Looking to buy term life insurance?

Looking to buy term life insurance?

I have some medical issues and not sure if I can even get insurance, can they deny me if i have medical issues? I'm in the early 30s and looking for maybe 20 or 30 yr. Aslo, should I shop around for quotes? What should I look out for?


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:freecarinsurance.xyz





I got a speeding ticket and no insurance?

well my insurance was expired when i got the ticket. so when i renew it will it still go up?



What is the best age to buy life insurance?

What is the best age to buy life insurance?



I need Health and Dental Insurance in NJ?

I'm self Employee, 30 year old male I need a Really good Health and Dental Insurance in NJ what are the best companies that provide my needs Under $700 a month, I dont need vision insurance



Why is van insurance so much more than car insurance?

i have a VW POLO mk2, 1.3. im trying to by a vauxhall rascal 970cc and the insurance is more than double. why? the van insurance is quoted at 1400 pounds best. its for social use only, minimum mileage with no tools. its crazy. the polo was only 480 pounds.



Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?

Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!



My car insurance is ridiculous!?

I am entering my 4th year of driving (22 yr old) with absolutely no claims and even with comparing market my car insurance goes up every year. New comparison has come out at over 2500 quid! I drive a 2.2 diesel but even on a little 1.0 aygo or similar car it is over a grand. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to quit driving. I have paid out over 8000 in insurance premiums with no claims and it is getting increasingly difficult to save for a house as you need around 30000 for a deposit.



Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?

From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you



Where can I get cheap insurance from ??

Just passed my test I'm 17 I have bought a 1985 old Nissan micra. I have 3000 where can I get cheap insurance:)



How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?

How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?



Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?

Our 17-soon to be 18-year old daughter has a part time job. She's going to be a senior this year in high school. We gave her a car when she turned 17 and put her on our insurance policy. Her insurance runs us $80/month. We have been paying this for almost a year now. I feel that since she has a job, and has no other financial responsibilities (besides her cell phone), she should be paying this insurance. She is very irresponsible with money, and spends money on a lot of frivolous things. I think having her pay her own insurance each month would help teach her fiscal responsibility. My husband, however, feels that it's the parent's responsibility to pay for their kid's car insurance. What do you think?



Teen car insurance price?

I want an idea of my monthly insurance cost now that I have my license and a car. Here are the details I'm male and 16 years old I live in the North Hills outside of Pittsburgh (pretty basic suburbs) The car is a '93 Pontiac grand am. 90k miles on the engine I'm the third owner Good condition with some rust just starting to form on the wheel wells I am the primary driver It is usually kept outside



Minnesota health insurance?

Can a single person with no children, and who has lost there job, get this insurance?



What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?

Smart Car?



Car insurance for one day - for driver's license test. possible?

So I'm hoping to use my mom's car to take the driver's license test in a few days. I live in the United States. The problem is I'm not insured for her car, but to do so for the full term costs a LOT (I'm 21). And, I'm moving back to school and probably won't drive her car again for a long time. Insurance is necessary to take the test, right? If so, is there any alternative to getting 6-month or whatever coverage?



Does anyone know names /links for affordable dental insurance for someone who's 66 yrs old under medicare...?

my mom is having tooth ache and she's 66, no job, poor. anyone knows of good dental insurance plan i can help her with?



How much would insurance on a Mercedes C230 cost?




No insurance ticket?

I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.



Where can i get glasses with nationwide insurance?

i need to get glasses for my kids and their under nationwide insurance ...where can i go so that i dont have to pay and the insurance covers it?? if you get what i mean haha



Do I need to be insured on my parents insurance to use the car?

I live in Florida, I have a Drivers License Class E. Do I need to be listed on the insurance to drive my moms car occasionally on my own? If so, does Gainsco cover an occasional driver for free? How much would it cost?



What site can i visit that will help me find the right health insurance plan for me and my son?

So im trying to find an insurance plan with affordable monthly rates that will cover vision, doctors visits, dental, and maternity without having separate plans. Is that possible? I have looked into a few plans and i haven't been able to find one that includes all of the above. There was one for doctors visits and maternity and one for vision and one for dental..? Help Please!!! : )



Bike insurance on a r6 in the uk?

ok so at the minute im banned 23years of age my ban is up next year so will be 24 when im looking to get insured im not even going to atemp to drive a car i know it will be to dear but have rode bikes my hole life so a big bike head would love to be leagul on a r6/zx6r 600cc sports bike does anybody know what it would cost me for a year for insurance serious answers please no idiots thanks



How much is the insurance on 50cc scooter for a 16 year old?

Please could you tell me the amount for full comp, cheers



Which car for a 18yrs old driver, for cheap car insurance?

Hi, I'm a 18yrs old french girl, who have my full english driving license since January. I would like to buy a car, but I would like to know which one have cheap car insurance. I already know that the car shouldnt be higher than 1.6L. I have some idea for my car like Fiat 500, Nissan Micra, but the insurance is expensive. Thank You



Car insurance renewal premium amount?

I have a Swift car which is one year old. I have to renew its insurance. What can be the likely estimate of insurance amount



Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?

Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?


Looking to buy term life insurance?

I have some medical issues and not sure if I can even get insurance, can they deny me if i have medical issues? I'm in the early 30s and looking for maybe 20 or 30 yr. Aslo, should I shop around for quotes? What should I look out for?


What happens after you buy car insurance online?

Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!



Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old?

I am looking at buying a 2001 Chrysler neon to build up my insurance and I am wondering would it be a cheap car for me to insure as a primary driver also the car will be a base model.



How do I get rid of my car insurance?

I've got insurance on my car, but I am looking to cancel it. And I would like to cancel it without really having to explain myself to the company, seeing as they will want some sort of proof that I've for instance changed to a different company. I will be moving out the country come autumn, and I can't bring the bills with me for when I move away. It will cost too much, and no one will be driving the car anyway. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can cancel it?



Ninja 250 insurance for a 17 year old?

I have no wrecks tickets or anything on my record for driving a car. I want a motorcycle because they are cool and get like 2-3 times better gas mileage then my car. The problem id my parents complain they are dangerous and thy also say the insurance is like 3 times as much. I live in the U.S will the insurance be a lot, if so can you give me a estimate per month? Also since a 250 is cheap and not very fast will that make a difference in safety and insurance price?



What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?

What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?



Recovery/treatment dates for disability insurance?

If someone was never treated for borderline hypertension, they just controlled it with diet without any input from a doctor, what can be used as recovery and last treatment dates? Could it be when the patient's current physician first had their blood pressure measured and it was normal?



How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?

I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!



How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ?

How much would car insurance be per annum for a 17 year old girl (new driver) with a car worth around 500? ?



How much does insurance cost on super cars??

How much does insurance cost on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc.



Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?

Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.



How much does it cost to insure a child care center?

I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!



Where can I find the absolute cheapest auto insurance in Kennwick, WA?

I need cheap basic liability auto insurance for my car, who can help?



How much would petrol and insurance cost in the UK?

Basically my friend and I are spending about 3 months in the UK and are thinking about buying a car so we can get into the city. We intend to share it and both have licenses but never owned cars before. We could split a car costing about 400 pounds but I was wondering whether it would be worth it? We intend to live just outside of London and work in the city. If we carpool into town eveyrday about how much would petrol and insurance cost us? My friend might keep the car when he goes off to uni.



Can I add my son to my fiances car insurance?

My son just turned 16, and I have been researching insurance cost for him. My fiance drives a company car, and his own personal truck just sits in the driveway. It would be much cheaper adding my son to his truck (84.00) as an occasional driver versus putting him on mine (154.00) as an occasional driver. My car is considered a class C vehicle (Landrover) which is why it would be more expensive. Does anybody know if insurance companies would allow this, being that we are not married yet? Thanks!!



Cheaper car insurance in CA (san diego)???

my husband just bought an 03 toyota tacoma 4 cyl extra cab and is also lifted. he is 20 and due to financing the truck we had to purchase full coverage. we are both covered and currently have geico and pay $535 every 6months. is there anything cheaper???



Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?

I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??



How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?

How high will my Florida Homeowner's insurance go?



Should I be able to get disability?

Here is my story, I was working and slipped and fell on my side (I did file a accident report). At first I felt fine just a numbness in my side and thinking it would go away, but as the months went by the numbness went away to only be replaced by a pain. I took pain medications to ease it and it helped relieve the pain but now it hardly does anything, if anything at all. I am like 6'4 and before the accident I weighed around 230, now I am climbing to 320??? Oh, I am 25. Oh, and I have been fighting my insurance for 5 years. I cannot exercise to lose weight because the pain in my side prevents me to do daily activities for long or if any at all. I have grown severely depressed as in that I have gained all this weight and feel disgusted with the way I look like and try to avoid any human contact or be seen because I feel disgusting with the way I look. I hope I have said all I needed to do. I just feel I cannot function as a normal person in society anymore. And times if there is no hope for me, I feel as if maybe the best solution for me is to commit suicide because I just feel so much like a freak to the world now.



Insurance rate?

Is it more money (insurance wise) for a new driver to drive a new car or a used car. Give an estimate of how much more?



First time getting car insurance I'm 20 years old...help!?

I'm 20 (will be 21 in March '08) and have only been on my dad's insurance. His record isn't that great so to add on a car to his is expensive. My relative is selling a '98 Escort - very basic - to get to work and college. $1500 car. don't understand collison and comprehensive. The one that pays for a replacing the car I don't want. Anyway, I went online for quotes and they ask if I've had insurance before and I haven't (on my own) so I'm not sure if I'm being docked for that. I have a clean driving record and just want some basic coverage mostly for if I hit other people. Could someone guide me so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg? What are the ranges I should look for? I see numbers like 200/300/500 but I don't get it. My mom said she'd insure the car under her insurance but then naming me as a drive might be expensive. How do people get insurance that covers any driver? Like when people use other people's car? So many questions! It's hard to work, be in college and pay for car.



Low premium high return life insurance policies of life insurance corporation of india?

is jeevan saral a good choice?



Do you have to have health insurance to have Rhinoplasty?

Just wondering if you have to have health insurance for a nose job.



Auto Insurance in Illinois?

I have my 18 year old daughter covered under my auto insurance policy. She is covered on her own car and mine as well. My question is, if she happens to get into an accident while driving her car, can the other person try and sue me since the policy is in my name? Also, if she lets someone else drive her car who has no insurance and they get into a wreck, can I be sued? She owns her own car and the title is in her name alone. We live in IL



Will my car insurance be invalidated?

Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?



How much was your insurance co-pay for your hospital stay to deliver a baby?

...assuming you have good health insurance.


Looking to buy term life insurance?

I have some medical issues and not sure if I can even get insurance, can they deny me if i have medical issues? I'm in the early 30s and looking for maybe 20 or 30 yr. Aslo, should I shop around for quotes? What should I look out for?


Which company offer you the cheapest car insurance?

I'm a girl, over 25, no conviction, it's for a mini



Health Insurance for adults!?

My mother is 62 and has no insurance. Im being told she needs tests run and needs to be seen immediately. Is there any type of insurance that can help her?



How does auto insurance work?

If you are in an accident and its not your fault ,who pays for your damages? Also what happens if you parents lend you there car but you werent on there insurance and now after the accident you are on the insurance. Can the insurance cover you now that you have been add to your parents insurance.



Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?

i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.



Have you ever heard of a Car Insurance doing this?

Have you ever heard of this before: I know a person who has car insurance with Allstate and they claim the following reason for jacking up their prices every 6 months when you pay the bill for the next 6 months. The Reasons from them are: 1-Because since you have allstate and when anyone else that has allstate also in your area has an accident where them and someone else is involved this will make your payment go up. 2-All insurance companies do this also where if anyone not involved in an accident say at home and someone else with the same insurance company as you have, if they have an accident even if your at home when this happens your payments will go up. My Father has had direct for i don't know how long but a long time and every time someone has a wreck that has direct and he is not involved in it he still pays the same amount he did last time before the other direct insurance people have a wreck. Please also provide the name of your insurance company as I want to make a chart of how many people answered and what insurance company they currently have or had. Thank you I'd greatly appreciate the insurance info that's all I would like for the chart not your name.



Is it true that esurance car insurance are con artists?

I've had several friends and co-workers thats told me esurance car insurance are con artists...they give u a really low quote and then start charging your credit or debit card several small amounts to increase yuor policy...



How much is car insurance in Vancouver, BC Canada?

Also, the auto plan premium if you are only using the vehicle for school (depending on how far the place is from home), work, shopping, and walking the dog (parks are too far)? I do not live in Vancouver as of yet, but soon will be. I need insurance for my car first.



What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?

I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help



Recommended Auto-insurance break-ups?

I have Mercury Insurance for my Camry (Make-2009). It is due for renewal next month. I was with this company from past one year. I am from different company, so frankly telling, I did not used my mind while buying Insurance and I just followed my friends. Can somebody review it and suggest, if it is recommended or I should change it ? May be I can save more money ? Bodily Injury Liability = 100,000 (Each Person)/300,000 (Each Accident) Property Damage Liability = 50,000 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Liability = 50,000 (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists Property Damage Liability = Maximum Comprehensive = Deductible Car-1 $ 500 Collision = Deductible Car-1 - $ 500 Roadside Assistance Per Occurrence = Car-1 - $75



Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?

Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?



Which car company has the lowest amount of insurance to pay monthly?

im getting a car soon and i have to know which car company has the lowest monthly payment of insurance can anyone help me out??



Mazda miata insurance?

okay so im 16 getting a miata, is the cost of insurance going to be high?



Cheap Car insurance ?

I am 17 and had 2 crashes does anyone know of cheap car insurance cheer



How much is teenage car insurance?

I am 15 years old and going to have my permit. I want use my dad's car who already has insurance. But, based on certain websites they say i need to include licensed drivers on my dad's car insurance. I think we do not have me listed. Is it possible to include me as a licensed driver. I am currently under Nationwide. Will it cost me to be included? If, so how much or what is the average and how do I do it?



What insurance is right for me?

I have an '86 Dodge Ram 100 and I would like to have the cheapest insurance there is. I don't want my truck covered, I would rather just have the other person's vehicle covered. Can someone please tell me what insurance is right for me?



Who needs life insurance?

At what point in life should one stop buying term insurance?



Where can I purchase individual health insurance?

It's actually for my mom who is 63 and needs some type of insurance until she is 65 and eligible for medicare. She just retired. Does anyone know good, reasonably priced plans that she can look into? Thank you!



Insurance pays for Impound fee's help?

Here is my situation. I was driving from school and a crazy driver made me avoid him almost hitting me causing me to crash into a parked car on the curb, the guy recklessly driving left the scene and i got stuck with all the blame. I'm a teenager 17 years old i have no license nor permit but i was responsible enough to get myself insured in the car full coverage i had to find ways to get from school to home and from home to work. Well my car got impounded and now i'm stuck with a hefty ticket for 1) making an unsafe move 2) Driving without a license and my dad got a ticket for letting me drive without a license. The car is totaled from the right side of the front and it's a Toyota Celica GT-S 2004. My questions is this. Will insurance pay for the towing and impound fee's that are about to hit me? I live in California. I have full coverage on insurance and i already called them and I'm expecting a call back. I really can't afford the impound fee's and my dad is in a very heavy financial situation. I pay for the car myself and insurance which is hefty. I'm just wondering if insurance will pay for the Impound fee's and the cars damage. Thanks for your answesr.



On getting a quote for car insurance I am not sure if i qualify for no claims bonus.?

I have been down as my granddads named mobility driver as in hes the main driver and im his named driver, I have been in this situation for 3 years with no crashes bumps speeding tickets, no problems what so ever, Now im finally trying to get car insurance for myself can i claim that I have had 3 years no claims ?



Life insurance at 25 years of age.?

I am twenty five and would like to put my mom in life insurance. Is this possible and what would I have to do to put her in life insurance?



Typical insurance rate of a used Chevy Impala?

I'm purchasing a car soon and I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. I know there is various factors that go into it, but is a 4 door Impala of any kind considered a sports car/have a higher insurance rate because of the car, or would it be the equivelant of a regular family car? Also, would a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan of the same years have a high/similiar insurance rate? I'm 17 years old and I'm getting my license soon. Thank you!



Where's the best and the cheapest insurance for a moped?

Where's the best and the cheapest insurance for a moped?



Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?

I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.



Question for the car dealer...getting used cars for resale rock bottom..Manheim, Insurance Auto or co-part?

ok.. I want to try my hand ( and if it works .. I will apply to be a dealer or some sorts myself ) at getting cars low price and selling them quick of like 10-20% profit. I 'd like to know what's the best place to buy cars CHEAP ( even if they are sightly damaged ) .....and resell them....Manheim ( I know thats a dealer-to-dealer auction . So I'd expect stuff to be very well marked on the price tag)... copart or Insurance Auto ( iaai as its called ) which one sells cars that are otherwise roadworthy , but very well discounted ( though some might need a cosmetic facelift )



Can i change my license address to be covered by car insurance?

background info: -17 yrs old, male, got my license in january so its provisional, live in california. so i contacted my mom's auto insurance (liberty mutual) and they said the only way i would be covered as an occasional driver without being listed is if i didn't live in the same household otherwise i would have to be listed. so would it work if i just changed the address on my license?


Looking to buy term life insurance?

I have some medical issues and not sure if I can even get insurance, can they deny me if i have medical issues? I'm in the early 30s and looking for maybe 20 or 30 yr. Aslo, should I shop around for quotes? What should I look out for?


Insurance- dui-?

if i get convicted of a dui- my insurance will go up correct, the question i have is how long will i be paying the higher premium? 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? and also what is the avergae price it goes up considering i am 23 years old no tickets or accidents till the dui accident(hit a tree) live in southern california and drive a mustang gt i pay 160 with the accident right now(i think i paid 100-125ish before the accident. thanks



Does not paying car insurance affect Credit score?

I haven't paid my car insurance on time. But I haven't gotten mail saying last notice or the company hasn't even bothered me about it. Will this make my credit score horrible? how do i go about fixing it? thanks!



Should I get added to my parent insurance?

I'm 17 years old and want to know if I should buy my own insurance on a new car or get put on my parents insurance? Which would be cheaper. I'm buying the car myself so can I have the car registered in my name, but on my parents insurance? I live in Nevada by the way. Will I run into problems with the law if that happens?



Insurance on a Motorcycle.?

I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.



Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?

i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?



I'm looking for a good, affordable car, can you help me?

I'm 16 years old, soon to be 17 and I'm looking for a car. I don't have a ton of money to spend on a car so I'm also looking for something cheap. I like the 2004 Chevy Malibu a lot however I want something that is automatic. I guess now I'm looking for something similar to the malibu just automatic. I'm planning on making a $2000-2500 down payment on the car so like I said, I need something that's not to expensive. I'd like a car that's the same size as the malibu and possibly a car that somewhat resembles the malibu as well. Anyone with any suggestions, comments, or whatever, I'd greatly appreciate your help here. Thanks in advance.



What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?

What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?



Getting car insurance if your parents do not drive?

I'm 16 and I just received my license. My older brother gave me his car when he moved to L.A (he'll be driving a company car). The only problem is getting insurance. My mother has never been a driver and therefore does not have a policy of her own. Most insurance companies that we've contacted say that unless you're 18, the insurance has to go in your parents name. Does anyone know how a teenager can have a car insurance policy put in their name?



Insurance on mustang?

I am 16 years old- male and i am thinking about purchasing a 2002 black mustang( convertible) and i have already spoke to the man selling and all i have to do is go pick it up so i was wondering what would be the cheapest way to go on car insurance. My parents have state farm, and if have my own insurance i would only be paying for liability. Does anyone know how much that would cost monthly or whats the cheapest way to do this?



Is this car insurance quote cheap?

i am 23 no NCB held full uk licence for 2 year 8 months and i am a hire car driver so have alot of driver experience ie drive average of 10 vehicles a day from small cars to luxury 4x4s and vans got a quote for a v-reg (1999) Peugeot 206 1.9 L Diesel 5 door for 1330.76 third party fire and theft is this a good quote or will i be able to get it down. i really want to buy this car so don't want to hear things like try a smaller engine etc thanks



Life insurance policy on live in boyfriend?

my boyfriend and i have lived together for 7 years and have a daughter together. he is alot older and if something happens i get scared of what would happen to me and the kids. ive already talked to him and he agrees that i should get a life insurance policy on him. just in case. is this possible? and can u reccomend anywhere i could get one? thanx



Car insurance offence codes?

hi, i was trying to get a car insurnace quote online today when i realised that under the conviction section there are no codes that correspond to my licence. i am from Northern Ireland and have points currently on my driving licence, when i tried to enter my conviction codes for my insurance quote they were all different. the codes on the drop down list all started with 2 letters e.g. IN60, SP40 but the offence code printed on my licence all start with 50 e.g. 5010042 is this because they are Northern Ireland codes? how do i get my codes onto insurance quote?



Life Insurance -- Is a 78 year old woman too old to get life insurance? If not, who are the better providers?

I've made preliminary inquiries to get life insurance for a 78 year-old female, however, I get the standard response of no because of her age and the fact that she has been hospitalized in the last year and has pre-existing conditions (COPD, high blood pressure, arhythmia). My sense, however, is that there may be life insurance companies out there with more accomodating terms for senior citizens. If you know of any such companies, or are experienced enough in life insurance to give a definitive no- it's not possible response, please let me know. What are our alternatives, if any?



My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advis?

car: renault megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, black, 5dr, before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....



How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?

My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?



Can't find cheap nissan figaro car insurance. i need help?

i really want to buy a nissan figaro as my first car. however i'm 18 and have only passed my test for 2 months. i can't find insurance for less that 4000. any tips?



Should i go on my mothers car insurance ?

Ok so i have been looking around for car insurance because im about to get a car.... but the lowest rates i found were Progessive which was 7000 for 6 months and State Farm which was nearly 5000 ..... so if i go on my mothers insurance will it be lower ? by how much ? or will it be the same ?



Hi Guys, Need your help. I am a first time driver looking for a cheap car insurance for my car?

which company is best for comprehensive car insurance in UK? thanks very much for your time



Car vs Motorcycle?

I have a Chevy Cobalt that get around 35mpg but I drive over 150 miles a day should I get a motorcycle to save money? if so what kind I was think about a Ninja 250 i weigh 165 pounds and am 5'10



Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost?

I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106



Insurance on 2009 A4 TFSI (I'm 19)?

What would be the insurance rate for a 2009 Audi A4 TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 turbo) for me, I'm 19 years old and I live in Florida. I have a 2008 335i which is V6 twin-turbo and the insurance is high, can't afford US$6000 a semester. thank u



Insurance declared car total loss?

Insurance declared car total loss does that mean i have no more car insurance???



Most affordable insurance company is?

Looking for cheap health insurance, I have never had health insurance before. What is the least amount of money a company will want from me to have full coverage of a surgery or hospital bill?



How much would car insurance cost for me?

i am 17 years old, have a clean record, and am earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone have any price range?



Life insurance question?

Does a person have to pay taxes on the proceeds of a life insurance policy?


Looking to buy term life insurance?

I have some medical issues and not sure if I can even get insurance, can they deny me if i have medical issues? I'm in the early 30s and looking for maybe 20 or 30 yr. Aslo, should I shop around for quotes? What should I look out for?
