A better insurance: a self-run insurance?"

A better insurance: a self-run insurance?

Would it be better for banks and the government to allow people to legally insure themselves? Health insurance, car insurance, etc.? Instead of people having to pay certain insurance agencies, they would deposit the amount of money they would usually pay for insurance, into a bank account with good interest. This account should be recognized by the government and banks should report deposits and withdrawals. This account should be accessible only in emergencies or in dire need and in certain instances like when you lose your license, although not the entire sum itself. The hospital, a notary of the bank, and other personnel of trust should give documentation to allow a person to withdraw from this account.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:freecarinsurance.xyz





Sued for Auto Accident Above Insurance Limit in NJ?

One year ago my wife was taking our daughter to pre-school turning left out the end of our road in to traffic, this road has a speed limit of 35 mph. Traffic had to stop to let her cross the first lane since it was solid cars, vans and small trucks. As she approached half-way, before getting a good view of oncoming traffic, another car took off the front bumper. Note that the center line is interuppted at the cross-junction. The bumper was torn from the front of the car with damage more evident on the non-impact side of the car than where initially hit, hence my wife had not initiated a turn, just edging forward to see. The radiator was in-tact, but damaged, still mounted to the front of the car. I walked to the site with our other child and took my daughter home; she is fine and I took her to school but still talks of the incident today. My wife stayed at the incident, and was fine (no later issues) keeping real calm and cooperating with police. It took about 2 hrs with police debating which town the incident took place (middle of the road is the divide) and the other driver was concerned about getting home to take a pot off the stove, but seemed medically fine. The driver asked me and the police to drive them home to get the pot off the stove and used my wifes cell phone more than once. They also wanted to drive their car home and leave the scene with a flat tire at one point I presume to attend to the pot. No tickets were issued, no air bags deployed. The other car had a flat front left tire and side damage so the drivers door was stuck shut. Both cars were old, so written off. Over a year later we received a court summons from their attorney and we are being sued for $750,000. Our limit is $100,000 on insurance. The plaintiff is claiming herniated discs and loss of bowel control. We have a 2006 no money down mortgage, so total equity is very much in the red since our home value plummeted. I have no umbrella policy. I am sole income, but was owner of the car my wife was driving. My wife is stay-at-home mom. The remaining $650,000 would be a big problem. Interestingly, we heard that the other driver called our insurance and asked for a >100-fold lower amount of money to just go away! Our insurer recalls this very clearly and did not pay. Questions: Should I invest in an attorney to work with our insurers attorney to cover the $650K over our limit? Do we have any case given the car the other driver may have been in a rush (as all were aware of the pot on the stove), would have settled for far less, and in reported safety tests should avoid an obstacle at 55mph let alone at the speed limit of 35 mph? Their case, as I understand, is to actually prove my wife was negligent, she was just trying to see. Reality and the law are complicated I understand. Our insurer is looking in to the validity of their medical claims. I believe for spinal and neck injuries plaintiffs have to follow careful insurance approved treatment plans in NJ. I know that such a condition may not be permanent with curative surgery possible to release the nerves that may be causing the bowel issue. The plaintiff has claimed the injury as permanent, do they need to prove this? Should we ask experts? The plaintiff lives in our town and their house is on my running route every other day. I have not noted anything at all and plan to stay away from all other parties. Should I change my running route? Thanks for any advice. Our 30 day clock is ticking.



Fastest car to insure cheaply?

hi. im 18 yrs old with only 1 yr's ncb. im looking for a car which is both cheap to insure, and fairly quick. any ideas what i should get?



California motorcycle/moped laws?

Hello, I'm moving to california from florida in a month to start college, and I intend to sell my car here and get a moped or a motorcycle over there instead to save a little money. I don't know the laws on motorcycles there? i know in florida if its less than 50cc you don't need a motorcycle license or insurance. what about california? if you need insurance how much $/year are we talking? I don't know squat about motorcycles and I've never even rode one or understood the whole gears thing. if someone could recommend a few brands or even whether to get a motorcycle or a moped/scooter (is there a diff?) i have a tight budget (1-1.5K) any advice would be awesome!!!! <3



New to buy used car, can drive to home after buying with no insurance?

i dont really know how to do, i am new to drive, Is it ok to drive the used car back home first but i dont have insurance, IF NO, what should i do????



What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?

What is the cheapest yet best car insurance co?



Car insurance price estimate?

Im getting a car this summer but I am concerned about my car insurance. I know that some I'm a teen it's going to be pretty ridiculous, but I will be able to benefit from the good grades discount and the defensiive driving course discount. My insurance company is state farm. I plan on driving a used car, (not red, I've heard red cars are more expensive to insure). Also, will it be cheaper to have my own policy, or be added to my moms? And if I go under my mom's policy, would it be possible to have the car under her name and have me listed as the oocational driver even though ill be using it more than she will?



I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?

I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?



What is the average salary for an insurance marketing rep?

I was wanting to get some information on what the average salary might be for a marketing rep for a non-standard auto insurance company might be? Any info or personal knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!



I need cheap non drivers insurance for cort in less than a week?

ware can i get it in st.louis missouri



How much does it cost a mo for auto insurance when your 18?

On a 2005, sport compact. Texas



WHere casn i get cheap insurance in toronto canada?

Hi guys i need help, where can iu get real cheap insurance for my car thanks



What is the standard recommended auto insurance coverage in the state of Texas?

The minimum coverage that would give you adequate protection.



Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?

Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?



Are we covered with liability insurance?

if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such?



What factors to look for/consider when getting a home insurance?

What factors to look for/consider when getting a home insurance?



I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance?

I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance? Please suggest me some good options for long term care insurance in Texas.



Help please with health insurance?

I am new resident in usa and I am 25 y.old.I have valicocele problems and its already 7years that i still have it . It didnt heart before but now my pain increasing. I dont know where to go and what to do becouse I dont have any insurance yet and I dont know will insurance cover my sergery if need sergery. Please give some information what kind of insurance do I need . I also heard about colorado indigent care program(cicp) . And I dont know will it cover to go to doctor or to have sergery. I will really presuate if you can help me . Thanks



The Federal Government Insurance Plan?

If the federal Government has an insurance plan and we pay for it,where is it taken from I mean what tax pays and how much do we pay. and where is the plan located so I can see what there plan is.



About how much is Walmart Life Insurance Worth?

If you are an assistant manager for over 5 years?



Affordable health insurance in Georgia?

We're moving to Georgia (currently live in Europe) and my hubby's company has crappy insurance. It's free for him, but for me and my infant it'll cost almost $700 per month! That's just ridiculous! Are there any Georgia residents out there who pay their own insurance and would suggest their insurance company? I'm 32, a stay-at-home mom, and my son is 9 months. PLEASE don't answer that I should go back to work and get insurance there - Our plan is for me to stay at home until our son is old enough to go to school, and then I'll go back to work. Thanks in advance for all educated and serious answers!



My car was totaled, do I still have to make payments to my car insurance?

I was in a car crash in the beginning of August and my car was declared total by my insurance. I still had 5 more payments left and called my agent which said I still have to pay for them?



How much does it cost to insure a 08 corvette for a 21 year old?

I currently have a mustang gt 2007 i pay $465 a month for the car payment and $230 a month for the insurance. Now i am graduating with a engineering degree next year and my salary will double so i can afford about a $700-800 car payment and about $300-400 monthly insurance payment. Will this be enough to own a 08 corvette over 60months? I would like to hear from those who actually own a corvette or those who work for a insurance company but any educated response is ok. Thanks in advance



Can auto insurance keep policy after being told to drop?

Switched insurance companies. the original insurance company WOULD NOT CANCEL the policy. Is this illegal?



Can I get car insurance under my boyfriend's name even though the car is registered to me?

My car is registered under my name BUT i want put my boyfriend as the primary driver on the car insurance. He signed over the title to me because of some private reasons but even though legally its mine I still see it as his. Anyhow, can I put car insurance under his name even though the car is registered under my name?



If my car insurance gets canceled b/c of late payments?

will they reinstate it again if i paid what i owed in full?


A better insurance: a self-run insurance?

Would it be better for banks and the government to allow people to legally insure themselves? Health insurance, car insurance, etc.? Instead of people having to pay certain insurance agencies, they would deposit the amount of money they would usually pay for insurance, into a bank account with good interest. This account should be recognized by the government and banks should report deposits and withdrawals. This account should be accessible only in emergencies or in dire need and in certain instances like when you lose your license, although not the entire sum itself. The hospital, a notary of the bank, and other personnel of trust should give documentation to allow a person to withdraw from this account.


Insurance premium after fender bender?

So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.



Is there such thing as Bicycle Insurance?

When I say Bicycle Insurance, I mean that the insurance company will pay for repairs.



Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?

Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?



Car insurance, cant find less then 3200?

Hey how are you, ive just passed recently and am looking to cover my peugeot 206 1.4 3 door hatchback, i cant find any quotes lower then 3200 on gocompare or confused, with a maximum excess of 250 pounds, do you have any advice that could help me? im 22 years old also not a teenager, i guess that should help with the prices, and ive done the pass plus scheme too, if i rang some of these companys up, how low do you think i could get them?



What's the best insurance option for a private car collector?

What's the best insurance option for a private car collector?



I can't afford to get Health insurance will I be penalized under the Affordable healthcare act?

I am literally living paycheck to paycheck this year so far has gone from bad to worse for me and now I have to have health coverage and I wasn't able to make the March 31st deadline



Auto insurance listed driver question?

My question is as follows: What is the difference between me allowing someone to drive my car and me having someone listed as a second driver on my insurance policy when it comes to an accident. What are the differnces in the two situations at the time of an accident claim being filed? I know if the person I let drive my car had no fault in the accident, my rate wouldn't go up if I settle with my own insurance company. But if its the person who is driving my car's fault, are my insurance premiums affected? If yes, then what is the difference in not having the person listed at all and still making a claim through my own insurance. I ask because I am thinking of putting my girlfriend who drivers my car sometimes listed as a driver on the policy. Would this protect me or my premiums in anyway in case of an accident compared to not having her listed at all?



I have just be ripped of by my car insurance help?

Hi 2 days ago I had a bill for my car insurance and it was 158 pounds. I have a car and on this insurance for over 2 years now and I was paying 48 pounds a month. I called then up about this and they said because of a crash I had 6 months ago they have put my car insurance up from 600 pounds to 1600 pounds I did not know nothing about this untill they took my money out. Will I get this money back and is this wrong how much they are charging me now for just having a claim on me please help me and let me know what I can do thanks



Auto Insurance rates?

Is there a web site where I can see how a particular type of car rates for insurance vs another car?



How much would insurance for a 2002 chevy tahoe cost? ?

ok im 14 and im taking drivers ed this summer when im 14 1/2 to get my learners permit and for my car im getting a 2002 chevy tahoe or a 2004 Cadillac escalade and i was wondering how much the insurance would be for them? not the full coverage but the liability insurance and we're on state farm insurance and i live in a pretty low crime town in montana so my car probably wouldn't get stolen or broken into



When is it too late to make a car insurance claim?

About 3-4 months ago I was parked in a supermarket car park. My mum, opened the passenger door where the wind blew and hit the car next to us. Upon packing the car, the passenger in the alleged 'chip' car stated that their car was damaged- the damage was barely even visible- something you would expect as a driver to occur. I even questioned whether that 'damage' was the fault of ours because the car was that battered. Anyway, 3 months later I received a letter stating that I was involved in an accident on the 21st of June. This date is also incorrect where this 'accident' actually happened on the 1st May (my car insurance renewal date). My insurance know this happened in this time as I called them to ask what may occur. Could anyone provide me with details of when it is the latest time to make a claim. Also, what would usually happen for the 'chip' in question since I know this day that it allegedly happened was a lie. (UK answers only please)



Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?

I want to run a one vehicle WAV (wheel chair accessible vehicle for disabled people) car hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire the customer would hire the car and arrange for a person to drive it for them. On the odd occasion the hirer does not have anybody to drive the car for them they might want me to drive for them I have been told to do this I would need a private vehicle hire licence (mini cab drivers licence) also hire and reward insurance along with a mini cab office operators licence and the vehicle would need to be plated (tested) This is not a problem except for the hire and reward insurance which would be about 3000 per year and would not be cost effective for the amount of driving I would be doing (I would probably only be driving a customer 1 day per week). Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?



If i have fully comprehensive insurance can I drive someone elses car? Im 18?

Basically i got a quote from admiral for about 600 for fully comp insurance on a 900cc fiat, would I then be able to drive someone elses car? As this would work out a heck of a lot cheaper than actually insuring me on the other car [3k cheaper to be exact]



Motorcycle insurance?

i have seen things that say motorcycle insurance is ALOT more then car insurance and things that say car inurance is ALOT more then motorcycle insurance and i dont really know if any one will be able to give me accurate answer to my question but i just want an idea of how much the insurance would be for an 18 year old, with a Honda Rebel, in south texas *1



Who offers parked car insurance?

My husband is deployed with the Army and I went to stay with family out of state while he is gone. We left his car at our duty station and we still owe on it. Progressive does not offer parked car insurance and I do not want to pay full price when neither of us are going to be anywhere near the car for a year. Are there any companys that offer parked car insurance or is there anything else I can do until we pay it off?



Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question?

I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car.



Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?

My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.



What is a 2Dr car that has low insurance rates?

around $5,000 range runs well



How much would car insurance be monthly for an 18 year old girl?

Who's never gotten a ticket or pulled over. Had my license for seven months now and also has not took drivers ed....an estimate?



Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance?

I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?



Approximately how much will my car insurance cost?

I am a 16 year old male, I will be getting my liscense soon. I'm going to have my own car(probably an old Honda civic) and ill be added on my mothers insurance policy. And I live in San Diego, and my grades are B's and C's



What type of car insurance do you have? 10 points will be given!!!!!!!!?

as a sixteen year old who would like to get a used car, i would like to know what type of car insurance is the best. i have tried to do online quotes, but they always ask for too much personal information. is insurance real expensive for a sixteen year old? what type of insurance do you have or recommend? thanks



Car hit me but i have no insurance. What will happen?

I was hit by a car, and it was the other drivers fault, but i didnt have insurance when this happend. Can the others drivers insurance still pay me for the damage on my vehicle? Or what will happen?



Question about car insurance?

My parents are buying me my first car soon. My question is that I currently do not have auto insurance so if I drive off the dealership back home in my new BMW, will I get in trouble if I get caught? My brother has insurance on a different car, will it work if he drives it home? Thanks!



What do I get as a USAA member without any accounts?

You can get a USAA membership with an online registration; however, I do not need to have any banking accounts, insurance, etc with USAA. What do I get with this membership and does it affect my credit score? What are the pros and cons of becoming a USAA member when I don't have any accounts open with them?


A better insurance: a self-run insurance?

Would it be better for banks and the government to allow people to legally insure themselves? Health insurance, car insurance, etc.? Instead of people having to pay certain insurance agencies, they would deposit the amount of money they would usually pay for insurance, into a bank account with good interest. This account should be recognized by the government and banks should report deposits and withdrawals. This account should be accessible only in emergencies or in dire need and in certain instances like when you lose your license, although not the entire sum itself. The hospital, a notary of the bank, and other personnel of trust should give documentation to allow a person to withdraw from this account.


Massachusetts car registration/insurance?

I need a bit of help here people. Most likely from someone in the Mass area. I just bought a car in RI (Private deal, used). I have a Mass license, so that's where it will be registered. My question is pertaining to where the car is being kept. I work and attend college in RI, so that is where my current residence is. Can I set my insurance to RI where I get my mail, and still have it registered in Ma? Or do I need to use a Mass address for my insurance as well? I called the insurance company and they did not have a clue, and I also called the RMV who just put me on hold for 40 minutes.



Is there short term car insurance?

I am going on a trip, and i am going to borrow a car from someone, and they don't have insurance on it..I wanted to know if i could get temporary insurance on it..



I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?

And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo



Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?

Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.



What is Title insurance?

What is it for? any advantages? how will it benefit me?



How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?

Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S



How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?

My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august



Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?

Do men drive better then women or women better then men or even steven?



Car insurance cost if I want car insurance only 3 months?

Hi, I'd like to buy car insurance for only 3 months, and I'm wondering how much this will cost me approximately. * car price: $3000 * city: Phoenix * new driver, no record Could someone give me a ballpark figure please? Do you think it will be more like $300 (this is $100 per month) or more like $1500 (this is $500 per month)..... I have no idea. Thank you in advance.



Will my husband's car insurance cover the cost of the damaged car?

I was driving my husband's car (in the UK) which is insured in his name. He also put my name in the insurance agreement that I have permission to drive his car etc. However, I do not have a driving licence but my husband does of course. I got into a serious car accident and my husband's car is completely ruined. The police took information and saw that I was driving the car. Will my husband's car be covered by his insurance or will they reject it because I was driving it? He has fully comprehensive car insurance. Thanks.



Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?

Its a stats question



Can i change my car insurance over to a new car after 2months ?

Is this possible and how does it work ? Can i change it over , let me know please , Thanks I have car that i only plan on having for 2months and then getting new car , is it easy to change it over to new car and what does it cost ?



What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?

I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela



Liability Car Insurance?

What exactly is it? And can anybody drive my car with it? Like, if I had my name on the insurance, can my younger sister drive it still and she'll be okay as long as she doesnt get into an accident?



Do they let you take insurance?

hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..



Show car insurance for 99 mustang?

I have a 1999 Mustang show car and My insurance is really high. I have no tickets etc. I have been looking for some show car insurance so my dad does not have to pay soo munch. Most show car insurance say that you have to have it in an enclosed garage or something but I don't have room so it is in my drive way covered up.is is there any show car insurance or good insurance that is not so high??



Where can i get cheap individual health insurance in florida?

i'm under 65 and i'm not eligible for employee or medicaid insurances.



How much will insurance cost after first dui offense?

I got my first dui for parking my mom's car for her(my intentions weren't to drive home drunk at all... just back 10 feet.) and I use to have insurance but canceled it when ...show more



Best cheap insurance for dental?

i am looking for a good insurance for dental what would you ppl recommand



State Farm car insurance refund?

I had State Farm insurance. They raised my rate...I cancelled. After I cancelled they drafted my account for the amount due the following month. So I paid the new insurance and State Farm. I requested a refund for the amount drafted. They sent me a check for a little less than half of what they charged me. Wen I asked why, I was told that they had to charge me for insurance I had on my cars from the first to the sixteenth of October. The draft occurred on October 20th. I am confused. When I began my payment plan I paid a month in advance. How did my payments become a partial month in arrears? Does anyone know how these payment plans work and how to get my money back? Thanks.



Does a car not in use need insurance?

Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?



From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?

From whom can I get home insurance in Delaware if I own a Pit-bull?



What type of car would have the cheapest insurance? Over 25 but 2 dui's... I know... stupid...?

I just got my release for my license back and am looking for a new used car. I'm also trying to keep the insurance price down (I'm sure like everyone). Any suggestions on a type of car or insurance company that would be good to use please let me know. thnx



How to fine best insurance companies ?

How to fine best insurance companies ?



Why is car insurance so expensive for me?

just passed my driving test this month and i checked how much car insurance would be for me and its 3000+ :'O when my younger female cousin passed she got her insurance for 900 on the same car!!! how can i get it cheaper? =[ im 17 male


A better insurance: a self-run insurance?

Would it be better for banks and the government to allow people to legally insure themselves? Health insurance, car insurance, etc.? Instead of people having to pay certain insurance agencies, they would deposit the amount of money they would usually pay for insurance, into a bank account with good interest. This account should be recognized by the government and banks should report deposits and withdrawals. This account should be accessible only in emergencies or in dire need and in certain instances like when you lose your license, although not the entire sum itself. The hospital, a notary of the bank, and other personnel of trust should give documentation to allow a person to withdraw from this account.


I hit a parked car and damaged the front of my car. is it cheaper to go through insurance?

how do i find out if it is cheaper to go through my insurance company or to just pay to have my car fixed myself? the accident was my fault.



Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?

Any one know cheap nissan navara insurance?



How much would car insurance be for me?

I'm 15.5 and I really want to get my learners permit, but I gotta talk my parents into it. I would pay for EVERYTHING. I just need to know how much. I know its hard to calculate, but please estimate! :) When I buy insurance my info will be 16 years old Male 3.8 GPA driving a 2012 Jeep Wrangler Los Angeles California And I would want medium coverage the help would be great! thanks :)



Can someone help me? I got a citation for no insurance?

My brother has a cheap cash car and I just moved in with him. Well apparently since its so cheap, he decided not to get insurance on it, but I have to drive it to work. A cop hiding out saw me do a illegal u-turn, and i quote that because I didn't see any sign saying no u-turn. Anyways, he pulled me over and asked for proof of insurance and I had none, so he gave me this citation and i have some mandatory meeting to go to court? I never been pulled over or issues a citation, and i'm so pissed at my brother for not having insurance! Now i'm going to go personally buy me some when I get home, but I never done this before, is there a way I can get out of this? I would be considered a first time offender, and he told me I had a good driving record, and said something about making a deal with me, by going to the court but I don't remember because i'm so stressed out right now. Then I read something online about a conviction if and something about a surcharge annual for 3 years? WTF is that all about?



Best car for cheap car Insurace?

Hi, So I passed my driving test today which is ace. Im 27 male from from West Sussex. Im looking to buy a cheap car that has a cheap insurance premium. So ideally I want a 1.1l Any tips on which cars to look at? Obviously category 1 cars are cheaper but the actual cars are are quite expensive. I just need a banger to chug to work in, no motorways. Any help would be ace. Thanks Dan



My car insurance premiums why are they so expensive?

low mileage driver 28 years old 5 years no claims 5 years held full license Car 1.2 Clio worth under 2K completed PASS plus after driving test I would think all the above would suggest low premium. But because my postcode is just inside Greater London, all my premium quotes seem to fall in 55-60 when in a previous town I was paying less than 40, This surely can't be fair or right can it? Can anybody suggest a good but cheap insurance company?



I have my driving test soon need insurance help im 17 could go on mums insurance but lowest quote is 1500?

and thats with a box in the car but lowest quote without box in lowest quote 3500 and lowest quote on my own insurance 4000 her car is a 1.4 54 plate fiesta on my own it would be a banger old car



If I move to a new state and buy a new car insurance policy, must I report violations in other states?

i had two car accidents - one in arizona in summer 2004 and the other in texas in summer 2005, both of which i was at fault. at the time, i had california car insurance, which covered my accidents. i did everything legally and paid for my mistakes. i just moved to pennsylvania and need to buy a new car insurance policy here. do i need to report my prior car accdidents to my new insurance company? if I don't tell them about them, willl they find out anyway?



Question on insurance discount?

So im 15 turn 16 in April so I was wondering you know that car insurance stuff like if your on A-B honorol you get a discount well the first 9 weeks I got a 78 in math is there anyway I can get that discount how far back do they check your grades



How do you find car insurance?

Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!



Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?

I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn't want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don't respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.



Health insurance laws?

I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child



Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?

With 4 year driving record? thanks



Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance?

Can i have the Title of the car in my name with another person's insurance? Example: Could i have title of the car in my name but use my Parents insurance??



Life Insurance question?

I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?



Will lawmakers eventually create a national health insurance exchange instead of the state based exchanges?

Also, is it possible still for health insurance companies to be given the freedom to sell their policies across state lines?



Will my insurance rates raise?

its been a little over 4 months since ive had my at fault accident and my insurance hasnt gone up.I have allstate and the accident forgiveness doesnt apply to california yet,so will they ever raise my rates or is it just going to stay the same?



Car insurance--rates hiked after filing claim for hit & run?

do car insurance companies hike your rates if you file a claim for someone else doing hit & run damage to you? I've heard stories of car insurance companies doing that--even if ...show more



If I drive a car that has insurance but not in your name in Florida?

If there is a car accident can I get in trouble? Meaning can I get a ticket if someone rear ends me? A friend of mine was in an accident and they were rearended the car owner had insurance would that cover said friend?



How do I get a license to sell insurance in california? Can someone please tell me step by step?

If you know of classes offered or helpful websites, please provide.



Car Title and Insurance?

If I finance my car under just my name can I then title it under both mine and my mother's name and get insurance using her address?



Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?

Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?



Why is car insurance so high for a 30+ female with 10yrs ncd?

I'm just looking for a new/nearly new style Ford KA and looked at some insurance quotes and ive noticed that nothing comes in cheaper than 360. It's not what I'm driving as I've looked at smaller cars such as Peugeot 107's and Citroen C1's (both new and older cars). They all come out with nothing cheaper than 360! I had a brand new KA back in 2003 and that was only 260 for insurance (I do understand that insurance has gone up in 10 years!), but why cant I get anything cheaper? I'd see myself as a model driver as I've been driving for 11 years, never had an accident, never claimed on my insurance, never been booked or had any points and I'm now in the 'older' bracket! Please can someone explain, or reassure me that it's not just me this is happening to?



Driving someones car without insurance?

If you drive someone elses car and that person has insurance but not you, and you get ticketed. do you also get ticketed for driving without insurance. is it possible to drive someones car without you yourslef buying car insurance? btw this is in dallas, texas



A rough montly price for insurance on used car?

ok i tryed all these sites lol to get quotes but they all want my name and address which im not looking for insurance right now coz i still need my licence first. anyways i saw car i used car i like its a blue ford tarus 1998. and im 20 so im obv gonna be new driver later this year. how much do you think insurance cost me for that monthly? i just want rough guess so please dont comment this if ur gonna direct me to website coz ive already tryed serveal times to do that.


A better insurance: a self-run insurance?

Would it be better for banks and the government to allow people to legally insure themselves? Health insurance, car insurance, etc.? Instead of people having to pay certain insurance agencies, they would deposit the amount of money they would usually pay for insurance, into a bank account with good interest. This account should be recognized by the government and banks should report deposits and withdrawals. This account should be accessible only in emergencies or in dire need and in certain instances like when you lose your license, although not the entire sum itself. The hospital, a notary of the bank, and other personnel of trust should give documentation to allow a person to withdraw from this account.


*1:or if there is some where i can find out, that would help to