San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Health insurance deductible?

Okay, so I don't fully understand how insurance works and I can't seem to get an answer to my question. My health insurance deductible, do I get it back? As in after exhausting it through appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do my monthly payments go back towards that? Is it gone for good? I haven't even been able to get someone from the company on the phone to answer me!! Please help. Thank you!



Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?

Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?



How can I make the price to insure a classic car cost less?

1974 Ford Maverick.. my car isn't even worth much and each quote I get, it seems like people are just assuming, it's in perfect condition. It has descent gas mileage (considering it's age) it's always been reliable and I haven't had any accidents I also want to include my teen (who's learning to drive) in the coverage.



Insurance is WAY too!?

I am 19, female and have just passed my driving test ... however, the cheapest insurance I have found is 1400 :( I have tried all of the companies who are on tv...admiral is the cheapest, norwich union and theives (almost 4 grand for a fiat punto!!), sheilas wheels and diamond are expensive too. Does anyone have any suggestions of cheap car insurance providers?



How much would car insurance cost on a 2011 Audi A5 Coupe?

For a business math project we have to find out how much it would cost a month to insure a car of our choice.



Is there any way i can get off your parents insurance?

because i want to apply for my own insurance. 17, 18 in 60 days.



Insurance rates in California to rise 147% under Obamacare,was obama lying or does he just not know?



How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?

I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?



What's the salary and commission for infinity insurance in California?

Does anyone know?



What's a good health insurance option for a 22 yr. old male?

My boyfriend just lost his coverage under his parents policy and needs insurance that's pretty affordable but still covers things such as: -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor visits/sport physicals Any recommendations are welcome! Thanks!



Motorcycle insurance? how much?

can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!



I need help with my car insurance?

Middle aged female (mid fifties), have had comprehensive car insurance 8 years no claim but current insurers now charging me nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th october 08. Any suggestions for cheap car insurance companies (in England please) for Honda Accord V Tec (W Reg). Thanks



Why did the emergency room need auto insurance?

We slammed on brakes to avoid car running red light no collision hospital made copies of auto insurance for dh headache and sore neck why and will insurance be notified and will rates go up live in northern Minnesota



I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?

How come i don't see many of these cars around?



Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?

today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.



Car Insurance?

Is it normal for a car insurance company to send a questioner to it's clients who had an accident? They asked the same questions I told them on the phone and I had to get the form notarized to send in with my answers. They we're asking what time, where it happened, who was I with, did I ever file a claim before, and the last two pages had to do with fraud.



When do you qualify for health insurance?

Is it normal for an employee to require a year of service as a fulltime employee to get health insurance?



How much should i pay for insurance of my car as a new driver in toronto?

Do the insurance companies in toronto accept my no claim record of driving from other insurance companies of the other countries or not? I have a 20 years record of driving in asia and a 10years record of no claim in my current insurance co. thanks to everybody who could give me information



Do you get arrested for driving without insurance?

Do you get arrested for driving without insurance?



Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?

Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?



How much is the exact amount of car insurance?

how much car insurance will cost me if i buy a brand new toyota vios or toyota avanza? is it more or less 30,000 pesos? am i right? please answer me. thank you.



How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?

I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.



I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?

I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?



Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?

I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her



I'm moving to Alaska and I need advice about health insurance.?

I'm moving to Alaska in January and will be needing health insurance. Is there any cheap insurance there or something you can get based on your income? I will be getting a job eventually,but I need something before that and if the job is only part-time. My dad had lived there all his life and I will be moving in with him. Does that make a difference with anything?


San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187


Health insurance for a single 23 year old male?

Well I have a couple of questions of how does this health insurance work. Do i automatically qualify right away after i pay all the fees? I want to know an estimate of which insurance best fits me and so on. I'm new to this so any advice will do. I have a link that has 10 best health insurance but don't know which to choose.



What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?

What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?



About how much would a 19 year old new driver with a decent 2001 car, expect to pay monthly in car insurance?

About how much would a 19 year old new driver with a decent 2001 car, expect to pay monthly in car insurance?



Where can i get car insurance for 20.00?

i'm going to ask this question until i get the correct answer ok listen closely i'm not selling my car i'm not catching a cab i paid 10.000.00 for my car it is my car i worked for it i dont joy ride i drive about 1 mile a month i'm disabled i go to the grocery store credit union auto zone my car is parked about about 99 % of the time i dont need that much car insurance. liability is all i need i keep hearing about this car insurance program 15 dollars a month. if you qualify is it the government that has this program has anyone heard of this?



21st Century Insurance ?????????????

Is 21st Century good auto insurance. I am on my dads auto insurance. I pay 250 a month for a 03 dodge durango. So I am going to be shopping around in 6 months. I have progressive auto insurance.



How much will i pay per year in motorcycle insurance?

20 years old. No car drivers license, first time rider. planning to take the motorcycle safety foundation 3 day basic rider course. Live in new york city. Looking at a pre 2007 used honda rebel. not looking for an exact quote, just ballpark what i should be expecting.



Question about Car insurance?

Ok, My husband has a 2000 Ford Ranger and the back drivers side rear window got busted out by a baseball(it was an accident) and he has insurance through Geico, well it says on his comprehension coverage that he has a $500 deductable, so what does that mean? Will we have to pay $500 to get it fixed?



Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?

ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.



How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?

How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?



Insurance estimate for 16 yr. old driving BMW?

About how much will full coverage insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2007 BMW 530i mostly to school & work? Just an estimate. Thanks



What is a good site for getting a quote for insurance on a moped, 50cc?

I need to insure a 50cc moped, does anyone no anywhere I can get some good quotes



Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?

got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?



Could affordable government health insurance help stimulate the economy?

Services like water treatment, police, fire departments, and schools are supported by taxpayers dollars because it saves money in the private sector in the long run. Affordable government health insurance may also saves families thousands in expenses each year, giving them more money to spend in the general economy. Would this not be a way to help stimulate the economy?



What is the difference between insurance and coinsurance?

I'm on a website looking up health insurance quotes and it also has a column listed for something called coinsurance. What is coinsurance? Here's the site I'm looking at:



Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?

And from where can I get such insurance?



I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4?

I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS



CLASSIC MINI!!! How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old female?

About to buy a classic mini as my first car and wanted to know how much other peoples insurance has cost. Im female thanks



Does my degree affect my car insurance?

I'm looking at buying a Nissan Micra, and I've noticed whenever I enter my information and the websites ask my occupation I enter student and each website asks whether I study Medicine, Nursing or Teaching, and whether I study from home or live away. I am in fact a nursing student (mental health), living away, and I just wondered whether this makes my insurance more expensive or cheaper than someone doing a different degree such as History, Physics etc.



Life insurance question?

Y do insurance companies call it life insurance? aint like we can insure our life and decide when we wanna die. it should be called death insurance since we cant use it until after we die. even then we dont get to enjoy the money that we paid into it.



Insurance for a 2nd hand two wheeler.?

Recently purchased a second hand 2wheeler. Changed RC to my name already. Regarding insurance, which one is good?? 1) renewing existing with my name or 2) purchase a new insurance. which one is best?? do we have any difference for the above options?? Approximately how much it costs for both options??? Please guide me.



How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?

How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?



Insurance cost?

I have 2 cars, a 2002 honda civic & a 2007 camry. How much should i be paying as insurance cost for both cars every 6 months ? I'm 30 yrs & have been a responsible driver so far.



Insurance for 16 year old boy?

My son is look at an 2002 honda civic. what is the average insurance cost for his age and this car? please help.



How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost?

I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me>



How much money do you need to maintain a car say four to six cylinder in a month time?

Insurance, gas, the norm for a regular commute.


San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187


How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?

I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..



What's the cheapest car insurance?

& are add-on cars cheaper than the main car?



How much would my car insurance be?

i plan to by a 95 toyota , i have been driving since i was 17 and now 21 and have had no accidents. how much would my insurance be on average.



Could you tell me everything i need to know about insurance in a simplified version?

About bills and insurance and all that?



What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri?

What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri? Is there a service/website to where i can find this info and info like that? What kind of insurance is mostly used in certain areas?



Who knows the best Health Insurance out there for individuals. Plan and pricing must be affordable. Thanks.?

It must come with an appropriate and flexible plan, with affordable pricing for a college student.



LA area car insurance?

My friend is letting me use her car for about a year and she wants to make sure I'm under her car insurance, too. (and I pay for my portion of car insurance for borrowing her car) She took my driver's license to have her car insurance company list me under her name. AND IT'S TAKING MORE THAN TWO WEEKS she told me that the insurance company have to contact her and let her know what's up.. but in my common sense, it only takes like ten minutes to list a person under someone's policy. Is this true because I'm not a related family member of hers or is she up to something suspicious?



Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?

i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer



Cheap Family Insurance?

I am looking for an affordable insurance for my whole family. We dont qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. In our family its my husband and I and 2 young children. If you have any suggestions, thanks!



Problem with my car insurance company?

Just before new year, sitting stationary at a roundabout, old guy bashed into back of me. Exchanged details and went through the insurance. Nearly 4 months on...and my insurance company is still chasing liability. Meanwhile, my premium was due for renewal at end of Jan and that has gone up and my insurance company tell me they have problems with the other insurers as they don't answer their phones. They tell me they're sending out letters every 2 weeks and are trying to phone them. I don't think this is enough, especially after all this time. Basically, I'm being held over a barrel. I'll bet the old guy has got his car fixed now, but meanwhile even though I've done nothing wrong, I'm paying out more money and still have rear damage to my car!! I'm getting really sick of it, especially as I need to sell the car soon. It's completely ridiculous. Please wait for rest....



Do i have to make a down payment on my car insurance?

i am buying my first car at the age of 18. i want to go on my moms insurance policy with the car in her name. i will pay for it myself though. from what i know, this should be cheaper if the car is known to be hers with me as a driver. when i add this car to her policy, will i have to make a down payment?



Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!?

The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn't have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?



How much do you pay for your motorcycle insurance?

I just check for a quote for a cbr 600 f4 I wanted to buy and it quoted me $2,200 a year! Does that sound right? I'm 19, live in New york city, male. Whats your state, age, bike model, gender, and insurance rate?



Best Type Policy Life Insurance Quotes for Elderly?

Any suggestions on finding a reasonable life insurance policy for a man 54 about to turn 55 in a month with a spouse would be appreciated. He has a soon to expire term life insurance policy at the present. He wants the best for his money. Is a term insurance policy still the best type of policy or would another policy be better?



Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?

i need an affordable family health insurance



What Costs more, Provisional Insurance or Fully UK licence Insurance?

Every one i talk to Says provisional is more money. But i did some quotes Provisional came to 800 Full Licence came to 2000 This makes no sense as everyone I have spoken to is obviously wrong then. or am i doing something wrong



UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?

I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!



I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?

I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?



I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?

so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model



In BC should the owner pay the insurance for the renter?

i rent a appartment and then the owner said i should pay the insurance i thought it is owner's responsibility to pay all these



What do you think is the best, most reliable, and inexpensive AUTO INSURANCE company?

In the state of FL.



Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving?

Does anyone know an auto insurance agency that offers affordable insurance to drivers with a bad driving?



Insurance change after marriage?

i am american and i got married in canada. my husband does not have insurance and i am covered under my mothers insurance. since i got married in canada will they see here in the us that i am married or will they know and i wont be covered anymore? i have not changed my last name to my husbands. if i still keep using my mothers insurance could i get into trouble if they found out i was married?



Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?

preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.



Car insurance, advice and help!?

Im 16. Ive done a bit of research and it looks expensive, so im going to try to be put on my parents plan. I know it depends on their plan and everything, but im just looking for an approximation per month or per 6 months or per year. They have pretty good coverage if that helps, and my dads on geico and my moms on progressive i beleive. i live in miami if thats useful, and i will only use one car if that would make the insurance cheaper (its in their name). Any bit of advice to make it cheaper or any tips would be extremely appreciated. If i could get somewhere around 500 per 6 months that would be ideal. Thanks u guys


San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187


How do I get the best deal on a rental car, and what about insurance?

I am going to Orlando for 4 days/3nights, and want to rent a car while I am there, but I want to get the best price I can. What is the best way to do I'm also a bit confused about the whole insurance issue, since this is my first time renting a car. I really don't want to have to pay double just to get insurance if I don't actually need it. Please explain. Thanks!



How much worse is your insurance if your vehichle is red?

How much worse is your insurance if your vehichle is red?



Which icar insurance is cheap and best?

where can i find find cheap and good car insurance



What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?

Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?



2003 Hummer H2 insurance cost? For 16 year old? 10 points!?

How much will the insurance cost for this car? This car is FREE for me because it's my dad's and he wants me to have it as my first car. It only has 60,000 miles on it for a almost 10 year old car. It is practically new with a tv inside and nice rims. How much will insurance be?



If a car audio system is stolen will regular car insurance cover it?

I live in the suburbs of Missouri where i am not very worried about my car audio system being stolen but i was wondering if something was to happen to it would my regular monthly car insurance cover it? Or is there a additional fee? Should i waste 300$ on a alarm? Or do i already have insurance for my system because im paying car insurance? Because my subs box and amp only are 1000$ plus all the other stuff i have. If im not covered is it even worth paying it? How can i prevent it from being stolen like screw it to the floor board? Basically im paranoided about it being stolen! Give me tips! Thanks!



Possible to have such cheap car insurance at 20 years old?

Hello all, i'm looking for car insurance on site and if i'm taking the insurance on my own name, the price comes up at 1,200 for a 1995 Ford Fiesta LX 1.2. I am 20 years old, male and held the licence for 1 year (1 year and 6 months to be exact) and have 0 NCB. Now, here is where the 'cheap' part comes in. The 1,200 was ON me as a prosper and owner of the car. If i put my step dad as first driver (main) and me as an additional driver (second) it comes up as 1,500 for insurance. How is that possible? He has 6 years no claims and held the licence for over 20 years. Never made a claim or had accident. Now if i put my self as FIRST driver and him as SECOND driver, meaning that everything goes on me and i would be getting no claims bonus every year, i get the price at :- 750! Now basically my question is - Is that possible? The companies that are at 750 are Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. Then the prices goes up to 1,500+



Can you NOT have car insurance ? ? and if you buy a car in cash , what is the tax on that ?

okay i'm new to America and i'm planing to buy a car for about 14000 in cash , do you need to get insurance ? and is the tax on cars the same as sales tax ? , and any info about buying my first car ! would help !



Can you receive medicaid if your employer offers insurance at an unaffordable rate for a low income family?

My employer offers health insurance but it is not affordable compared to my income. Can I receive Medicaid and opt out of their insurance until my wages increase? It is a financial hardship to pay $115 every 2 weeks when I make less than $12/hr and a single parent of 2 children. I cannot find information on this anywhere.....



Insurance if your already pregnant?

I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. The trouble is I don't have any insurance. I want to make sure I am in good care and don't really want to go some place that will treat me wrong. Anyone know of any insurance companies willing to pick up a already pregnant person? Please help! any answers would do me good! Elaine



How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?

How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?



Looking for add on health insurance my company maxes out at $25000.00?

do insurance companies sell that type of insurance



What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?

1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.



Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?

Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?



Car insurance for teens?

Can a teenager have thier own car insurance and if so what companies let them im in delaware. And which is the best all answers welcome



Car Insurance: Driving Parents Car?

I have Insurance With State Farm on my vehicle. Currently it is being repaired and I have no car. I need to drive a car to get to work and school. They have State Farm also, but on a different policy. Both Insurance policies say Uninsured motorist on the card. I live in North Carolina (insurance is required) Could I drive my parents car? If I get pulled over what will happen?



How do I get car insurance?

I am 18. I am not in college nor do I have a diploma. I don't start college till Fall 2011. Is it possible that I can still get car insurance? If so, how?



Is my car insurance expensive?

I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!



I hit a dog last night with my car what should i tell my insurance company now that its the next day?

I don't care about paying a deductible just need it fixed asap so I can get back on the road damages will cost to much to pay on my on



How much would a 1986 mustang convertible insurance be?

I'm seventeen and I'm looking into getting a this mustang and I wanted to know how much it would be with a the classic car plates on? My friend has a 1979 camaro and his is only $88, but this mustang has a 5.0 so it is bigger than his.



Student health insurance in California...?

I am a full-time student who desperately needs health insurance. I posted a similar question but haven't received any answers. My job won't offer any health benefits for a whole year (Wal-Mart). I buy Concerta from the pharmacy. My college offers no health insurance and nobody I talked to knew what to tell me. Can anyone recommend a plan? My job is only part-time so I need something cheap or affordable that will help cover my medication. Please help. I have no idea how to do this. D:



Car insurance in the USA, for foreigners / tourists?

im 18years old, and hopefully after my exams in may, i hope to go to america to visit a couple of friends. My mates have put forward the idea of a possible roadtrip in his car. Its his car, and im assuming its insured. However since its a roadtrip, i will also probably need to drive, in which case how do i sort this out?? can i drive on his insurance, as long as i tell his insurance company or is it more complicated than that. I've been told than unlike car insurance in the UK, Americans insure the DRIVER, rather than the car. i have a full UK license, and dont mind if i have to get a international driving permit, but how do i figure out this insurance problem.



Avoid ticket in California for no proof of insurance?

I had just bought the car and was coming home and I got pulled over and I didn't have proof of insurance but I did have it. My mom got insurance whilst I was driving so when I got pulled over my car had been registered with Allstate but I couldn't have the paper because I didn't have a printer on the spot. I had insurance but no proof of it.



What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance?

I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks



How did they steal my car? It a 2001 Lexus is200 . Stock immobiliZer fitted! Will insurance cover this?

Whill the insurance cover this? What todo? :(


San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187

San Diego California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92187