off limit. If they have to buy insurance wouldn't they have to pay the difference between the ins pay and balance? If one does not get insurance then there is a fine from your taxes. Is all this correct? Does the fine go towards an insurance premium if they pass the new health care law? Sorry for so many questions. Just trying to understand this a bit.



Whats the best cheapest car insurance to get?

We have Farmers Insurance, and we have to 2 cars and 3 person together with full coverage cost $370 a month, i think that's too much, we can hardly afford that. Is there any other company you think offer cheaper? Thanks.



Driving without auto insurance?

what are the concusguences



Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?

The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.



Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?

Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?



Baby insurance?

what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old



Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?

I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you



Who/ What are insurance companies backed/insured by?

Do insurance companies have an program similar to banks FDIC, or are there insurance companies that solely insure other insurance companies. I ask for the question of what happens in a natural disaster situation when an insurance company cannot afford to repay/replace the damaged/lost property of its customers, or when an insurance company fails - Gov't bailout, FEMA?



Am I getting ripped off for car insurance?

Got my car insurance bill. I'm on a family plan with my mom and my sister. We did it because we were told it would save money. I'm in my late 20's, drive an older car(a more



How long does it take to get added to your parents auto insurance?

we have statefarm



Can a car insurance company ask you if you have health insurance when you make a claim?

I was in an accident recently and the other insurance company asked me if I had health insurance. I was not at fault. Can they do that?



How much of a role does health insurance issues have with hiring and firing employees?

Group insurance through the employer's insurance plan.



How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?

My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good yeah. :)



Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?

Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?



How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?

What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.



Was it wise for me to cancel my car insurance?

I had gotten into an accident. ICBC says it's 100% my fault, and I did just file an injury claim for myself and my family members that were in the car with me. I don't think my car is drivable, but if it is, then it's not worth fixing because I don't have collision and it would cost more to fix than how much I had bought it for. What I did yesterday, was cancelled my car insurance. But I was just talking to someone who told me that it wasn't a good idea to do that. And now I'm doubting myself. Will this be held against me? The person in the other car claimed injury and her car is also damaged. Did I just dig a deeper hole for myself?



New Car Insurance?

I have a little 2001 Saturn SL2 and I'm on my oldest sisters policy and it runs around $350 a month for both of us (I'm only 18 and she has like a 5 or 6 speeding tickets). My saturn is nothing but a big dent in my walllet so I've found a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe that I want to get but my main concern is how much would my insurance go up? Would it be a drastic change since the my car is 2001 and the SUV I want is a 2004? SUV are more expensive when it comes to insurance and with it being a 2004 I'm a little worried. I haven't been in wreck and I don't have a speeding ticket to my name.



Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?

Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?



What is the best/cheap dental isurance?

What is the best and cheapest dental insurance in CA for someone who isnt married or have kids is on a tight budget, and needs major exstensive dental work including cosmetic and anestesia?



Name a type of car that is cheap on gas and has cheap insurance please?

It has a be a type of small car obiously(:



I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?

hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.



Do disabled people get cheaper car insurance or any other benefits?

Do disabled people get cheaper car insurance or any other benefits?



Insurance on parents car, learner?

basically, i wish to start learning to drive and i personally would prefer to be put on my mums insurance (50 moth quote from her insurance people with me as a learner) as i want to be taught by my dad rather than an instructor (many with dad then instructor after a few months) my question is; if i crash the car, with me driving with L plates with my dad/mum in passenger could or would i effect their no claim bonus OR put their premiums up? they only have a small 1.2



Insurance for a street bike?

how much is insurance for a street bike starting out


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affordable home insurance virginia


On homeowners insurance .. What is the difference between Replacement cost and Acutal cash Value? what pays mo

What pays more and what is the least expensive?? please some one explain to me in detail.. Does my home need to be insured with the market value???



What is the average house insurance cost in Canada?

for example for 3500 sqft with 2 stories



Affordable and good quality health insurance in CA? Any thoughts?

Anyhow, I just lost my job and the Cobra option is way too expensive (over 500 dollars/month). I'm currently unemployed and so is my wife, and I'm looking for affordable, yet quality health insurance. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks for your help.



Who is responsible for insurance on car.... the owner or driver?

I'm going thru a divorce and my husband has been paying the insurance on our 3 vehicles. However, I believe the policy has not been paid and due to lapse the first of July. I'm getting insurance on the car I'm driving, but my husband alternates driving between the other car and truck. The truck is titled in his name, but the other car is in mine. I can't afford insurance on two cars. If he drives it, and he's stopped, who is responsible for the insurance?



Do I need road tax to get insurance?

My car was SORN declared and now I need insurance to get road tax. I did not keep on my insurance as it was off the road for some time. I have the MOT but do I need road tax to get insurance? Bit of a catch 22 situation!



Long-term care insurance?

Has anyone invested in long-term care insurance? Are you counting on that to get you through if you need help? I am fairly alone in the world and am considering this to help provide for my future if necessary.



Had a car accident , no insurance ?

I got into a car accident and I have expired insurance. I was wondering if I could pay the late fee on my insurance and would they still pay for my car problems. And for it to get out of the car lot. PGAC is closed today



How much would it cost to insure a Toyota 1985 corolla AE86?

I'm 18 and I am still under my parents insurance. I've only been driving on my own for a month or so. The car is a two door coupe.



How much does insurance cost on a Ferrari?

I've always wondered what the cost of insurance would be for a $250k car such as a Ferrari F430. just curious



I got a ticket the same day as I got insurance?

I got pulled over but didn't have proof of insurance. I got a ticket, but only have to go in to the highway patrol to get the paper signed when I show proof of insurance. I got insurance that same day, will that work?



What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?

i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?



Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?

Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.



Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?

I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?



Car insurance in ny plz help!!!?

ok so i just received my junior driver license and i drive my moms car, my mom has insurance on the car but its under her name! does she need to add me to her insurance or i can drive since the car has insurance under her name! she has gieco and i live in flushing ny



Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?

When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?



How can i get my car insurance down i am 19 and i cant seem to get it cheaper then four grand?

i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable



How much do you pay for car insurance if you're 20?

i need answers for a statistics project. anyone 20 years old please tell me how much of your premium are you paying MONTHLY??



Insurance for a cheap car?

Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so.



How much will insurance cost after getting a DUI?

Does someone know how much roughly insurance will probably cost after a DUI? Perhaps someone who has had one in the past could tell me.



What is the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?

Ok I am 18 going on 19 this summer. I got my license last January(I was 17, 2009) I drive a 2008 Yellow Chevy Aveo LS. No alarm. I have a clean driving record. I kept a 3.0 average when I was in school. I drive about 20-30 miles a day. The car is in my name. I got the loan in August 2009 and I have never been late on a payment. My payment is $208 and I pay $210 (banker said it helps) and I usually pay it early but never late! I have no debt otherwise. I have GAP coverage through my bank too. I live in Utah. I rent an apartment. I will be the only driver. I am looking for cheap insurance since I am young. My mother and I cannot get along and likes to hang this over my head and use it to control me so I want off! No ties. Please if you know of a good cheap insurance company (It has to be full coverage for my loan) let me know. Or if you are an insurance agent and can help I would appreciate it! Thanks!



How much does Mexican auto insurance cost?

I live in the U.S. and 'm going to be renting a car in Cancun for about a week on vacation so I am wondering how much an economy car or a van costs...? There is going to be six of us so either 2 economy cars or 1 van/suv.



Important question about auto insurance?

could anyone help me with this, i am a 22/m living in nyc, i want to get an affordable auto insurance cost for 6 months and a year. what does it usually run? what is the cheapest i more



Which car would have the highest insurance rates out of these?

1. 2001 Audi TT Coupe 33,000 miles 2. 2007 Saturn Sky Convertible 8,603 miles 3. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 31,000 miles 4. 2007 Scion tC 39,000 miles I am 16, and these are all stick shifts, and when i get one of these 4 in December, i think the one of the biggest factors for me at least comes down to insurance costs.



Would I still have insurance?

Hey. I'm 19 now and I started college. However, I quit going in September. Would I technically still have insurance until the end of the school year? I had surgery over the summer when I was 18 and they had me show them my application papers for college. I would like to get braces before I get too old and I was wondering if I would still be able to get them until the end of the school year.



Car insurance - What's the car worth?

In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?


affordable home insurance virginia

affordable home insurance virginia

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Esurance insurance question?

Hi, I was looking into getting car insurance, and Esurance gave me a great quote for NYC. Can any one share any experiences with them, I wanna know what kind of company they are, how they deal with claims, and just over all how the company is. Any help would be appreaciated. Ty



Can i claim insurance if i'm driving amother car?

if i was driving my friend's car and we got into an accident, can i claim insurance on her car under MY NAME/POLICY, since i have my own insurance with my own car?



Ideal cheap car for beginners?

I'm looking for a used car with a cheaper insurance that would be ideal for a new driver. Any suggestions?



Would I need insurance?

Ok so I'm thinking about getting an iPhone 4s. I want one so badly. It's 29 a month but insurance is 10 a month and I can't afford to pay another 10 a month, would I need insurance? The handset price (how much you pay on the day for the actual phone) is 29, so if I break or loose or someone steals the phone, would I pay 29 and get another headset, or will they make me pay 29 for a phone I don't even have? I live in England btw :)



On homeowners insurance .. What is the difference between Replacement cost and Acutal cash Value? what pays mo

What pays more and what is the least expensive?? please some one explain to me in detail.. Does my home need to be insured with the market value???



I need a home insurance company that will insure me with a criminal conviction for theft in 2008?

apparently if i received a fine makes a difference which i did....i have tried call connections and direct choice....please help P.S what do i do if no-one will insure me....i thought it was against the law not to have home insurance



Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction?

I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible.



New car, no insurance what happens?

I bought a car in June last year, I paid the down payment, and make the monthly car payment. My mom consigned and pays insurance. I just got alerted saying I haven't had insurance since October 2013. What can happen, can they come and repo my car?



Can a car insurance company lower the estimate?

Ok here is my dilemma: I got in a car accident about a week ago, the other driver is at fault. I went for the repair estimate to the agent #1, he was ready to write a check for $1500, but I was wondering how much they would pay if they totaled the car, in a couple of days I got a phone call and the agent#2 said that the vehicle is gonna be a total loss and said they would pay $2300 and take the car. I decided to just take the $1500. Agents #1 and #2 directed me to an agent #3, I explained the whole situation to him and he said he would issue $1800 if I want to keep the car BUT I would have to get a salvage title for the vehicle first due to the state law. The state law requires a person to get a salvage title if the repair cost is 75% or more of the vehicle total value. I do not want to get a salvage title for the vehicle and I told him that the original estimate given by the agent #1 was $1500, not $1800 which is less than 75%, to which he responded I believe we still had some items open when you got that estimate . he will check it and call me back. 1. Can I just lower the estimate to original $1500 so I would not have to get a salvage title for the car? Any law that allows me to lower it? 2. Will the insurance company receive any benefit if they pay me more money but I will have to salvage the car? Why do they wanna do it?



Questions about car insurance?

Is it illegal for someone to drive someone else's car if they do not have car insurance, but their friend (who owns the car) does? What would happen if they got pulled over for a ticket . . . would there end up being a big problem? What about if they had an accident . . . would they be covered under their friend's insurance? And are there are some types of insurance that would cover an accident if it was caused by the uninsured friend of the insured car owner? Thanks so much :)!



I need to get health insurance. What's affordable and good?

I live in Southern California. Recently, my neck has really started to hurt and I think I might need an xray. I haven't had health insurance in so long. What would be the proper steps to take? I need something affordable.



As a young adult where did you buy your auto insurance and how much did you pay a month?

well i am 19 i am looking for a auto insurance company. i have a 2003 4runner. so what insurance company did you get at my age. and which would you recommend to me? preferably an insurance that is cheap my father paid like 130 per month for this car under his insurance (but he is old lol)



Would insurance be higher on suv/truck or car/sedan?

For example Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi galant.



Insurance estimate on Integra, Mustang?

Hey. So I am getting my first car in a couple months, and my dad said I could choose which car, but keep it in a low price range. I've always liked Integras, since I was little, and I always wanted it to be my first car, so thats in consideration. And my dad said get a mustang. I would like to know how much insurance is on each? The cars would be- Acura Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, SE, GS) Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Silver or black or white Roughly 150k miles Maybe 25 miles a day Would buy used around 2000$ - 4000$ Im aware its a luxury car, thus insurance being a tad more expensive How much would you think insurance would be? We have Progressive but I just want a estimate - Maybe like the average of how much people with integras pay for insurance. Mustang 2004 Under my dads name (age 50) I would be secondary driver Black or silver Maybe 100k miles 25 miles/ day Used around 4000$ - 5000$ Not luxury, but its a sports car, Im guessing insurance is more expensive for it



Where can i buy cheap but good health insurance under $120 dollars?

I am young and very healthy, and rarely have to be seen by a doctor. So besides not being wealthy, i want to find a cheap, but good health insurance...



What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?

What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?



How much is insurance??????????

i want to buy a used car/motorcycle but i need to pay rent and im scared my job wont cover insurance anyways how much would insurance be for 1 year? can i get a better deal also if we have a family plan thing or w.e i mean we got 3 cars and have insurance but i want my own car idk if my parents are up to pay but would it be cheaper if i put it under their name with the plan or w.e PS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DUI's OR CRASHES OR ANYTHInG WHATSOEVER that has to do with our cars getting hit or dmged or anything.



My son's car was totaled and the insurance company offered us a very low price?

My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles onthe car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...



Insurance cost for 16 year old with a Honda Hatchback 2 door.?

Alright so I'll be turning 16 soon and i want to know the cost of insurance for my car. I have a 98 Honda Civic Hatchback. Its stick, sport looking. What's the average of monthly payment. Insurance will be coming out of my pocket so I need to know an average price. I know you can get quotes online, but i don't want to put personal information online.



125 motorbike insurance 19 year old?

hi, im 19 and have had a car driving licence for 2 years and clean. As my car insurance renewal is ?n a few months and because its a 2.3litre and all that talk of premiums of increasing, its my option to sell my car for a motorbike and a riding experience, so typically how much would insurance be for a 19 year old, With a new bike licence but been driving a car for 2 years (if that matters) 1000 pound 125cc motorbike stored in a garage, immobiliser, not for any sort of business and miles of maximum 2000 a year. im just asking because insurance webpages don't open on my computer today, but i roughly remember whats asked for insurance. thanks in advance



Pregnant and scared...?

I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.



Cost of insurance for 1998 Porsche Boxter?

Hi, I'm a high school student and I recently purchased my uncle's 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, I would like to know the cost of insuring this car. Please don't give me websites, I would actually like a figure without inputting a ton of information into an untrustworthy site. I'll give 10 points to the best answer. Information that may be useful: -high school student (first year of driving) -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: taken -Gender: male Thanks in advance for any helpful answers! If you don't know for sure, an estimate would be appreciated as well.



Can you make commission selling insurance if you do not have a brokers license in MA?

I would like to know if someone can tell me whether or not you can be paid commission and acting as a producer in Massachusetts if you do not have a brokers license. I was under the impression that the only way to make commission was to have these credentials. Is this just an agency by agency thing or a law?



Is this insurance Fraud?

My Fiance and I have very expensive car insurance right now and when we went to change companies the company we were at (its a certified insurance company) wanted to keep our business so they made our insurance allot cheaper by saying we are married, but we are only engaged. Can we get in trouble for this? Is it insurance fraud.



If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?

ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??


Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427


Hey looking to get my first car and pay for my first car insurance?

I'm 19 living in lake forest California looking to buy this car Does anyone know how much my insurance might be ?



What value car would you recommend Comprehensive insurance?

What value car would you recommend moving from Third Party Fire + Theft insurance to Comprehensive Insurance?



Will my car insurance rates go up if another driver lives at my address who is not under my plan?

I have an insurance plan that covers myself and my wife. Recently my son switched insurance plans to the same carrier that I have with his own insurance policy for his car that he more



B Average for Car insurance Discount?

Will I still get the B Average car insurance discount if I have a 84.86 Average?



What Cheap car insurance do you use?

What car insurance do you use?



What is the best life insurance?

I wouls like to make sure that my partner and my mother are safe if something happens to me. What is the best insurance? Also: Does life insurance also cover critical illness?



Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?

I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!



Auto insurance deductible?

I got into a wreck recently, it was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance. just got my damage estimate and it was 1400 with a $500 deductible. Since the wreck was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance at the time is there anyway i could get him to pay the 500



Will my homeowners insurance drop me if my dog bit someone?

So last week the side gate to my house was left open and my dog got out. She bit one of my neighbors down the street, I'm guessing out of fear (she is a rescue dog). The bite wasn't too serious, but it did break the skin so my neighbor went to urgent care to get bandaged up. We apologized and offered to pay any medical costs upfront, but my neighbor preferred to let our insurance companies handle the claim. My dog hasn't bit anyone in the past, and isn't considered a dangerous breed (labrador, border collie mix). We've let her off leash at the dog beach and dog parks with plenty of other dogs and people running around, and she hasn't shown any type of aggression. What I'm worried about is my insurance company dropping us from their coverage, and us subsequently having trouble finding homeowners insurance in the future. We tried convincing our neighbor to let us settle without getting the insurance companies involved, and explained the situation, but with no luck. Does anyone have any answers or advice about the whole situation? Should I make a claim first and let our insurance company know, or should I just sit and wait for the whole situation to play out? BTW I live in California and my homeowners insurance is Wawanesa



Too much to pay for car insurance?

I received my renewal notice today from my insurance company. I'm getting tired of paying so much for my insurance, I think its time to start looking around. I heard all the car insurance myths, when you turn 25.. Itll go down when you bundle your house & car insurance it'll go down when you get married it'll go down nope nope nope It has gone down a total of MAYBE $5 a month or $60yr. I'll be 29 in Jan, no accidents in 8yrs no speeding tickets in 5yrs. I drive a '06 4dr car and I'm paying $125/mthn insurance. Is it just me or this way too high to be paying insurance.... I've been with this company for close to 6yrs now.



Will my auto insurance be high if i was not insured before. even though i have my G1.?

Hello, I'm a 20yr old Male, and I'm planning on getting a used car ( 1999 - 2004 ) bellow $3000 CAD. The problem is that i was never insured before. I got my g1 on 2007, and my G at 2010. Most of those years i drove with my uncle beside me, because he worked close to my school. So I was wandering, how high will my insurance will be? considering the fact that i did not have any insurance and i'm a 20yr old male. I searched online for quotes and the lowest i got was 499 per month... I am a student, thus i'm only making around 450 - 600 a month doing part time job. And any suggesting on a car for a first timer is more than welcome. (colour, make, model, yr. etc. ) Thank you very much for reading this.



Is there any good insurance companys that will insure me for a 200sx turbo i am 20?

20 years old with convictions and a high performance car, this is my second high performance car my evo was 3475 last year need it cheaper this year ,all i basically work for is to run my car, the thing is when i got the evo instead of looking around i was tht deprate to drive it i took the 1st quote, never crashed and have plenty no claims ,can some one help? none of these comparison websites are any good there all large companys i need japanese specialists or young drivers insurance thanks all! x



What happens if im a day late on my car insurance?

i pay monthly with my payment is due but i wont have the money untill tomorrow.will they cancel my insurance?will i have to pay some type of fee? will my car insurance go up? Plz help



Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?

Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?



Does AAA charge more for tow insurance if you have old heaps for cars?

For years I have frowned upon this service. But now considering it since our cars are getting old. 100K+ miles each. About how much does this cost a year? And do you have to pay a deductible, or do they cover the entire tow? Still don't know if I should break down and consider a service like this. (I'm anti extra insurance on anything) I think Geico (my ins co.) has coverage for this also



What's a cheap Car Insurance Company for a 18 Year old Male?

The car is a 106 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone know of any cheap or best ways to get the cheapest car insurance.



Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ?

I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw.



Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?

Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?



Jeep Wrangler Sahara insurance?

I am a 16 year old female... I want a 2004 Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Sahara as my first car. My mom seems to think the insurance is too high. Can anyone tell me whether the insurance on it would be super high or give me an average number for insurance? Would it be cheaper on a smaller car? thanks .xx



Where do I look for health insurance for my family?

Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?



Should the owner keeps the refund on new insurance?

I changed my homeowner insurance and the old company sent me a refund. Should I keep the refund or apply it to the new policy?



Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?

1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?



Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?

I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.



Test driving a persons car if you dont have car insurance?

I live in Texas. I want to buy a used car from a private party (i.e. another person). Ill obviously want to test drive it before I buy it, but I dont have insurance. If the other person has insurance, is it legal for them to let me test drive it?



How can i get cheap/free health insurance?

i live in chicago and wanted to go to the doctors but my dad informed me i have no health insurance (only him. he is legally blind on public aid) im 20 and in college what can i do


Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427


Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?

Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?



Where can I find affordable family health insurance?

Looking to find several health company quotes.



Connecticut best car insurance?

What is the best CAR insurance in Connecticut? If you are in Connecticut do you recommend your car insurance? Thanks!



How much do fillings cost without dental insurance?

So, I went to the dentist today and got a regular cleaning done. The dentist told me I had 4 small cavities. Her prices for fillings are Composite(white) fillings - $150 per tooth Silver fillings - $80 per tooth I don't have dental insurance. I was wondering if her prices are expensive or not? Should I go to another dentist and check for the prices there? Thanks



How much is Accutane with insurance?

I hear that accutane is uber expensive without insurance. I just want to know how much it is with insurance. Thanks







What happens if I dont have auto insurance for 2 years?

Hello all I have had a US drivers license for 2 years now. I am going back to school and so I want to get rid of my car as I have no need for one. So If I sell my car and don't have auto insurance for 2 years, when I come back after finishing school and try and get auto insurance will I be treated as a brand new driver? Are my rates going to be really high because I dont have any continuous insurance history at that point? Or will I be treated as a driver who has 4 years of driving history (since I will have had my license for 4 years at that point?) Thanks



How much is non owners SR22 insurance in Florida?

My license is suspended because of 12 points in 12 months. I am required to have SR22 non owners insurance and i do not have a vehicle. I don't even know where to begin with all of this. Are there special insurace companies that deal with this sort of thing? Please help!



Is it better to buy cheaper can than expensive car?

I love expensive sports cars, but I don`t need to have it, I can just watch those at museum, stores, and photos. I think buying cars is waste of money. It costs money to buy cars, car insurance, gasoline, and parking ticket. Also cars get stolen lot , it can break easily by car crash, some bad kids will scratch it, and high risk of death. Using train is way cheaper. If I really need car, I would stick with least cheapest car. Because when my car got stolen, or broke, I have less things to lose.



Where do I find florida health insurance ?

I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.



I have a question about health insurance?

I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?



Auto Insurance Rates...Own Vs. Lease?

I'd like to know if there is a HUGE difference in monthly auto insurance rates if you Lease a car instead of buying one? Things to consider for my scenario: 1) I'm a 23 yr old male, so my rates are still higher until I turn 25 2) Will have to have full coverage considering I won't own the vehicle in either scenario (I'd have to finance if I bought). Any info would be greatly appreciated!



Car parts insurance company ?

Is there by any chance a(n) insurance company that covers your mechanic bills. Don't lose me here just follow. You know how you pay a monthly fee for car insurance incase you ever get in a car accident, well is there by any chance a company that covers your car parts bills. Kinda like how car insurance cover you incase of an accident, except you pay monthly fees to this company and they cover your car bills incase your car breaks down and you take it to the mechanic (example: alternator, starter, any car part, etc). I don't know if such a company exist but I remember a couple years ago hearing about something like this on the radio. If you know of such a company please let me know I would like to sign up for it.



How much will insurance go up with 2 points on drivers license in CA?

Im from California. So I have 2 points on my driving record how much will the insurance go up? I work for a company as a driver. They have The Hartford car insurance. Thanks.



What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens?

I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance.



Whats a ball park price on car insurance for.......?

18 year old, not married, perfect driving record, in Georgia, one car, and only me being insured..... not sure about the make of the car yet haven't decided what I want. I'm planning on buying a new car and paying for it WITHOUT MY PARENTS HELP!!! Around how much would that cost me per month?



Where is houston, tx is there an affordable OBGYN clinic?

I do not have insurance, but need to get in to have an obgyn exam. Does anyone know where the most affordable place would be, and no do not suggest planned parenthood. They are on a sliding schedule, but apparently I make too much money which is a crock of crap.



Car insurance in another state?

i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?



Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?

Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?



When is an insurance company going to come along who cares about careful drivers?

my car insurance quote has just arrived, the price has gone up by 80 from last year the year before it went up 20. I suppose it was the all the snow we had which caused extra claims. but I have never made a claim in the last 15 years and that was when someone ran into me. why should we keep having to pay for these mindless idiots who cause these increases, why cannot insurance companies talk to each other and triple or quadruple persistent offenders untill they have gone without a claim for 3 years instead of keep hiking up the insurance of careful drivers. well this is the last straw for me.I am selling my car, a stripey punto 2 years old with 4,000 miles on the clock. what should I get for it.



How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?

How much do you or did you pay for sr-22 insurance?



What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?

What's the best health insurance to be with having three kids all under 12 years old plus two adults?



Could a car insurance agent please answer my question?

I live in CA. I have Mercury insurance. I had 3 old cars on my policy which was too expensive so I sold 2 of them. I was paying $273 monthly automatically deducted from my bank on the 21st of every month. I sold the first car Jan. 29th. On Jan. 30th I took release of liability to AAA DMV and then to my insurance agent asking for the car to be removed from the policy. On February 10th I sold the second car. I took the release form to AAA DMV then straight to the agent asking for release. When I look at my policy deducting the 2 cars my insurance should be about $180 per month. They tell me it will be about $210 per month. Today rolls around, I check my bank account and they have deducted $273 from my checking. I call the 800 number for Mercury. They tell me it needed to be in by February 5th in order to make the billing deadline. Then they said they will NOT refund the money they removed from my account or prorate because under writing takes time. Is this legal??????



How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?

How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?



Bussiness liability Insurance state of ga?

Looking to purchase INS. For a company that goes to car dealerships and performs work on the cars on the dealers lot . If a car has cloth they would switch it out for leather (pre made kit). No emp. Only owner. How much do we need ? Where do you buy it ? THANKS


Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427


Health Insurance in US?

I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.



What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?

What is the average price for motorcycle insurance (PLPD or full coverage) for a 17 year old with 0 tickets?



Are inoperable vehicles required to have insurance coverage in AZ?

My plates and registration where suspended on an inoperable but registered vehicle I own. Phoenix, or maybe the whole of Arizona, requires me to have current registration on all vehicles, running or not, located on my property if they can be seen from the street. And yet, the DMV (or MVD as it's called here) suspended my plates and registration on one of the inoperable vehicles I own for lack of insurance coverage on said vehicle. Am I required to insure inoperable vehicles? Furthermore, am I required to declare a vehicle as inoperable with the DMV or my insurance company? Is there a special type of registration required that I did not know about?



Whats car insurance are good and cheap for a 25 year old male?

Looking for a good insurance that has reasonable prices with good service



What will an insurance company offer to settle for a possible neck injury?

I was rear-ended by another car. I reported to the insurance company of the person who hit me that my neck was a little sore. They offered me $700 to sign a release form without me even asking. I told the claims adjuster I needed to think about it. Short of getting a lawyer, what could I expect to be offered? I am sure insurance companys have a set amount that they will pay to get me to sign the release form. Anyone know about how much that would be?



Is a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC considered a sports car when getting insurance will the rate be more than getting 4

i want to get a 2006 TOYOTA SCION TC but not sure if its considered a sports car since its a coupe any know if the rate will go up alot ??



How much will my auto insurance be on a 2013 Kia rio5?

How much will my auto insurance be on a 2013 Kia rio5?



What is an insurance discount disallowance?

i got my bill today for the lab where i had some tests done. on the bill it had a disallowance under the insurance discount category. just wondering what that was. the bill was about 400 and insurance paid 200 and it said disallowance of about 175 so my bill only ended up being 25 dollars.



How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?

I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,,, the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] How about LIFE insurance?(the ones that don't have ending period ) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you



What is the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Maine?

I am considering getting a bike and am just curious as to how much it will cost to insure.



Dependent's health insurance?

My friend wants to move into an apartment with me, we are both in college so we want to be roommates, but her parents say that they will not pay her health insurance if she moves out. Since she is a student, she is going to be a dependent of theirs for a few more years. Does being a dependent of her parents legally obligate the parents to pay her health insurance?



Cheap car insurance in norfolk VA?

I'm tired of paying $200 for 2 old cars. Anybody know where I can get cheap liability insurance from?



How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?

I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!




Planning to buy a car. Prefably Vauxhall Corsa or Toyota Yaris. How much would the insurance be. Corsa is 3E and Toyota is 2E but toyota is more expensive to buy compared to the corsa. How much approximately would insurance cost for 3E or 2E insurance group for an 18 year old female in london? Any cars you would recommend as a first car? Cheap insurance? Thanks



I am in texas and want cheap auto insurance (liability)?

I only need what texas law requires (liability) have 2 accidents 1 moving violation my policy doubled please help me find better deal



Can I get Classic Car insurance?

I'm 16 and have been looking at a lot of classic cars (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) and ran into a bit of a dilemma... My dad is a car dealer, owning his own used dealership, so he has insurance that covers all the cars, rather than just one. But, you have to be 18 to be under that policy, so I can't be on it, and I've heard that unless you're under you parents policy, you can't have classic car insurance until you're 25. But, I heard that you can get liability only (Which is my state's minimum coverage), so I was wondering if that was true. Would I be able to get just liability on a classic car? Or should I just cut out all the complicated stuff and get a modern car?



Car insurance recommendations?

hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.



Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?

Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)



Is auto insurance cheaper for trucks?

I have a turbocharged hatchback now, thinking about upgrading to a larger vehicle.



How much could I pay for my car insurance?

I'm making a finance for my Kia spectra 2007. I'm 18 and just got my liscence. It has to be full coverage. One insurance company told me 600 per month and that's just too much what do you think?



How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?

How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?



Typically, how much will your insurance increase if you get into an accident that is your fault ?

Im in So California and just got into a car accident, my first accident in 25 yrs of driving. Typically, how much more will I expect my insurance premium to increase ? What factors are involved ? the amount of damage that the insurance will pay ? my driving history which is 1 accident in the last 25 yrs ? what else ?



Car Insurance?

I got a ticket 15 monthes ago and didn't told my parents, but they aren't that hard on me but the car insurance is going up now why is that.



Do i need car insurance for a family member to teach me to drive?

I am 17 in 2 weeks and am going to start my driving lessons, along side my lessons with a licensed instructor I would like my mother to also give me some extra help like driving around quiet roads, or in a empty car park. For this I need insurance but I obviously don't want to pay full out insurance for just learning. I have heard of something called learner driver insurance would this work for what I want to do? If so do you have a link of where I could buy it or know any other way that I could legally learn to dive in the car? Thanks Josh



What happens when you don't have insurance and get stopped in california?

my boyfriend got pulled over in my car last night for speeding , the cop then asked for proof of insurance, we said we had just gotten insurance and did not have the papers, he then cited us for unsafe speed and no proof of insurance. the cop said that we could go to court and show the proof of insurance and that citations would be taken care of but heres the thing the car we were driving really is NOT insured and my boyfriend does not have insurance we don't know what will happen. i am planning on going to get insurance for the car within the next two days will this lessen the fines if we appear with proof of insurance at court even though we got it after we were pulled over


Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Fort Mohave Arizona Cheap car insurance quotes zip 86427

Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Home Insurance Coverage In California?

We are new at purchasing the home insurance. (we plan to buy a house) We call the Progressive Insurance and request a quote for the house insurance And we also do some online quotes. All it cover basically the house part. We heard that they will cover the disability, life if spouse died the insurance gonna paid off the mortgage, unemployment they gonna paid for 1 year etc. Any idea or tips which insurance provide that? Thank You



I dont really have the money to purchase car insurance before i take my driving test?

i dont have the money to get car insurance before i take my driving test. is there anyways possible to get around that? dont just ******* say, get insurance either . its a waste of my damn time. im taking it wednesday and its in urbana ohio.



Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?

I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!



What insurance would be best for a Salvaged Car?

See I am a first time driver and I bought a Car which has a salvaged title due to a minor fender bender, I don't drive it because well I've only had it for about 3 days but I would like to know what would be the best coverage I can get from any insurance on a Salvaged title car. I hope it was worth my money buying a salvaged car. some one help!!! PLEASE!



I'm getting quote 3000-5000 for insurance on a 1.4 Cityrover Solo ?!?

Shalom! I tried different cars with bottom insurance groups too, it's not going lower then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, anybody out there thats 19yrs old too and getting a better deal and HOW? Tried all comparison websites, direct co-op tesco everything!!! What can I do?! PLEASE advise. Thanks in advance.



Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?

So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.



Wanna buy car insurance?

I wanna buy car insurance . My age is 26 year old but this is my first insurance that's why my insurance is very expensive plz tell me which insurance company is cheap



How much would car insurance cost?

I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license and I live in California and my parents pay about $70 a month for each and I was wondering how much it would cost for mine since I'm a new driver and I'm planning to get an 2006 Honda Accord, How much would be the cheapest car insurance for me?



Is it true that if you say you work in IT when getting quotes for car insurance, it increases the premium?

Has anyone actually found this to be the case? Better still, has anyone got any idea why this would be so? Now I'm thinking of what I could have saved if I had been a little more flexible with the truth! (UK insurance, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone anywhere).



How much is car insurance on two vehicles in hawaii?

We need full coverage due to still paying off cars. Plus about how much to send 2 vehicles over?



What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?

What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?



Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?

For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?



Car insurance help - first time driver!?

First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!



What is the average cost of life insurance?

I know individual circumstances apply, but there must be an average monthly cost somewhere. 33 years old, Male Looking for term life insurance, 500K I was just given a monthly quote for $28 per month



Estimate how much car insurance would cost?

I just need a ball park estimate: I am 19, female, first time driver. I would have a used Geo Metro from the mid 90's. I can't get on my parent's insurance. Can you give me an approximate range on how much I'd have to pay for insurance?



Do you know which insurance company is cheaper for a first time driver?

I live in florida and i am now just getting my car. Thank you.



Simple car insurance question:? help?

Hiya, I'm seventeen and 7 months old, I'm working towards my drivers license but I REALLY do want to buy a Hyundai Coupe, either a Hyundai Coupe Siii 2006-8 or the normal s edition, its engine is 1.6 and one costs about 2 grand and the other 4 thousand, how much will be it to ensure, ? average costs? its in insurance group 8p, the siii one, dont give me any sites to go and look and get quotes please, btw, I WILL BE THE SECOND DRIVER, the first driver will be aged 48 and with over 20 years of experience and no history of claims or anything, i have no convictions nothing that could hurt my insurance, just wanna know an average cost, and cheapest thanks



Who has the cheapest car insurance in Florida?

Not the best...I know you get what you pay for. I can't even afford any, but I need to stay legal. Thanks!



Looking for car insurance in Michigan?

im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?



Is it shameful to let your son/daughter go without health insurance?

When I turned 21, I got taken off my parents' health insurance. I did not have a job at the time, and could not afford to buy insurance on my own, so I was forced to go without it. Well, I became very sick and was hospitalized for 4 days with food poisoning. The hospital bills total around $50,000, and I was denied Medicaid because I was paying $1400 a month in rent (money I accumulated through prostitution, if you want the truth), and the hospital's social worker felt if I could afford $1400/month in rent, I could afford the hospital bills. Friends of mine at the time were really hard on my parents, especially my mom, saying what kind of a lousy mother would let her son go without health insurance? No editorial comment from me. I'm just curious what other people think. Do I have lousy parents because they let me go without health insurance?



What manufacturer is the cheapest scooter/moped/50cc to insure?

I am 16 and loking for a cheap insurance site for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does anybody know the cheapest manufacturer and insurance site? Thanks Anton



Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?

Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield?



How much is an auto insurance for a $12.500 car?

How much is an auto insurance for a $12.500 car?



Car insurance, when does it drop?

Im 19 years old, and payed $155 a month for my car insurance, a year later, no accidents tickets or anything and its $106. Definately not complaining, but i was just wondering if theres some sort of formula insurance companies use.. because i always thought when you turn 25 it goes down dramatically, but this for me is pretty dramatic. And also one year from now can i expect it to go down 50 more dollars?? thanks in advance



How much does auto insurance cost in Orange County?

can someone please just give me a rough estimate of the cost per month for one car? Just a used sedan, nothing fancy. I am a single male with a good record. I know it would vary based on a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a ballpark figure for cost per month.


Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.


How much does car insurance cost?

looking into buying a first car. Which would probably have the cheaper insurance, and any ideas approx. how much for a 2001 Toyota Celica with 60-80k miles or a new 2012 Fiat 500? Driver is 18,female, new license, no tickets/accidents.



Lowering my car insurance premium by putting my car under my roommate's policy?

I'm 20 years old and I own a car. I pay a lot for my own insurance. But I live with a 25 year-old roommate. Is there anyway I can lower my insurance premium by putting my car under his insurance policy because we live together in the same household. What do I need to do? We don't have the same insurance company and does that mean I have to terminate my current insurance and switch to his company? Or a lot more need to be done? I have no clue. This means big savings for me so please help. Thank you!



How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?

I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.



Can I Sue My Auto Insurance Company?

In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.



17 year old insurance?

I am 17 years old i've had my license for 5 months without an accident, what would the average cost be for low coverage auto insurance for a 88 chevy v8 4x4 truck on an adults insurance? Im just looking for a close estimate.



Cheap Life insurance?

Whats a good life insurance company



Cheapest Car Insurance..?

Hi I am 20 years old, male not got full UK license yet, but as soon as i do have i will buy a car, insurance ect. Whats the cheapest car to insure, any tips on car insurance? How would i get someone else to insure me? (eg family member)



I dont get car insurance?

i am looking for my first car . i did a quote on a 2001 1.2 fiat punto 3 doors. The quote was 1600. but i then saw a 5 door punto. a 2000 1.2 5 door punto the quote for that was 1989. and thats from the same company. how can it cost more to insure a 5 door car.



Health Insurance in California - Low Income?

I am on Unemployment Insurance, and need to see a doctor. Is there a State or County Medical benefits?



How much does car insurance cost?

I'm looking at a car that costs about 2,400 dollars. It's a 1997 Toyata Camry. It has about 147,000 miles on it. How much insurance would I have to pay. I live in PA and I'm a 20 year old dude so I assume it's expensive. Also is 147, 000 miles a lot for this car...or is the camry super reliable?



Wiil insurance go up for a Non-Driving related, out of state, alcohol possesion citation?

I am 20 years old and was cited for minor in possesion of alcohol in PA (Completely unrelated to driving). I plead guilty and paid a fine. However, PA law dictates a mandatory 90 day driver's license suspension (which only is in effect in PA). I don't live in PA, I live in NY. Will my insurance rate go up?



What is the typical cost of condo insurance in florida?

I'm trying to understand what homeowners insurance woul cost in florida for a 2 bedroom condo. I'm not ready to call an insurance company. I'm looking in Ft.Myers. Just want to know is it thousands of dollars and out of my range or a few hundrend per year. Say for a 75k condo.



17 / 18 year old (male) car insurance (UK only)?

Hi, I am 17 (male) and haven't took my test yet but hopefully will be soon. Can anyone tell me what they have paid for insurance recently so i can get the heads up on what car's to be looking out for and insurers to get quotes from. I have tried and they just chuck out really high quotes 6000+ whatever car you put in. So, if any 17/ 18 year old boys have recently got a quote can you tell me how much the insurance was, who insured it and what the car is? Thanks.



How much does learning to drive cost roughly?

how much do driving lessons + car (800 - 1000) + insurance etc cost??? thanks :)



How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?

Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.



Car insurance for a 16 year old girl?

I will be getting my license in march. I will be driving a 1998 4 door buick regal. I was wondering how much insurance may be. My parents have clean records and excellent credit. I maintain a 3.8 GPA but the insurance company doesn't give rebates for that.



Insurance Car coverage?

My car got flooded bacuase of the Hurricane IKE in the houston area. The current market value of this car is 9k but I still owe 13500 and I do not have GAP insurance. I had an offer for this car three weeks before the hurricane for 12k. As we all know insurance will only pay what it worth now. What are my possibilities for having the insurance pay it off sice this was a natural disaster.



Is it legal to have two health insurances?

I am currently under my parents' insurance, however nobody accepts it where I am staying for the summer. At the end of august, I am going to be going back to college and they have a student heallth insurance that is accepted anywhere in the world. I want to get this insurance and stay on my parents' insurance because my parents' insurance has more benefits and I have a condition with my teeth that is very expensive to treat and my parents' insurance covers it completely. I doubt my schools insurance would do that. I just want to be able to be treated while I am in school where the area doesn't accept my current insurance. Is it legal for me to have my student insurance as well as my parents' insurance?



Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?

I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol



Car Insurance coverage?

I was driving in a dirt parking lot at my school, I drove over some 3 foot tall weeds, I didn't see there was rocks underneath and as a result, damage to the under carriage occurred to my vehicle as follows: 1. Radiator crack 2. Transmission oil pan bent, 3. Exhaust damage total est cost $1,800 I am wondering whether or not this will be covered by insurance this happened yesterday I have not yet contacted my insurance company it occurred within 100 Yards of a paved road.



How much will a Toyota Spyder increase my insurance?

I'm looking to buy a 2000 Toyota Spyder. But i'm only 20 years old, so i'm questioning whether or not it is a good idea! Its will cost me about $10,000 after tax + the insurance. I'm not so worried about the actually cost of the car, because I can make about a 60% downpayment, and take out a small loan for the rest... But the insurance is the big issue...



How can i get insurance for free during my pregancy? I just found out and i have no insurance?

who can i call to get insurance because im uninsured right now?



First time car insurance help?

I was trying to find out how much it would be to insure a Fiat Seicento Sporting for a 17 year old girl (first time driver)? I can't look on insurance websites because you have to enter details about when you passed and I haven't yet I just wanted to know if I would be able to insure it in a few months????



Auto insurance companies?

what auto insurance companies are best rated for customer satisfaction? anyone like geico? why?



If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?

So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?


Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.


What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?

What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?



Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?




Should I sue my parents...?

When I was 4 years old I was in a car accident and my parents had a settlement with the drunk drivers insurance and recieved 100,000 dollars for me. At such a young age I didnt really know what was going on and they told me that it had to be put up till I was 18 and I couldnt have it. Well that money is no longer there and I am now 20. As I grew up they told me that it all just went to lawyer fees but obviously I am old enough now to know better. I found out from other family members that they just blew it. I am now married and have three month old baby and I could have used that money to help get a house for us or help with the financial problems that come with being a new parent or newlywed. Should I sue them to get what was mine to begin with and if so how do I go about it and what are the chances that I will win?



The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?

The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?



Co-op Health Insurance?

Can anybody out there tell me how does Co-op Health insurance work. im researching for a paper in my finance class and cant find info elsewhere



What is the average cost of car insurance?

What is the average cost of car insurance?



How much would my insurance cost?

I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!



My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?

i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that



What is an insurance quote?

people say low insurance quote .... what is it. how does it work and how does the whole car insurance thing work what if i buy a $5000 car ... how much would i be spending every month including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS



Insurance for a 22 year old driving a new Z06 or a new viper?

I don't have one and i'm not 22, but i was just wondering how much do u think insurance would be if i get a z06 or a viper when i'm 22 and before you say anything negative, its because i hope to do really really well in school and make at least 65g a year out of college in finance. . . . . Also. why dont 22 yr olds drive around in realy nice cars like that out of college if theyre making 60-70g a yr??



Auto insurance premium higher than what was quoted to me?

I just received my auto insurance policy in the mail and the premium is almost $200/year more than what the agent quoted me! My husband's premium for his vehicle was exactly the same as what was quoted. Is this normal and what should I do? I've already emailed the agent asking why the huge difference but am still waiting on a response.



Is ICBC Prejudiced against young drivers a 120$ a month insurance rate cars?

I am a young drivers just starting out and I drive just like anyone else, I don't consider my actions dangerous why is it though I must pay premium prices if I drive well. These rates only adjust after driving for a longer time. it can be that of statistics ? I know that amount a month for insurance alone is exorbitant and when I ask older drivers some say they pay around 50$ a month. Are there other licensures in BC for licensing for driving a car, perhaps much cheaper than ICBC ?



How much would car insurance be?

I'm 17 and I wanna know how much insurance is on a 1993 Jeep Wrangler before I go out and buy one. I tried to do quotes but I need to know a lot about the car but since I don't have the car, it's kinda hard. Help. Thanx



Car insurance help????????

i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky



What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?

What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?



What do i do if i need to see a doctor, but dont have insurance?

i need to see a doctor but dont have any money to pay off future bills. what can i do? i live in nh. are there temporary insurances that are affordable? should i just go and not pay whatever bills they send? will i get denied if i have no insurance or any means of paying the medical bills?



Can i get insured on my dad's car by a different insurance provider than his?

Hi! i just passed my driving test! and i rang my dad's insurance company and they said they can't insure because i'm a young driver and the car is too big for its a Peugeot with 4 door! so just wondering can i get insurance from another provider just for me on that car? is it legal and possible? what do you recommend?



What is the average car insurance premium in Mississauga, Canada?

Hi, Can anyone please provide an realistic figure of how much it would cost per month towards car insurance in Mississauga. Checked in the below website and gives a high spike in rate : $600 CAN per month ! (Given 5-6 yrs of clean driving history in US)



Insurance to drive?

I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??



How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?

How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?



Car insurance, applies to other car?

Alright so, I plan on driving to a camping trip up in WI and I live in IL. The thing is, I don't know if I'm insured on the car I want to use. I usually drive an SUV (which my parents said they put my name under to use) so I'm insured on that one. But I want to take the other car because of gas mileage. I don't know how the insurance works. Am I covered on the other car too? P.S. My parents have State Farm as our insurance.



Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?

So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?



The insurance company put my name in wrong would i technicly now not be insured?

My name is Jonathan capital J! to cut a long story short i was with one insurance company phoned up for my renewal quote they did the renewal over the phone with their sister company who was the cheaper one and said they would deal with it all for me and just swap all the deatails to that insurance but they got my name wrong. On last years one it was correct ''Jonathan'' now its been sent to them someone had typed in ''jon'' not even a capital letter for my name! Would the police now be able to stop me and say well your technicly not insured because thats not your name? thanks in advance.



How much do u spend for your car insurance a year?

I would like to compare the fares to german car insurances.. e.g. for a VW Polo or Ford Fiesta..



Has the law changed with car insurance for additional drivers?

Today I was looking at car insurance quotes & it seems that it costs the same to be an additional driver on somebody Else's car as it is to be a main driver on your own car. I got a quote to be an additional driver on my mothers car she currently pays 850 per year on her car and to get me also insured on her car it will cost 4.700 a year. It will cost me 3,995 a year on my own 1.0l corsa (main driver). My mothers car is a VW polo 1.4. I think the reason for the law change is because of a lot of parents are fronting for their children to make it a lot cheaper which I believe is called fronting.


Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.


Hi there!Does anyone have a clue for cheap a car insurance?

i got my licence since june last year ,in november 2009 i bought a vw golf mk3 1.6 manual and i got it insured with swiftcover for 154 a month now the insurance is due for renewal and they send me a new quote for 138 a month,wich i think is still a bit too expensive! PLEASSE HELP!!! THANKS



Car insurance for a 17 year old?

Hi, ive just passed my driving test and now want a car. The plan was to buy a clio/corsa/punto as i thought they were cheap insurance. When i put them into car insurance comparers though its coming out at like 2500. Even thought im a lad i though it would be cheaper than this. Can anyone suggest where to go to get cheap car insurance or what car to buy were its cheap insurance or any tips any information is helpful thanks a lot xx



Pregnancy insurance???????

im pregnant and i dont have insurance that will cover me or the baby. I am trying for medicaid and will probably qualify but barely. And i want to get married before the baby is born but again we might just barely qualify. Is there any suggestions on insurance plans or help with medicaid?



Car insurance / liability coverage?

My brother, who is insured with a different company, had an accident with my car. There were 3 cars involved in the accident. He hit the first car in the back which hit the second car and so forth. I don't know whether it was his fault or not, and we did not informed my brother's insurance because it was my car that was crash. The problem now is that, I have only had basic coverage, and my insurance is telling me that my liability coverage ($5000) can cover only one car, meaning that I have to take care of the 2 others cars. So I am wandering what should I do? Please advice



How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?

how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?



Does anyone know about work insurance in lagos nigeria?

we are ptentially going out for 2 weeks to fit a conservatory and need insurance not holiday but work / life insurance



Liability vs Full Coverage??

I don't know much about insurance can someone tell me how liability and full coverage insurance works?



Where can I find private policy health insurance?

great insurance at a low rate



Can anyone explain life insurance to me?

Can you insure the whole family? As if, if any of them passes away the rest get the money?



Cheapest cars to insure for a teen?

I am saving up for my first car and was wondering what would be some cheap options for insurance. I already know that toyota camry's and ford tauruses are pretty cheap to insure, but I want to know some more cheap-to insure cars were. preferably between 1996 and 2002.



How much does it cost to add a person on ur insurance?

i was wondering how much it would cost to add someone with their permit on to ur car insurance, this dont have to be an exact number just and average number. If any of you know plz let me know cause i am trying to figure this out, thanks for your help.



Insurance for seized cars..?

Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?



Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?

How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in more



I borrowed my parents car. am i covered under their insurance?

they forgot to put their insurance card in the glovebox so i got a ticket for no proof of insurance. The ticket will be dropped if i bring in proof of insurance. will it work to just bring in their insurance card? i do not drive their car very often. We live two hours apart



Insurance coverage after my car was totaled?

In 2005 I was in an accident, not my fault. My 1997car was totaled, due to a small area of body damage. I kept the car. Comparing notes with my friend, he said I should not have been paying for collision these past 4 years. When I called to tell my insurance company I bought a new car, I asked why my rates didn't go down after the accident. They said only I could have made a change. Question: what would have happened had I been in another accident that would have totaled my car a second time. Would they deny me. Are they obliged to counsel customers about keeping collision insurance on an already totaled car. Do I have any recourse. Could I get a refund. (My question mark key is gone on my keyboard.)



Car insurance for a teenager?

How much do you think insurance will cost (adding another car to my parents insurance plan)



Im an 18yr old girl, and can not find car insurance for under 2000, help?!?

The car i'm trying to insure is a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it has no modifications. The cheapest insurance i've found is with Tesco but this is still just shy of 2000. The comparison sites have all been useless, all coming out at over 3500. Any ideas would be appriciated?



Car Insurance?

Is it possible for two brothers to be under the Named (or Names) Insured list on a car insurance statement or any paper relating to car insurance. Can two brothers be insured together?



Car insurance for dummies?

i am trying to be an adult here. i graduate college in 8 days and am getting quotes for my own car insurance. I got one today from progressive for $83/mo, full coverage. It is 25,50,25 and $500 deductable. How do I know what is good? i need someone to tell me what coverage I should have-is 25/50/25 good? break it down. Thanks!



I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?

My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?



Additional insurance for a company car?

I currently lease a car from my company, which means that they insure the car etc. The problem is that this only covers me for social driving and for my company's business use. I am trying to get a Saturday job and they need me to prove that my insurance covers business use. I don't want to lie so can I take out an additonal policy to cover me for business use at the weekends? Many thanks



Car insurance for LHD car ?

Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed



What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager?

I'm currently 18 looking for the cheapest possible insurance on my car



How much u pay for ur car insurance?

for small car. i am considering to get a daewoo matiz, coz its cheap running car. i have my hometown driving license, but thats only valid for 1 year, since i live here for the 2nd, i need to apply for uk license.



What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?

What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?


Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?

If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Please explain how universal life insurance works in details?

is it the same as variable insurance wherein you can increase or decrease your insurance coverage for the same premium or universal life have a fix premium for a given age and amount and if you want to increase your coverage, you just add a yearly term insurance?How do you increase its coverage? Will it affects the premium if you want additional coverage? I understand variable life insurance has a range of minimum to maximum coverages for a given premium, is it the same with universal life?please explain in details how the entire process works.



Do you have health insurance?

if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.



Cheap insurance w/a DUI???

Which are the best companies to compare for car insurance w/a DUI on your record???



Should I do something to this company insurance?

Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?



Question about auto insurance claim pay?

Someone I know got into an auto accident (backed into a parked car). Both parties are insured. The guy I know filed an insurance claim and they find him 100% at fault (duh), but the insurer will not give him any money as a result of this. I've never had to file any auto claims in all my time driving (thankfully), so I don't know as to whether what happened is what's supposed to happen. If you're 100% at fault, is it standard for insurers to give no payout at all? I don't know the terms of this guy's insurance policy (told me he uses farmer's insurance, if that matters, not Geico or some other budget insurer), but I thought the purpose of insurance is to cover yourself in the event of accidents, whether you're at fault or not. Should I tell him to appeal, or something, or is the insurance company 100% justified in their decision?



Truck insurance question!!!!?

I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks



Classic Car As A Daily Driver In Michigan?

I'm a hot rod & kustom guy, have building and restoring old cars for awhile the looks of em and the feeling I get driving them, I'm opening up my own shop soon too. I drive a 2001 Grand Am GT and it's about to die 190,000 miles needs tires, brakes, bearings, engines making noises but for the price I paid and miles I put on it, it worked well. Now I need a new daily drive to school 72 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. I live in Michigan, was wondering what it would be like to drive an classic car as a daily...say a 1958 Chevy Bel Air with a 283 motor...the insurance is cheaper, easier to fix and find parts..but may be more in gas...just wondering if anyone drives a classic everyday and how is it in the winter...I'd have to figure out heat some how. I have many cars 1968 Caddy Deville on air bags, 1930 Model A Coupe hot rod, 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 Cadillac Deville...etc



How do you handle car insurance when student goes away for college?

Okay, so I am in Orlando, FL for college and my Mom is moving to California. Is there anyway I can be on her insurance in California, and still drive here? If I'm listed under insurance for living in Orlando, our insurance goes from $138 a month to almost $400 a month. My mom, nor myself, can't afford this. My job is a delivery job, so I HAVE to be insured. Any help here? I want REAL answers from someone who KNOWS what they are talking about. My Mom put it last year that I wasn't driving in Orlando, but isn't that illegal? She wants to do it again, but it's illegal, and they'll know it when they do my taxes. I keep telling her this, but she says not to worry about it. She's just concerned because she can't afford it. There has to be something we can do...



How much does your car insurance cost?

Im 18, third party fire and theift on a Nissan Micra and its 400



What is the average cost of farm liability insurance?

I can't find any quotes online, but I have to provide an estimate for the insurance costs for a U-PICK 4 acre blueberry operation. Any ideas of the price range?



We have dog insurance on the brain!?

So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!



Do you buy the car first then get insurance or the other way around?

How could you get insurance if u don't have a car to fill out the car quotes info like millage, make, year, and so forth if u did not buy the car as yet?



The anybody have auto insurance with the general auto insurance?

I'm looking for a cheaper car insurance, I have progressive it suppost to be cheap and now it can higher. I heard about the general but I want to know if it really cheap. Anybody



Individual medical insurance plans?

I am getting ready to go into a contracting position and there is no medical insurance provided meaning I will have to supply the insurance for my family. Does anyone do this, and is the insurance deductible on the taxes? I am living in Indiana and the plan would cover 4 members including myself.



Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?

Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks



Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?

I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what more



How much is insurance for a nissan santra?

I'm 16 and I would like to get a nissan santra 2002 and I would like to know how much insurance is for it? also if you know any good quote sites thats easy and fast? thanks



Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?

My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?



How much would small business insurance be?

This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!



Will my Insurance go up if my son (22yo) gets a license but does not drive?

My son is going to graduate from college (in May) and wants to get his license taken care of now since he will have some free time. However, he does not actually need to drive (and will not be doing any driving until he gets ready to move out), and neither of us want to pay for the insurance rates right now. Will just him having a license cause the insurance to go up even if he does not drive and does not need to be insured? Thanks for your time!



Motorcycle insurance?

im 18 and am looking to buy a street bike to save on gas (i spend 80 a week now) the only thing im concerned about is insurance costs what are you guys paying???



Auto insurance cost for teen?

I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?



How much homeowner's insurance do I need?

I am purchasing a peice of property and a modular home that is not new, it is maybe 10 years old. I am doing the whole owner finance/contract for deed deal so I am having to pay 120,000 for the place. I think it is worth less. But hey, that is what bad credit gets you. Anyway he said I would have to buy homeowners insurance and I asked how much and he said 120,000. This home itself without the land especially is not where near worth 120,000!!!! Why would I need that much? And if something happened to home would it be right for insurance company to pay 120,000 for a 10 year old modular home. May be even a little older for all I know but it is not 120,000!!!! What is the minumum that I should get? I don't have much money and never had homeowner's insurance.



I have a question about car insurance?

I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it?



How much does allstate charge for insurance ?

Im wondering about how much would allstate charge for insurance on a Range Rover sport supercharged ? Help please and about payments and all of that .... thaanks :)


True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?


Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach).?

Is there insurance for replica cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). OR Do you just say to the insurance company the donor car used to build the Replica(EX Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover only the car used and just treat the replica kit as just additon stuff(EX like adding more exspensive RIMS to a VW). Is the replica insurance cheaper then a real cars insurance. EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) VS. REAL 1988 Porsche 911 ($25k)(V6 Porsche Engine) Do 21st auto Insuracne company have Replica Car insurance and/or will they cover just the donor car used to build the Replica.



What does a good student car discount mean?

like, what grades qualifies for a good student. I've looked on a lot of insurance pages and it doesn't say what grades means your a good student please help!



Under parents car insurance in another state?

im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?



What happens when you get a ticket for no car insurance and you have no car insurance?

My boyfriend was recently pulled over and he has a court date for next month, he was pulled over for speeding and for no insurance and he has no car insurance, what will happen?



My wife is pregnant, we do not have insurance. What should we do?

We do not have insurance, but are having a baby. We are happy to add to our family, but do not know how we are going to be able to afford the up coming medical bills.



APPROXIMATELY, how high would insurance be on a 16 year old male driver with a manual Evo X as a first car?

I just turned 16 and i am about to get my license.I just want an estimate like 200-300 or 300-400 or 400-500, etc. My brother is 18 and currently has an Evo and is paying ~ 500 a month for his insurance but has a terrible driving record. Totaled his car and another persons (completely his fault) speeding tickets, unsafe turn ticket. and a bunch of parking tickets. And please dont give me an answer like youre gonna kill urself or evo is too fast for a first car and too hard to learn stick in an evo because the past 8 months i have been driving my brothers STICK Evo quite alot and have absolutely no problem driving it.



What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?

What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?



Please answer!!! Is my car insurance too high?

I have a 2007 toyota corolla, clean title and no liens. Im 20 years old, female and part time in college. I have state farm and it costs $280 every month, i have full coverage also... Is this expensive or what??!!



I recently got a dui and crashed my car how much will my insurance go up?

right now im paying 45$ a month on car insurance



How much will my insurance rise?

I recently got a speeding ticket for going 9 over in a school zone as well as one for talking on a cell phone in a school zone. I was curious as to how much my insurance will rise. I am 18 and recieved the ticket in Texas. This is my first offense(s). How many points for insurance is a cell phone ticket? Thanks so much!



I have an insurance quote of 1300 for a punto 1.2 on a provisional licence?

if i take this quote what will happen when i get a full licence will it go up or down?



My husband and I are self employed, he is in heart faiure, our insurance premiums were 800 month, now doubled?

Our insurance premiums have doubled in fourteen months. This is the cost of my husbands insurance premium only. I have had to go with another insurance company. How can you force me to pay these premiums. It is literally causing us to go broke. I live in Texas and have found a high risk insurance pool that is still 1100 a month, and does not cover as much. How are you going to help people like us?????



Cost to Insure a 2005 hyundai tiburon?

17 year old guy First car Blue exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance



I'm trying to make a car insurance for eu driving license?

Hi, everytime when I make a quote on e.g. ( or I get a car insurance around 7000 ponds. Is there any way how I can get cheaper insurance? I'm in UK.



What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?

What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?



Occasional Driver Insurance.?

My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?



How can you find out how much your car was when it was new?

My insurance company needs to know how much my car cost when it was brand new so they can give me coverage quotes. I did not buy it new, and it is a 1999. Anyone know the best way to find this out? It is a Chevy Silverado 4500 extended cab. Thanks!



Functions of life insurance?

what is the functions of life insurance



A quick question about car insurance?

now that I have your attention I have a serious question I need help with. Right now i'm 24, and I will be 25 in a few months. Like many young people I have been paying high car insurance rates, and have been looking forward to the quarter life insurance break. The only problem is that within the last year I've racked up 3 points on my drivers license due to an accident and a speeding ticket. Does this ruin my chances for getting a break, or will my break be less significant?



Can an insurance company raise your rates even though you've completed 12 hour traffic school?

I understand that a 2nd violation within 18 months appears on your public record. I was told that even though after taking 12 hour traffic school and my violation appearing as a companies can still legally raise my rates. Then I see people refer to a CA law that states that even if a violation appears on a public record, if there is a dismissal insurance companies cannot legally raise your rates.



Who offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

I'm a college student. I'm 19 from PA. I wanna get a little ninja 250. any suggestions?



How do i pay car insurance at 18?

Okay, so i'm about to turn 18. I'm moving out and into my Boyfriends home(He's 20). He still lives at home, but his parents love me and want me outta my parents home, so i am! But i need to know how to switch my car insurance over so that i can keep my car and pay my own insurance. I refuse to get put on to my boyfriends parents policy. Is there a way for me to get the bills and pay for it, without my parents or his parents having to worry about it? (Please don't tell me that i shouldn't be moving out at 18. I'm responsible, and i've had a job since 15. I've been saving every penny for this moment.)



Car insurance quotes online?

Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online



How much is my insurance?

I basically know nothing about insurance. im 17, the car is a 99 kia sephia with 80,000 miles and its red. i live in a suburban town in new jersey. help me out p.s. i didnt want to find a quote thing online because i dont want them calling my house and stuff since u have to give info



What is the best student accident insurance?

What is the best student accident insurance plan for Kinder level in Pennsylvania?


True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?


How much do you spend on car expenses (gas, insurance, etc.) every month?

So I'm thinking of getting a car and just wondering how much just as an average estimate it costs people every month when you add car payments, gas, insurance, and whatever else like carwashes and oil changes. I know it's different for much for you?



Motorbike insurance confusion?

I'm looking to get a new motorbike in January and am looking at quotes online. Where it says where is the bike kept overnight I have put: on a public road. Then where it says Address where bike is kept overnight I have put my home address. However I want to take it too uni and that's obviously a different address, but it won't let you have two. I have put on the form that my current address is my home rather than uni. Do I need to tell them that it's going to be at uni with or not because it'll be at both places for extended periods of time? It's also 400 more expensive to put address as uni - though cost isn't the problem just confused. thanks. Sorry if it was confusing, if you can't understand then I'll try and make it clearer.



I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...

how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.



Car insurance question?

does AAA car insurance have sr22's? If so how much do they raise the premium?



How much would car insurance cost me as a teenager?

Now i heard that the insurance is riduclous for teenagers these days. Im planning to buy a mazda sportscar worth around $25000. around how much should I be ready to pay for my car insurance a year... btw the insurance must be SUPERIOR insurance meanin the best insurance .



Car Insurance claim or private repair?

Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks



Our daughter has just passed her driving test ( aged 21 ) does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies ?

We are willing to buy her a small car but the insurance quotes she's getting are idiotic.



How much would my car insurance be when I move to california?

I will be 25. I am male and I drive a 2008 Kia optima. Car is paid off. No accidents on my record. (Knock on wood). I want to get the most affordable coverage. So in an estimate, how much am I looking at monthly? I will be living in San Diego



Legal question about car insurance?

I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?



How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?

and what car insurance you have?



Long term car rentals vs expensive car insurance?

So about 2 years ago I got hit with a false DWI in NYC (passed breathalyzer test cops still lied and claimed DWI). But that's another story. Currently I purchased a used Landrover Disco 2. Geico gave me a sweet deal @ $1430/6 months until they ran the DMV report and saw my DWI from 2 years ago. Now my 6 month rate is $3700/6 months. That price is completely rediculous and unaffordable (according to my pockets). Therefore, my question, should I just do long term car rental? I mean I have a super sweet discount that rivals employees discounts @ National and Enterprise Rentals. I'm thinking I could just rent on a month to month basis for less than $3700/every 6 months. The added benefits would be new year car models and the option to trade it in for any vehicle I choose for an entire month. Plus the gas would be less than the Landrovers V8 premium requirement. Basically my question is, should I do long term rentals or run myself broke trying to keep up with insurance and gas prices on top of rent and other expenses?



Health insurance for 18 year old?

I turned 18 at the beginning of this month. I want to get health insurance but all the places I've looked at so far said you have to be 19 and older. Nobody in my family has health insurance. I live in MD and I can't get state sponsored health insurance(even though I'm willing to pay for it) because I don't have a baby or I'm 19. I need health insurance for college but the one my college offers is too expensive for me. Help me



Brother got speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance for my car go up?

so i let my brother drive my car, and he's a pretty safe driver, however he got caught doing 69 mph on a 55 mph in north carolina. i understand that he will have to pay a fine/get points on his license. will the insurance on my car be affected? my brother is actually not listed as one of the drivers in the insurance (my mom and i are listed as the main drivers- both of which have never gotten a ticket/motor offense).



What is the cheapest place to get car insurance in Toronto Canada?

What is the cheapest place to get car insurance in Toronto Canada?



A good individual dental insurance plan?

I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.



Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?

Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?



Can my mom have two cars under her name?(insurance)?

I am turning 16 soon and i would like to purchase or lease my own car.. Of course i will pay half of the insurance and as much of the lease price as i can... However, before i do anything... I would like to check a few things.. Is it possible for my mother to have two cars under her name/insurance while I am also registered in her insurance? Like me being registered under my mothers insurance because if i make my own insurance the cost is very expensive.... I tried calculating how much it would cost if my mom had a car under her and another car under my name (inside the same insurance) and it was around 800-900 dollars per month.... *This is ontario..* so is it possible to have two cars under my moms name and none under mine? and will it be expensive as me having a car under my name and the same for the other car under my moms name? thanks!



Temporary car insurance for foreign visitor?

A friend from Europe is visiting me for 2 weeks, and I'd like to lend him my car for some of the time. Obviously he is not covered through my insurance policy and I don't want to add him to it. Can he purchase coverage for himself just for this limited time? If so, where?



Car insurance for 18 year old male?

Hi I live in Windsor ON. And I need car insurance I have a 96' Ford Escort 4 door lx. Everywhere I have called has given me very high rates. Please help :)



Cheapest car insurance? I am talking less than $70 bucks a month. I have seen maybe 60 bucks a month lowest?

Only answer this question with exact information of a company that can go cheaper than 70 bucks a month as that is the lowest I have been able to find.



How do I go about this? Car insurance for myself and get the car in my name?

My mom is giving me her old car. She has it in her name, and I want to put it in my own name with my own car insurance. I'm moving out so this is the reason for it. I live in Florida.



What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?

I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.



If I live with my mother and my father is buying me a car will his insurance cover me?

My parents are divorced and my mother has custody of me. My mom's boyfriend bought my older brother's car. So my dad said he'll buy mine. Will his insurance cover me since I live with my mother? Or will I have to pay the insurance to my dad and pay insurance to my mom since I live with her? So basically I would be paying them both for insurance according to my mother. The car will be in my dad's name.



Renting a car and insurance in US ?

is insurance for renting a car optional or essential ! ?



If I get a ford mustang (2000-2006) and get put on my grandmothers insurance would it be cheaper?

I heard it would be cheaper to have me on her insurance because she's older and has a clean record. And I'm pretty sure it varies by state. I live I'm SC


True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?


Car insurance for a new driver.?

How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore.



Boat/yacht insurance rates?

Good morning. My husband and I have a desire to live on the sea, or at least out of a marina and probably west coast/California. We would most likely live full-time on small yacht (42-52 ft). Wondering if anyone can give me an idea what cost to expect for boat insurance. Cannot provide more info on the yacht because we have not purchased it yet. Just looking for ballpark estimates to help in my research. There was not a specific category for boating questions, do hope some experienced boaters find this. Thanks!



How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ?

I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know how much is car insurance in nyc monthly



How much will insurance go up with 2 points on drivers license in CA?

Im from California. So I have 2 points on my driving record how much will the insurance go up? I work for a company as a driver. They have The Hartford car insurance. Thanks.



Is Progressive a good auto Insurance provider?

I have used Geico for years. I have been extremely satisfied with their service. However, my premium is still more than I want to pay. I got a quote for Progressive and it is considerably less. Anyone out there have Progressive and satisfied with them? How have they handled claims in the past? Any other good, reasonably priced auto insurance companies?



I want a 2005 mustang for my fist car, how much would the insurance be ($prices?) I have state farm insurance?

I really want a 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT a GT) for my fist car. Please give prices of how much the insurance would be if I had state farm insurance. Thank You, and please give me good prices so my dad will get me a mustang!!!



17 year old girl insurance?

My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??



Car insurance......?

if you have full coverage car insurance and you get into an accident but its the other persons fault and you get your car fixed by your insurance do your rates go up? what if the other persons insurance pays for the damage to your car do your rates go up?



Car insurance that covers young people driving other cars?

I'm looking to buy car insurance as my renewal is due on the 30th of Nov, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will let you drive other people's cars with the owners permission? I'm 20 at the moment and I'm aware that most insurers will only cover 25+ for this benefit but I want to know if there are any companies that offer this to younger people under 21, also if anyone knows of any companies that cover over 21 year olds this will also be helpful as I'm turning 21 during the course of the policy can anyone help me with this?



Why is insurance for mazda cars so high?

I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :)



Help with car insurance please help?

i have a 1997 nissan sentry i live in california i have the 15/30/25 on my coverage how much will i save if i change it to 15/30/5 which i believe is only the states quires, and also if i should do it and what is the difference for my medical coverage it says 5000 and and uninsured motorist is at the lowest coverage which is 15/30 please help. Thank you



How much will I get under insurance of my car?

It was a Ford Fiesta SXi, I met with a serious accident & ma whole car was damaged. It was recommended for a replacement as it was of no use. I don't know how much I need to pay now for my car. It was new just 2 months old.



Need Medical Insurance?

My husband has a great job but the sorry part is it doesn't come with insurance which sucks. He makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid or Chips. I need an affordable health insurance for our family. Insurance is so expensive, please help me.



List of dog breeds insurance wont cover?

Most rentals have a list of dog breeds you cant have because insurance wont cover certain breeds that are bite prone. Anyone know how I can find this list?



Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?

i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids



Can you get car insurance with out a licence?? if so?

i just bought a car for my mom...who is without a licence. but she needs a car to take her drivers test in. (this is tecnically my frist car) can i get the car registered without insurence?...and if not....can i get insurence for an unlicensed driver?...or will we have to have a licenced driver get insurence for the car..and put my mom as unlicenced driver till she takes the test?? i just need a little help on how the prosses goes. thank you very much. kathleen



Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?

Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)



What are the monthly insurance rates for a 2007 GT Eclipse and 2007 GT Tiburon?

I am trying to compare which would be a better/more affordable car to have. I am 19. I know age has alot to do with it, so even if you are older just tell me your payments plz, and if you can estimate how much it would be for me, that would be great. Thanks.



How much would an individual health insurance plan cost for me?

Obviously I know it can vary but I just want an idea. I am a female in my 20s and I was wondering what a policy would cost if I didn't go through an employer for health insurance. Can someone provide a ballpark area for the cost? Thank you



Why are my insurance quotes so high?

20 year old male toronto ontario G2 issued oct 2011 G1 DEC 2010 car 2003 toyota celica never been insured before quotes came up as 12000-16000/year i tryed it with a 4 door honda accord and it was 10000/year, i tryed 3 websites. Also is there an easier way to find auto insurance around toronto?



Can I have an estimate on my car insurance?

I am an 18 year old male, in the state of Pennsylvania who is gonna buy his own car. I have never been in a car accident or gotten a ticket in the past 2 years I've been behind the wheel (with my moms car). I also have State Farm insurance. Can someone let me know how much It would cost if I got a car insured under my moms insurance? Or maybe if it could be cheaper for me to get my own plan? Thank you!



My boyfriend's nephew got hit but he doesn't have car insurance.?

my boyfriend and his nephew were involved in a hit and run. however, his nephew doesn't have car insurance, will this have an a negative turn out for him??? i don't care about the other guy having or not having insurance...but will his nephew get in trouble? we live in California, it is illegal to have a car with no car insurance, registration, and license. please help!!! would it turn out for him??? HE WAS THE ONE THAT GOT HIT BY THE OTHER CAR... his nephew is the victim



Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?

Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.



How much does your car insurance cost? help me with my survey (UK)?

monthly payments or yearly. i'd like to know please leave: -model of car and engine size -gender -age -years of driving -[optional] insurance company thanks for your cooperation



What is the best and cheap health insurance?

I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month.


True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?

True or false? I can save money on car insurance by choosing a higher deductible?